בקשר  B'kesher
Purim to do list:

  1. Finish creating costume
  2. Attend the Purim Puppet Production (see flyer below)
  3. Bring tzedakah (money)
  4. Bake or buy hamentashen 
  5. Reserve your spot for the ECC and Youth Department Pizza dinner (see flyer below)
  6. Volunteer for the Purim Carnival
  7. Order Mishloach Manot (see flyer below)
  8. Go to Purim services and hear the whole Megilla
  9. Attend the Purim Carnival
  10. Have fun!!
Click the image above to enlarge it.

If you can volunteer for the Purim Carnival contact Elana at elana@tikvatisrael.org
Please click the Mishloach Manot order form below
to open up a downloadable PDF.
Mishloach Manot Form can be emailed to office@tikvatisrael.org or sent to the main office.
Click the flyer above
to register for the Purim Pizza Dinner
Tikvat Israel …
A Friendly, Participatory, and Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue where everyone has something to teach, and everyone has something to learn.