February 18, 2020
Dear friends,

I joined the Mayor and my fellow County Executives this week to testify in support of  #Blueprint4MD, HB1300/SB1000.

As a former educator and father of two who attend Howard County Public Schools, I believe that local governments can and must play a role in removing educational barriers while increasing access to supportive services for our vulnerable families so that all our children can succeed.

If passed, this historic legislation would enable all of our counties to further invest in innovative programs while improving student outcomes, educator retention and salaries, and school system accountability. Together, we can ensure our educators and students can thrive in the best learning environment across the state.

Read more about the Blueprint for Maryland's Future here.
This Week in HoCo
Long Reach Garden Expands

Our  Howard County Recreation and Parks, President of the Columbia Gardeners Betty Miller, Long Reach Garden Manager Cleve Chick, the Columbia Gardener community and I recently broke ground on four new garden plots within the Long Reach Garden.

There are more than 600 garden plots across Howard County and this expansion of garden plots provides more space for our residents to grow their own produce while enjoying gardening. This is the first time in 10 years that we’ve been able to open new plots, which will help reduce wait times and provide more space for residents.
Standing Against Proposed Chesapeake Bay Funding Cuts

Howard County stands with  Governor Larry Hogan against President Trump’s proposed funding cuts for the Chesapeake Bay. We thank the Governor for fighting for our state’s most important natural resource – the Chesapeake Bay. Federal funding is critical for the Bay and the health of all Maryland residents.

Thank you to our Congressional Delegation,  Senator Ben Cardin and  Senator Van Hollen along with  Congressman John Sarbanes, Congressman  Dutch Ruppersberger, and the late Congressman Cummings, for their unwavering support, vigilance and advocacy.

In Howard County, we are focused on creating a clean and sustainable environment for all of our residents. In our first year alone, we committed our county to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, being the first county to sign on to the Working Lands Challenge, becoming a “Bee City USA,” and increasing our tree canopy.

As we move forward, I look forward to working with Governor Hogan, our legislators in Annapolis, and our environmental advocates to help address the biggest challenge and existential threat to our families and communities – climate change.
Historic ERA Vote in the U.S. House of Representatives

Please join me in thanking Congressmen Sarbanes, Ruppersberger, Brown, Hoyer, Trone, and Raskin for their historic votes which will lead the way to the, long overdue, ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. The first version of the ERA was introduced in Congress 97 years ago and for far too long women in our nation have endured discrimination, the lack of equal pay for equal work, as well as many other social and legal inequities.

The vote in the House of Representatives is a step in the right direction to allow generations of women to reach their potential while being treated fairly in our society. We are fortunate to be served by a Congressional Delegation who advocate for all of us. Read more about it here.
Welcome Red Alpha

We are proud to welcome  Red Alpha to their new expanded space in the Gateway Innovation District. Red Alpha provides important cyber security, systems engineering and cloud computing solutions to government and commercial sectors. Thank you for choosing Howard County as your home!
Howard County's own Dr. Darryll Pines Becomes UMD President!

Please join me in congratulating Howard County’s very own Dr. Darryll Pines for being named the new  University of Maryland President. With his incredible insight and expertise, I am certain that he is going to excel in this new role. I am excited to see a great public servant and friend at the helm of this world-renowned institution. We wish you the very best in this new endeavor. Read more about him here.
Meet Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary

We are grateful to have amazing leaders in Howard County who can effectively balance many different priorities and serve our State. As my friend, attorney, and Vice Chair of the Judiciary Committee Delegate  Vanessa Atterbeary is a dedicated public servant and we are lucky to have her partnership in Annapolis. Read more about her here.
Women's Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Howard County is home to many phenomenal athletes. I was pleased to join the Women’s Athletic Hall of Fame (WAHOF) to recognize their four new inductees; Greeba Barlow Gamble, Becky Knouse Perillo and Stephanie Knouse, Lee McDuff Elkins, and the 1980  Howard High School volleyball team. Thank you to the WAHOF Commission for your dedication to recognizing these amazing athletes in our community. Congratulations to all!

Read more about the honorees here.
Congratulations Eagle Scout

I was glad to join Boy Scouts Troop 007 to recognize Xavier Cook for achieving Eagle Scout. I am so proud of his hard work and diligence to return the Historic church bell to its home at Mount Gregory United Methodist Church. Congratulations Xavier!
2020 Black History Expo

Thank you to the  NPHC of Howard County for hosting the 2020 Black History Expo in recognition of Black History Month. This event honors the heritage and legacy of those who came before us, recognizes our current leaders, and celebrates our future leaders for their positive contributions to our community.

