Welcome to Caring Partners International's E-Newsletter
Photos, Clockwise from Top: 1) Our CPI & Thai ministry team at our church partner in Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2) Sharing the Gospel in the Clinic of the Soul, 3) CPI President & Missionary Dr. Adam Reed with the Mayor of Chonburi, Thailand
Sharing the Gospel in Thailand
...Reaching the Unreached via Evangelism Through Medicine
For the first two weeks of November, a Caring Partners' medical ministry team was serving with three of the ministry's church partners in Thailand. At four separate locations throughout central and northern Thailand, hundreds of patients were treated; at churches, schools, and government facilities, all under the direction and authority of local Christian churches. Some of the highlights of the mission journey:
- More than 600 high school students were screened at a large school neighboring our church partner in Pathum Thani, a suburb of Bangkok. The Gospel message was shared with each student and also many teachers and administrators, and the Book of John in Thai was provided as a gift for each patient to take home.
- At the invitation of Pastor Jireh Nano, our team conducted two days of clinics at the Municipal Government Center of Chonburi, Thailand. The Mayor provided his authorization for the clinic, and several local English teachers were permitted to leave their schools to help serve as translators. Hundreds of municipal administrators and workers were reached, as well as members of the local disabled community.
- Clinics were conducted in Chiang Rai, Thailand with CPI's 2018 Banquet Guest, Pastor Jay Orata and family. Hundreds of reading glasses and testing charts were left with trained members of Pastor Jay's church as a practical way to minister to the unreached native hill tribes in local villages.
By God's grace, more than 1,000 men, women, and children made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ during Caring Partners' ministry time in Thailand. We praise the Lord for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a nation where only 1% profess to know Jesus as Savior!
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
John 8:32
Photos, Clockwise from Center: 1) Catherine Heffner fitting Eyeglasses, 2) Nurses Abby Libby & Katherine Vogel testing for Eyeglass Prescriptions, 3) Dr. Vicente Quintero treating patients, 4) CPI Missionary Andrew Wienhoff sharing his testimony, 5) Dr. Adam Reed & Dr. Lauryn Brunclik caring for Thai High School Students
Please Remember to Pray for Caring Partners' Healthcare Mission to Guatemala - December 15th - December 20th
Roy W. Cline, Founder & Chairman Emeritus
Dr. Daniel Love, Chairman
Dr. Adam Reed, President & Director of Missions
Rhonda J. Reed, Executive Director
Andrew Wienhoff, Director of Mission Resources
Rick Lalli, Director of Ministry Development
Jon & Karen Lambert, Mission Directors
Helmuth & Olga Marroquin, Directors, Guatemala
Bill Wienhoff, Financial Administrator
Kathy Ridenour, Executive Assistant
The Board Members and Staff of Caring Partners would like to THANK YOU for your PRAYERS and FINANCIAL SUPPORT for this ministry. Our PARTNERSHIP enables the Gospel message to be shared throughout the world!
Caring Partners International, Inc.
937-743-2744 or 800-472-2744
Fax: 937-743-2749