May 2020
Know AT with the Help of MoAT (vol.14)
Brenden Demonstrates MoAT's Adaptive Gaming Equipment
Missouri Assistive Technology, through their partnership with Microsoft, has been able to help Brenden to continue gaming after his recent amputation. Branden is thrilled to activate an array of switches mounted on his torso and a gaming joystick with his left hand to play games such as Minecraft. After determining what adaptive equipment works best for Brendan, MoAT was able to help Brenden find funding through a grant through the MO Bettter Foundation. To find out more about how to customize gaming input, schedule a visit to Missouri Assistive Technology's Demo Center in Blue Springs, Missouri and to find out more about available adaptive gaming grants take visit
Youtube Logo
MoAT's Youtube Channel
Learn more about AT by subscribing to MoAT's YouTube Channel. There you will find videos that introduce you to the technology that is available through our lending library. Trainings and webinars from previous newsletters, are available to be viewed and shared. Learn more about devices with which you may already be working or learn about new devices which you may want borrow from ETC all on our YouTube channel.

Did You Know That They Have That at Moat?
OrCam Read is for people with low vision, reading fatigue, reading difficulties including dyslexia, or for anyone who consumes large amounts of text. This lightweight, handheld device uses a smart camera that reads text from any printed surface or digital screen. The OrCam Read is easy to use and is available through the ETC Lending Library.
The 6 Dot Brailler Label Maker is a new product from the folks at Logan Tech and is now in the MoAT Lending Library. The powered embossing makes instant Braille labels that are easy to read. This portable device has a built-in Braille keyboard or you can use the QWERTY keyboard that is included with the borrowed device. This keyboard enables a non-Braillist to generate labels as easily as someone that can type through the Braille input. An automatic cutter provides effortlessly clean label cuts without the need for scissors.
 Assistive Technology Webinars
and Informational Videos 
Watch this video to see how Scout creates a single switch holder from pieces of PVC. This simple and expensive project can help you to find the correct switch position for your user while accessing the iPad or gaming with the Microsoft adaptive controller.
Special Offers in AT  
A Blind Legend is a real action-adventure game, with a solid narrative, that has been designed for blind gamers. This free game has no visuals. Users play using stereo headphones and a smart device.
This game is set in a medieval world with an edge of fantasy that will be familiar to gaming fans. In A Blind Legend players pit their wits as Edward Blake, a blind knight who is guided by the voice of his daughter, Louise and the sounds around him. During a perilous epic journey, he must field fights and encounters, cross villages and forests, and climb mountains and towers, as well as complete other challenges, to find his wife, who has been kidnapped by a mad king and his army.
Check out this and other adaptive gaming options at Missouri Assistive Technology.
What’s “App-ening”at MoAT?  
AT Boot Camp presentation opening slide
Missouri Assistive Technology (MoAT)
will be conducting a remote training, entitled

“Assistive Technology Boot Camp: iPad Applications for Students with Significant Intellectual Disabilities”.

This training has been designed to introduce iOS applications that focus on three major areas of learning for students with significant intellectual disabilities, which include: cause and effect, augmentative and alternative communication, and literacy.  

Participants are encouraged to work at their own pace while drinking sweet tea, poolside. No mask or shoes are required. All participants will receive an iPad on a two-week loan from the ETC Lending Library at MoAT, loaded with the relevant applications for this training.  The lending library will be sending these iPads with the apps, training docs, and activities free of charge to the participants. MoAT will send the devices via UPS with a return shipping label included.

The format of the training will be as follows:  
1. Monday, August 3, 2020 (10:00-11:00am CST): Participants will be asked to join an hour-long introduction/training through Zoom. This session will provide an overview of the Boot Camp introducing the format and the training materials.
2. After the meeting, participants will be given access to training videos through our YouTube Channel for each of the applications discussed.  
3. Participants will be encouraged to work through the videos, apps, and activities during the week of August 3, 2020: 
a. Tuesday, August 4, 2020: The apps for Tuesday will focus on Cause and Effect activities. The apps provided will range from "press and release" cause and effect to sequencing of steps.
b. Wednesday, August 5, 2020: On Wednesday we will explore the use of the iPad for communication. We will look at apps that can grown with your user as their language develops.
c. Thursday, August 6, 2020: It is difficult to find good literacy apps on the iPad that are not busy and overstimulating. We will explore those apps which MoAT has found to be ideal for our students, apps that encourage learning while keeping the students on task.
4. During the week, participants will be encouraged to submit all questions to via email. These questions will be answered individually and compiled for Friday’s session. 
5. Friday, August 7, 2020 (10:00-11:00am CST): During the week, we will collect questions from the participants, that will be answered directly through email. At the end of the week, we will get back together on Zoom for a recap, follow-up, and publicly answer all of the questions asked throughout the week. 
To register, contact Laura Hoffman at Participation is limited by the number of available iPads through ETC. Register today to guarantee your spot.