April 2022
This past year, the theme for Chapel at The Master’s University in California was “Salt and Light”. As I would occasionally follow along with some of their Chapel live-stream, I was reminded of one of the resources offered through S&E called Attitudes for Godly Living. In it, we are reminded, through various scriptures, of the need to apply the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5:1-16. This begins with living in true Biblical humility, as we see in Matthew 5:3, on to the point where we are able to help lead people through true Biblical living in giving glory to our heavenly Father. Recently S&E released a series of short videos on The Beatitudes that can be found on our various social media platforms as well through the link at https://sveq.org/beatitudes . Thank the Lord with us for the opportunities He gives each of us to truly TRUST HIM in faith - and EQUIP us to be HIS faithful servants and live a life that can ultimately bring glory back to HIM.  
S&E Board Notes
Last month, we mentioned that we would be introducing each of the S&E board members in the coming
months - which we still plan on doing. However, this month we wanted to let you know that the Lord has provided
an unexpected opportunity for us to have some full-time help THIS summer. The Serve and Equip board
is stepping out by faith and investing some generous gifts, as well as a portion of their reserves, to kick start a
new Summer Workers Project. Our goal THIS summer (YES - starting in LESS than a MONTH!) is to be able
to hire our three existing volunteers to help full-time over the course of about 10 weeks. Our hope is that this
summer might be the first of many ahead where we can utilize college-age students the Lord brings our way to
help out with specific S&E projects and, at the same time, give them an opportunity to have a part in a growing
outreach by helping with media-based resource development and other opportunities to serve our Lord as part
of the S&E team.
Prayer Requests and Praises

  • Praise the Lord for patience and clarity as we completed and filed the yearly government form with its new requirements
  • Praise the Lord that volunteers Shane, Jeff and Jos will be working full-time this summer as part of the new Summer Workers Project; Pray for the team to be an effective tool for God’s Glory
  • Pray that God would provide the necessary details and monetary needs for this year’s Summer Project
  • Pray for of our sister ministry, AIBI, and its board members as they go through the challenging process of dissolution as an organization; Pray for the Native American churches in the LA area, as well as former students of AIBI, as they continue to share the truth of God’s Word wherever they are.
We appreciate your continued prayer and partnership
as we seek to glorify God as we grow in Christ and serve our Lord together.
Newsletters Available
You can subscribe to various newsletters from Serve and Equip at:
· the S&E Email Prayer Updates
· the “Growing in Christ” weekly devotional series 
Please feel free to sign up for any – or both of these.

S&E Update Archives: https://sveq.org/update

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Serve and Equip provides free Bible training resources online at: https://serveandequip.org. You can also view Bible training videos on our YouTube channel at: https://sveq.org/video.