On Wednesday, Greater Georgia launched the Red Belt Blitz campaign to register and mobilize voters in North Metro Atlanta. This grassroots campaign is a six-figure outreach and mobilization effort targeting five counties in the North Atlanta "Red Belt": Cherokee, Hall, Forsyth, Bartow, and Floyd. As part of the campaign, Greater Georgia will register new voters and reach disengaged and disenfranchised voters via door-knocking, text and direct mail, volunteer recruitment, digital advertising, and outreach events.
Overall, Greater Georgia will make nearly 100,000 voter contacts in the Red Belt to reach:
80,000 unregistered, conservative-leaning voters
30,000 inactive and disenfranchised right-leaning voters who feel that their votes do not matter – a significant portion of the 339,000 disenfranchised voters statewide who voted in November 2020 but didn’t vote in January 2021.
Click HERE or the image below to view the Cherokee County digital ad (similar versions will run in other counties):
This work is vital to defending conservative values, and it will only be possible through the hard work and support of strong, grassroots volunteers.
We need your help! — Click HERE or the button below to find out how you can join the fight for conservative values.
Greater Georgia held a volunteer training session hosted by the Spalding, Henry, and Butts County Republican Parties.
Aug. 23, 2021
Chairwoman Kelly Loeffler spoke about Greater Georgia's mission to members of the Greene County Republican Party.
Aug. 31, 2021
Greater Georgia has officially launched an internship program! We are recruiting interns to assist with voter registration and engagement. This opportunity will be great to learn the ropes of political organizing, including how to get out the vote, how to engage with voters in a variety of communities, and more. Possible areas of compensation include class credit, milage reimbursement, and cash incentives based on goal-oriented progress.
If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Outreach Coordinator Terry Fye at terry@greatergeorgia.com with questions or to submit a completed application.
The full internship application can be found HERE.
Loeffler's voting group launches 'Red Belt Blitz' in north Georgia
"Former U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler's conservative voter mobilization group aims to capitalize on the surge of growth in Atlanta's northern exurbs and beyond with a new effort to register and energize residents in a five-county stretch.
"The Greater Georgia group kicked off a 'Red Belt Blitz' in Bartow, Cherokee, Floyd, Forsyth and Hall counties, a six-figure initiative that's part of broader goal to motivate 100,000 additional conservative voters ahead of the 2022 election.
"'It's an unprecedented effort we haven’t had on our side,' said Loeffler. 'We've seen the left out-register us in the 2020 cycle. That's why it's important for us to put our resources and efforts toward this new voter registration effort' ..."
Click HERE to read the full article.
Chairwoman Kelly Loeffler Discusses the Red Belt Blitz, Greater Georgia in Three Radio Interviews
Aug. 25-Sept. 2, 2021
The Morning Xtra on 106.3 (Atlanta)
Click HERE or the video to listen.
"What happens typically after an election is we take the tent down and say, 'see you in two years.' We've got to make sure that we not only keep the tent up, but we grow it and invite everyone in — The Red Belt Blitz is a five-county focus ... that comprises about 10% of the conservative vote. We're going to be targeting unregistered voters, disengaged voters, and disenfranchised voters, and that's about 100,000 potential new voters."
Martha Zoller on WDUN (Gainesville)
Click HERE or the video to listen.
"We have to take the country back, and it starts with voting. That's why I have a huge emphasis on voter registration. Greater Georgia's already registered thousands of voters ... There's literally hundreds of thousands of conservatives to be registered, and we're doing that work. That's the first step ... [and] we're fighting for election integrity."
Bill Edwards on WTKS (Savannah)
Click HERE or the video to listen.
"I've been spending the last six months ... making sure that we stay mobilized as conservatives ... I'm focused on making sure that our elections are fair and trusted and that we get our folks back out to vote ... we have to make sure that we're fighting for election integrity every single day – not just in an election year..."
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TheBlaze – California state Senate votes in favor of mailing ballots to registered voters ahead of every election
Daily Wire – Texas Legislature Passes Election Integrity Bill
AJC – Georgia election officials seek court orders for absentee ballot study
Breitbart – California Recall Madness: Police Arrest Man in Car with 300 Unopened Ballots, Gun, and Drugs
Daily Wire – George Soros’ Donations To Fight Newsom Recall Hit $1 Million
Townhall – U.S. Supreme Court in 5-4 Decision Lets 6-Week Abortion Law Stand in Defiance of Roe v. Wade
The Federalist – Transcript: Biden Asked Afghan President To Lie For Him In Return For Support
Fox News – Supreme Court reinstates Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' policy
TheBlaze – Supreme Court blocks eviction moratorium, allowing evictions to resume nationwide
New York Post – Biden admits admin may have given Taliban ‘kill list’ of Afghans who aided US
Breitbart – Antony Blinken Cannot Confirm Number of Americans Left in Afghanistan
Breitbart – Report: Verizon Diversity Training Teaches America, Capitalism Are Racist
Paid for by Greater Georgia Action, Inc.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.