April 29, 2022
Ray-Pec Community,

As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic has presented many challenges. Some of these challenges have created added stressors and barriers in the lives of our students and families. The Ray-Pec School District has acknowledged the need for more support in our district, and I am happy to share that we have some additional avenues to help struggling students and families.

Two of the newest support programs are Care Portal and Adopt-a-School. Care Portal, a program that has received financial support from the Raymore-Peculiar Public Schools Foundation, is an outreach program that strives to connect community churches, organizations, and individuals with information to help people who may have specific needs in the community. Adopt-a-School is a program that allows groups to be directly matched with one of our schools and work with that building to support their unique needs and student programs.

Both programs are under the guidance of our family-school liaison professionals. The family-school liaisons work directly with students, family members, school staff, and community partners to address the non-academic needs of students by eliminating barriers that may prevent students from accessing their education, and help students by providing them with resources and referrals to help address these specific concerns. The family-school liaison positions are new to our student support team, which was largely created using some of our COVID-19 relief funds.

If your student or your family are in need or just have questions, please feel free to submit this online inquiry for assistance. 

If you, your business, or your organization would like to know more information about Care Portal, Adopt-A-School, or any of the other support programs at Ray-Pec, please feel free to contact me, and I will get you in contact with our team.

This is an outstanding community doing great things for all of our students.

Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.
Mike Slagle