It has continuously grown throughout the years, showcasing our students' talents from poetry to dance with a special performance by the NPHC Step Team of Howard County. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put on this amazing event.
Supporting HB1 - Built to Learn Act

It is our collective responsibility to create the best teaching and learning environment for our students and educators by investing in them. A couple weeks ago, I joined my fellow regional leaders to testify in support of HB1 - Built to Learn Act and I am proud to see it pass in the House.

Thank you to all our partners who voted and advocated for this bill in the House and I am optimistic that this bill will pass just as smoothly in the Senate. Together, we can ensure our students are ready and successful across the State. Read more about the bill here.
Charter Review Commission

Under the County Charter, the Howard County Council is required to establish a Charter Review Commission every eight years. As its name suggests, the Commission is tasked with reviewing and making recommendations concerning our Howard County Charter. On Tuesday, March 3, the 2019-2020 Charter Review Commission will hold its final Public Hearing to receive any recommendations for changes to the Howard County Charter. The hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the Banneker Room of the County’s George Howard Building in Ellicott City. Those interested in speaking at the hearing, sign-up sheets will be available that afternoon starting at 3:00 p.m. Those testifying are asked to bring 20 copies of their written testimony for distribution at the public hearing.
For those unable to attend the hearing, but who still wish to submit testimony, any testimony submitted to 48 hours prior to the public hearing will be forwarded to the Commission members.
Departmental News
Department of Community Resources and Services

Have you taken our Age-Friendly Community Survey yet? Now available in five languages - English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese and Hindi, this anonymous survey allows you the opportunity to provide feedback on efforts you believe will make Howard County a more livable community for all.

To take the survey and to learn more about Age-Friendly Howard County, visit . Paper copies are also available at our 50+ Centers and can be requested by calling our Office on Aging and Independence at 410-313-6410 or by emailing .
The upcoming 2020 Census, what’s the big deal and how does it benefit me you ask? States, counties, and communities in the U.S. receive federal funds and grants based on population totals and breakdowns by sex, age and race, as well as other factors. We BENEFIT THE MOST from the Census when EVERYONE is counted. By doing your part and responding to the 2020, you help your community gets its fair share of the more than $675 billion per year in federal funds spent on schools, hospitals, roads, public works and other vital programs.
So this March 12 th (or shortly after), when your household receives its invitation to participate in the 2020 Census, either online, by phone or by mail, please complete the survey and do your part to help ensure ALL #HoCoCounts this 2020. 
To learn more about the 2020 Census, visit or contact our local Complete Count Committee at 410-313-6325 or email .
Tax time is here. AARP and the IRS are once again offering personal income tax preparation for Howard County residents from February 3 through April 15, available to all middle- and low-income taxpayers, with emphasis on those age 60 and older. Bring your photo ID, Social Security card, 2018 Federal and Maryland tax returns, and all 2019 tax documents. Self-employment returns with more than $10,000 in expenses and complex returns are not eligible. Appointments are necessary for all locations. To schedule your appointment today, call your desired location listed below.
Office of Emergency Management
With flu season in full swing and the spread of the coronavirus worldwide, this quarter’s Office of Emergency Management’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meeting, “Get Ready Maryland: Viruses, Virulence and Vaccines,” will focus on public health and recent global epidemic. Set to take place Thursday, February 27 th from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Roger Carter Community Center , the meeting will feature special guest, Dr. Raimee Eck with the Maryland Public Health Association. Dr. Eck will discuss several common (and a few uncommon) public health hazards. His presentation will focus on identifying the most common community illnesses, how they spread and ways to protect yourself and your family. It will also review current global epidemics and the possible impact to us locally.
Department of Finance
County residents age 65 and older, applications are now being accepted for our Aging-In-Place Tax Credit. Designed to assist older adults “age in place” by providing a 20 percent credit on up to $500,000 of assessed property value, we hope this tax credit will allow residents the ability to financially, stay in their homes and a more affordable living. For eligibility requirements and/or for an application, visit our “Other Residential Credits” website today. While applications are being accepted through May 1st, I encourage you to apply as early as possible as applications are being accepted on a rolling basis. If you have questions and/or need assistance, please feel free to contact our Department of Finance's Tax Credit Office at 410-313-4076 or email .
Department of Planning and Zoning

This Thursday, February 20 th , our Department of Planning and Zoning’s (DPZ) Planning Board will be holding a public hearing in the George Howard Building’s Banneker Room starting at 7:00 p.m. to discuss new and substantially modified capital projects that have been requested by County agencies to be included in my proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Master Plan. Items on the agenda include:
A sign language interpreter may be requested at least seven days in advance of the above meeting by calling the Department of Planning and Zoning at 410-313-2350 (voice) or use Relay at 7-1-1, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A five-member board, the Planning Board makes recommendations to the Zoning Board or County Council on matters related to planning and zoning, and renders a final decision on selected development proposals. Before recommendations or decisions are made, the Board holds a public meeting or hearing to provide interested persons the opportunity to provide comment. For details about procedures for testifying at a Planning Board meeting, click HERE . To learn more about Howard County’s Planning Board and upcoming meeting dates, click HERE .
Police Department

