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Your resource for all things Revolutionary New Jersey!
March 2020

Revolutionary NJ Women Faced War on the Homefront

When revolution came to their communities in the 1770s, the lives of New Jersey women changed forever. Their normally peaceful homesteads were rocked by the impact of war. Many of their brothers, husbands, fathers and sons chose sides and went to war, leaving women to protect family and home. Patriot, British and Hessian troops trod their property, some looting and occupying homesteads and barns. What's more, their own political beliefs meant less under the law than their husbands' did, and they sometimes suffered the consequences.
Patriots like Jane Demarest lost their homes because their husbands fought as Loyalists for the British Crown. On the other hand, Theodosia Prevost, wife of a British officer, held onto her home by entertaining Continental officers and hosting General George Washington during his travels. Teens like Mary Creighton Stratton watched as her family's tavern was plundered by the British and nursed soldiers they'd seen injured right outside their homes. And British soldiers threatened to hang an enraged Sarah Hancock Sinnickson when she confronted them after learning they'd bayonetted her Quaker pacifist father.
Visit our website during Women's History Month to get better acquainted with these and other Revolutionary Neighbors whose stories are lesser-known but important parts of the wartime experience in New Jersey. You might even find one who lived in your community! 
Hancock House monument
Salem County to Mark Hancock's Bridge Massacre Anniversary

A small Salem County community was gripped by battle and tragedy 242 years ago this month following an invasion by British troops foraging for food for their compatriots in Philadelphia. The local militia was able to fend off the invaders at the March 18, 1778 Battle of Quinton's Bridge, but three days later, the British returned to attack Patriot forces at the home of Judge William Hancock in what became known as the Hancock's Bridge Massacre.
Visit sites associated with the British occupation as the Salem County Historical Society and the Friends of the Hancock House offer a guided road tour and open their own doors to visitors on March 21. Visit our website for more information.
Crossroads' March 25 Annual Meeting to Include Site Assessment Findings

Mark your calendars for Crossroads' Annual Meeting, to be held on March 25 at 1:00 p.m. at Thomas Edison State University in Trenton. Highlights will include the major findings from the Site Assessment of 140 New Jersey Revolutionary era heritage sites in preparation for the 250th anniversary of the United States. Representatives of the assessment team will share an overview of the state's readiness and heritage tourism potential.
Due to room capacity limits, in-person attendance is limited to 100. Please reserve your seat by registering via  Eventbrite. Can't make it to Trenton? Visit the Crossroads website for remote listening options. 
Trustee Laura Szwak (second from L) drove Crossroads' work to preserve the Steele Gap Road property.
Middlebrook Encampment Land Preservation Efforts Recognized   

Crossroads was among the organizations recognized by the Bridgewater Township Council on February 27 for contributions and work in the preservation of a 38-acre tract that was part of the Middlebrook Encampment.  Known as the Steele Gap Road tract, the property was the site of the Steele Tavern and also hosted part of the Washington Rochambeau Route. Vice Chair - Governance Laura Szwak represented Crossroads in the transaction.

The D&R Greenway Trust led the multi-partner deal that included Crossroads' contribution of New Jersey Green Acres acquisition funding. It was the third such transaction for Crossroads and highlights our work to preserve historic landscapes in accord with our Management Plan approved by the National Park Service. We invite the public to suggest future acquisitions of imperiled Revolutionary War landscapes in New Jersey to Crossroads via email
Learn more about the site's preservation and future plans for its passive enjoyment. 
Keep up with Crossroads All Month Long

There's lots to discover about Revolutionary New Jersey throughout March! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for interesting facts, events and more throughout the season.   
Board of Trustees
Thomas H. Kean, Honorary Chair ● Ira Jersey, Chair ● Steve Ayscue ● Amy Cradic ● Laura Crowley 
Dale Florio  ●  Seth Hahn  ● John Hardiman ●  Joshua Henne ● Jeff Kaszerman ● Sally Lane 
● Victoria Magliacane ● Rocky Peterson  ● Milly Silva  ● Laura Szwak

Crossroads Staff
Janice Selinger, Executive Director ●  Sue Kaufmann, Communications Director 
Amy Osterhout, Program Manager ● Roseann Butterfield, Office Administrator

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