Wednesday December 16, 2020


Dear Monty,
My name is Danielle and I have a serious question for you. I have a 9 year old gelding that I ride. He is normally very agreeable and is well trained in the area of trail riding. It seems that we get along quite well unless something happens that frightens me. Sometimes I pass properties where dogs will come running and barking at us. Twice now my horse has bucked me off when dogs have arrived on the scene. Recently a speeding car came at us and actually appeared to be moving toward the shoulder of the road. The car was scary but without warning my horse bucked me off again. I have engaged a trainer and the trainer finds that even setting up scary situations, my horse doesn’t buck with him at all. Please tell me why my horse might buck only with me.


Dear Danielle,
Your horse is probably not bucking because of a fear of the situation which seemed to have caused the action. It is highly likely that your horse is bucking because of your reaction and not those of the external condition. It seems likely to me that your pulse rate shoots up, your diaphragm is elevated dramatically and the fear that shoots through your body tells your horse that you are not safe on his back. Your horse probably feels you are in an attack mode. His ancestors would buck off a lion or a tiger and he’s probably putting you in the same category. Your trainer has probably learned through trial and error to fight back any fear and is perceived by the horse to be a safe passenger. 

You're still in time to give the gift of learning from Monty this holiday season! Here are two options that require no shipping!

Take advantage of Monty's long distance personal coaching and achieve your goals with horses in 2021. To find out more, go to:
“Thank you for literally changing my life! Just a couple weeks ago, I thought that maybe I was crazy and waaaaaay over my head. Now, the feeling is completely different. I realize that Jack and I can do this with your help. Thank you! Keep up the great work and again, thank you so much for the affordability of your program! My life would be very, very different had I not found you!”

~ Kathy Ward, Retired Elementary School Teacher

You can also give the gift of learning with Monty's Gift Cards:

**Gift cards may be used for Monty Roberts Courses & Personal Coaching!**

Postponed to early 2021: CHA Equine Facility Manager Certification at Flag Is Up Farms
January 25, 2021: Horsemanship 101 at the Monty Roberts Learning Center
February 8 to 12, 2021: Monty's Special Training in English (and Equus!)
February 14 to 16, 2021: Intro Course Module 2 Join:Up
February 17 to 19, 2021: Intro Course Module 1 First Steps to Monty’s Method
February 21 to 23, 2021: Intro Course Module 3 Long Lining
February 24 to 26, 2021: Intro Course Module 4 Prep for Intro Exams
March 5 to 7, 2021: Horse Sense & Healing
March 12 to 14, 2021: Intro Course Module 1 First Steps to Monty’s Method
March 15 to 26, 2021: Introductory Course of Horsemanship
April 1 to 3, 2021: Intro Course Module 2 Join-Up
April 4 to 6, 2021: Intro Course to Module 3 Long Lining
Certified Master Farrier Coco Fernandez uses his deep knowledge of trimming and shoeing in order to help a beautiful Peruvian Paso overcome chronic lameness. And Waldo Junquiras Franco is a businessman who 20 years ago immigrated to the USA from Brazil. Now his success has allowed him the time to get back into horses and return to his family farm in Brazil to start wild horses.


Test yourself each week as I challenge you to answer the question below. I mean this. Sit down and write an answer. Don't wait for my answer next week. If you have been reading my Weekly Questions and Answers for the last six months, you should be in a position to do this. Send your answer to my team at: 
Why should you bother? Because it will help you focus. There is probably a comparable question in your life that needs answering... or will be. If you can gain insight into how to go about answering a practical question that is loosely related to your problem, this exercise will help you answer your nagging question. Then read my answer. I want all of my students to learn to be better trainers than me.That's good for you and good for horses! 
~ Monty 

Dear Monty,

I have three horses. One is a 2 year old, one is a 7 year old and one is 14 years old. I am curious as to why the behavior of these horses tends to change so dramatically when I work with them. Is it simply that we have to work for years to get full acceptance from our horses. My oldest one lets me do almost anything with him. The middle one is fairly spooky when I move in certain ways. The 2 year old is absolutely dangerous for me to work with. Is this just because they haven’t had a human around them and they need years to become gentle? Please help me understand what I should do to facilitate the process of gentling my horses. 