Join HCPD’s Community Outreach Division next Tuesday, February 25 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Wegmans in Columbia for its monthly “ Coffee with a Cop .” This community outreach program offers county residents an opportunity to meet face-to-face with our police personnel in a neutral environment to ask questions, voice concerns and get to know our officers one cup of coffee at a time. As always, coffee and conversation are on the house!
Department of Public Works

SAVE THE DATE: On Thursday, March 12, DPW will hold a public meeting from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the media center at Centennial Lane Elementary School , to discuss plans for a sidewalk connection project that will involve the installation of sidewalk along the eastbound lane of Frederick Road between Centennial Lane and Gray Rock Drive. While there will be no formal presentation, the concept design will be available for public view and DPW staff members will be on hand to explain the proposed work, answer any questions and gather public comments. The project is expected to begin fall 2020. To learn more, click HERE .
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects have been announced. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the  February 10, 2020   newsletter.
Past Project Updates – Completion Date Change
Ellicott City

  • Ellicott City North Tunnel Investigation (Capital Project C-0337) – Project to conduct soil borings in Ellicott City’s Historic District. The findings from these soil boring will aid in developing the final design of North Tunnel, part of my “EC Safe and Sound” plan. Originally expected to be completed by early February, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by mid-March.
Past Project Updates – Projects Completed

To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email  for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s  website  and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Also, be sure to follow the County’s  Facebook  and  Twitter  pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s  street sweeping  schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Public Works' Bureau of Environmental Services

REMINDER: Despite County Government offices being CLOSED yesterday, February 17 in observance of the Presidents’ Day holiday, the County's holiday slide schedule is NOT in effect this week as Presidents’ Day is NOT one of the six holidays that affects curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection. To learn about the six holidays that do affect curbside collection and how, check out .
Come get it before its gone. For the FIRST TIME EVER, our Bureau of Environmental Services is GIVING AWAY shredded wood at the Alpha Ridge Landfill to County residents and contractors. Available on a first come, first served basis, this product can be used for garden paths, weed prevention, base wood for dyed mulch, erosion control, temporary access roads and soil amendment. To find out more, click HERE or call 410-313-6444.
This giveaway is just another example of the many organic products our Bureau of Environmental Services’ offers to help ensure a clean and sustainable environment and I hope you will take advantage of it, while helping us reduce our shredded wood stockpile at the Landfill.
Office of Purchasing
Are you a local construction or technology company interested in doing business with County Government , the Howard County Public School System , Howard Community College , Howard County Library System and/or the Columbia Association ? If yes, I encourage you to check out our upcoming business outreach events, held in part to promote the growth and success of local businesses like you and to increase the percentage of County procurement dollars flowing to local businesses. 
Our first outreach event, "Information Technology Local Business Event," will take place on Thursday, March 5. At this event, attendees where learn about the different types of hardware, software and technology services utilized by each of the above-listed entities and about projects each has on the horizon. Two weeks later, on Thursday, March 19, is our second outreach event, "Construction & Paving Local Business Outreach Event." At this event, attendees will learn about the various construction and paving projects happening at each entity and what lies ahead in their capital project forecasts.
Both events are scheduled to take place from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Gateway Innovation Building, located at 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive in Columbia. To learn more about either and/or to register for an event, I encourage you to contact our Office of Purchasing at 410-313-6370 or email today!
Department of Recreation & Parks
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: This Thursday, February 19 th , Recreation & Parks Advisory Board will be holding a public hearing starting at 7:00 p.m. at Recreation & Parks Headquarters, 7120 Oakland Mills Road in Columbia, to consider the installation of an outdoor lightning alert system in the County’s eight regional parks. Residents interested in speaking at the hearing, may sign-up online by visiting and clicking on “Public Comment.” From the same link, residents may also provide online testimony. Residents are reminded that internet testimony is considered public information and, as such, is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act .
Shout out to Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, who joined students from our Department of Recreation & Parks’ Homework Club last week for a very special Roger Carter Reads program. The Lt. Governor read Sneezy the Snowman to our young readers, who then participated in a fun snowman craft afterward. Thank you sir for spending time with our youth and teaching the importance of reading.
Speaking of the importance of reading, preschool parents, check out Recreation & Parks’ Rails & Tales: Preschool Storytime at the Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum this coming Saturday, February 22 at 10:30 a.m. Come step aboard the story train with your child as they learn about local history, partake in some old fashioned games and make a story-related take home crafts. To purchase your $3.00 ticket for this traintasitc event, click HERE .
This Sunday, hop on over to the Robinson Nature Center with your little one for A Home for Warm, Fuzzy and Prickly event, featuring an engaging puppet show take on the classic children’s story “The Mitten” and hike along Robinson’s wooded trails in the search for wildlife. Best of all, participants will also have a chance to get up close and personal with rabbits and hedgehogs adoptable through Friends of Rabbits and Other World Exotics! To learn more, click HERE .
In case you missed it, Recreation and Parks' 2020 Spring/Summer Activity Guide is now available online . With two seasons worth of fantastic programs, classes, special events and sports leagues to choose from, there's something for everyone. Online registration for Howard County residents for this guide begins Wednesday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Office of Transportation
Every year, the County submits its annual Priority Letter to the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), outlining the County's prioritized state-funded and state-led transportation projects and operations for MDOT’s six-year (FY 2021-2026) Consolidated Transportation Program.

