Program Spotlight
A Great Give!Guide Ending to 2020! THANK YOU!
News & Announcements
- Welcome to Martin Perales, Napa RCD's new Environmental Scientist
- January Conservation Champion: Julie Lovie
In Case You Missed It
- Stream Watch
- Trash Talkin' with Tim & Kendra
- ReLeaf Fund
- Reminder: Community Oak Planting Days On Hold
Upcoming Programs
A Great Give!Guide Ending to 2020!
2020: what a year it was. Thanks to CanDo's Napa Valley Give!Guide fundraising campaign, we were able to end our year on a series of high notes, punctuated by two successes we hadn't even thought possible.
This year, Napa RCD set our Give!Guide fundraising goal at $6,000. We set an ambitious goal but we believe in the work we're doing and have seen our community's support of conservation programs throughout the entirety of our 75 years working in Napa County.
All of YOU helped us to not only reach our goal, but to surpass it by over $2,000! Our total donations came out to $8,795. This year marked the highest number of individual donors we've ever seen. Last year we had a record 72 donors, and this year we surpassed that record by receiving donations from 101 members of our community!
We can't thank you enough for your support during 2020. We are also grateful to The Monkey Flower Group for providing beautiful, locally grown floral arrangements to everyone who donated to Napa RCD. Lastly, we are indebted to Napa Valley CanDo for spearheading the Napa Valley Give!Guide, which raises hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for organizations that serve the critical needs of our community.
Welcome to Napa RCD, Martin Perales!
Napa RCD is very excited to welcome our new Environmental Scientist, Martin Perales!
Martin has been studying aquatic ecosystems since 2009. He has a B.S. in Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology from UC Davis, and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Previously, Martin worked at UC Davis’ Center for Watershed Sciences and UW-Madison’s Center for Limnology, where he studied everything from environmental drivers of fish communities in the California Delta to drought impacts on habitat and fish communities in northern Wisconsin lakes.
Additionally, Martin has studied freshwater fish in remote rivers in Thailand and Alaska, highly urbanized rivers in Puerto Rico, the Columbia River, and now aquatic ecosystems in the Napa Valley. Martin will oversee Napa RCD’s fish monitoring efforts in the Napa River. In his free time, he enjoys hunting, fishing, birding, kayaking, camping, backpacking, gardening, and whittling!
We're thrilled to have you with us here in Napa, Martin! Welcome to the team!
January Conservation Champion: Julie Lovie
January's Conservation Champion is Napa native and Vintage High School graduate Julie Lovie!
Julie is a science teacher at Valley Oak right here in Napa, and has been for 27 years. She is also the keeper of their school garden. Julie says that her experiences with her students out in nature are the highlights of her career, and she's incredibly proud of the work they have accomplished through the years: planting oak trees, restoring wetlands, and educating their community.
The partnership with Napa RCD first started over 8 years ago when Julie signed up to work with Frances on the Acorns to Oaks program. Students took part in two field trips and a classroom visit - all focused on oak restoration. Over the years, Julie has continued to partner with Napa RCD on watershed education programs for her students.
"Napa RCD has been one of my most valuable partners over the years. First the true care and respect that the staff has had for all my students has been a gift. They are actively engaged in improving our local environment as well as supporting our young people in growing to become stewards of our environment. We have had some many wonderful trips together planting oak trees, restoring habitats, and visiting the fish trap in the Napa River. RCD has also been wonderful grant partners over the years which has been very beneficial." -Julie Lovie
For Julie, environmental education is intrinsically wrapped up in the mission of Valley Oak High School. Their goal is to have students that are eco-literate, and they demonstrate that through their commitment to environmental values. "Everything is Connected" is emblazoned on the front of the school, and students and faculty work hard to connect the curriculum with recycling, composting, the school garden, restoration work, and working with community partners.
Keep doing the good work, Julie! We're thankful to have you on our team, and grateful to your dedication to growing the next generation of stewards!
Stream Watch Continues to
Recruit Volunteers
Napa RCD is looking for volunteers to help keep an eye on local streams!
Our new citizen science program, Stream Watch, was developed in partnership with County of Napa to get a better understanding of when and where our local streams go dry. This has a big impact on fish habitat, but we need your help to collect the data.
Volunteers may do just one observation this winter at one of our 26 sites, or those with more time to give may adopt one or more sites to monitor weekly.
Napa Open Space Launches
ReLeaf Napa Fund
Napa Open Space has launched a new campaign to raise community support for the parks and programs that it stewards. If you found joy by wandering through one of their many parks in 2020, check out the Re Leaf Napa Fund, and consider how you can help.
Trash Talkin' with Tim & Kendra
Have you ever wondered what happens to all that stuff you through out in your brown, blue, and black bins? Are you curious to get to know the people behind the scenes of waste reduction in your community?
Then this fun, frank, and LIVE Facebook series is for you! Join Tim and Kendra for the inside scoop on Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 1pm. You can also view some of the previous topics by scrolling through their Facebook page.
Reminder: Community Oak Planting Days Postponed
In order to ensure the health of our community and volunteers, we have postponed our Community Oak Planting Days until further notice.
Please stay tuned, we will keep everyone updated if we are able to reschedule.
And don't forget! If anyone knows any landowners looking to re-oak their property, send them to us because we've got acorns to give away!
Stay tuned for information on a January/February WILD Napa Program.
Info coming soon!
Did you know that we have a separate email list for volunteers?
Help support Napa RCD - Donate Today!
Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |