Dear VBS Community,

We are excited to welcome more of our community back to VBS for our services and programs. We do so with a desire to bring you these moments in the safest way possible.

Our synagogue policies and protocols are carefully and thoughtfully constructed and revised in adherence with requirements and recommendations of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH), guided by the experts and advisors of our VBS Medical Advisory Committee and Pandemic Response Team, rooted in science, and informed by meaningful and current data. 

The VBS Executive Committee has approved two changes to the VBS Synagogue Adult Vaccination Policy - last revised January 15, 2022. 

  1. Effective immediately, masks are recommended but not required
  2. Effective immediately, the vaccine policy will allow for unvaccinated guests to attend VBS programs and services with a negative same-day rapid antigen-test or a negative PCR test within 48 hours. Unvaccinated individuals must take a photo of their same day test with a date and time stamp to show security. 

We will continue to review and revise our temple Covid-19 policies, adhering to our best practices for the safety of our community, as we monitor test positivity rates, LACDPH guidelines and recommendations, and consult with our medical advisory committee. 

We thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. If you have any questions about this amendment, please email Executive Director Mathew Weintraub at