As part of the Priority Letter process, our Office of Transportation will host a public meeting this Thursday, February 20 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in George Howard Building, to present information on priority letter projects and gather public feedback. The presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m. and be repeated at 7:00 p.m.

To learn more about the FY 2021 Priority Letter, for copies of previous priority letters and/or for more information, click HERE . If you are unable to join us on the 20 th and have questions or feedback you want to share, contact our Office of Transportation at 410-313-4312 or email .
Our Office of Transportation WANTS TO HEAR from you Howard County! As Downtown Columbia grows, we want to know what strategies you think will help reduce the number of trips made, move more people in same amount of roadway space and spread travel demands across more hours of the day to take advantage of space and capacity to help us as we develop our Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia. Share your thoughts with us with this quick survey: .
Upcoming Events and Meetings
January 10 to February 21 | HoCo Open Art Exhibit HoCo Open ,

Howard County Arts Council annual non-juried exhibit celebrating artists who live, work or study in Howard County. HoCo Open will run from January 10 th through February 21 st , 2020.
February 18 | Long Reach Rising Work Session

TONIGHT please join our Department of Planning and Zoning, the Long Reach Community Association and myself on Tuesday, February 18 th at 7:00 p.m. at the Stonehouse Community Center, located at 8775 Cloudleap Court in Columbia, for a work session to discuss the Long Reach Village Center, specifically background and recent events, revitalization and activation and timeline. For more information, visit .
February 20 | Health Department Rabies Vaccine Clinic

Howard County Health Department, in cooperation with the Animal Control and Adoption Center, to host its monthly local vaccination clinic to protect your pet from the rabies virus. County residents are invited to bring their dog, cat or ferret for a discounted vaccination the 3 rd Thursday of each month. Click HERE to learn more.
February 20 | Priority Letter Meeting

Our Office of Transportation will host a public information and input meeting on Thursday, February 20 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the George Howard Building, to discuss the County’s priority letter Maryland Department of Transportation projects and solicit feedback and comments on both general State transportation priorities and specific projects. 
February 20 | New Cut Road Emergency Recovery Projects Update Public Meeting
At this public meeting , the County’s Department of Public Works will provide an update regarding various County projects in Ellicott City along and near New Cut Road.
February 25 | Coffee with a Cop
Join Howard County Police Department (HCPD) for its monthly Coffee with a Cop at the Wegmans in Columbia. Come meet face-to-face with HCPD's Community Outreach Officers in an informal and neutral space to discuss issues, ask questions and build relationships one cup of coffee at a time. As always, coffee and conversation are on the house. For more information and/or questions, contact HCPD's Community Outreach Division at 410-313-2207.
February 27 | Drop-In Opioid Overdose Response (Narcan) Training
Join in the fight against the opioid epidemic by learning how you can help save someone’s life from an opioid overdose. The first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, the Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., on a drop-in basis, at Health headquarters. Simply show up and Health Department employee will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid reversing medicine. Click  HERE  to learn more.
February 27 | Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting

This quarter’s Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting will focus on public health and recent global epidemic. Feature special guest, Dr. Raimee Eck with the Maryland Public Health Association, will discuss several common (and a few uncommon) public health hazards To register and/ for more information, click HERE .
February 29 | Art and A Prelude to JAZZ

In case you haven't heard, the African Art Museum of MD (AAMM) is moving back to Columbia, MD on February 29th, 2020. We invite you to join AAMM for a preview of "Art and A Prelude to JAZZ" to celebrate the move at their new location in the Long Reach Village Center, 8775 Cloudleap Court - Suite 12 in Columbia. This event will take place from 1:00pm - 3:00pm with special guests - descendants of the first 20 Africans from Angola to reach today's Fort Monroe, Virginia 400 years ago.