Soarin' Hawk's Newsletter is Sponsored Proudly by Bob Rohrman Subaru of Fort Wayne. For a new or used Subaru, visit Fort Wayne Subaru!

Help us continue to help them!

Tomorrow is "Giving Tuesday," an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the holiday season.
This holiday season is especially happy, because 2019 has been a landmark year for Soarin' Hawk:
  • Your support has allowed us to build our first-ever facility dedicated to giving our education birds and rescued birds the best of care.

  • Thanks to you, Ruby and Houdini got their much-needed cataract surgeries.

  • With your support and caring, we rescued nearly 200 raptors this year. Each of the birds we rescued was evaluated by our veterinarian, then received medications, a clean cage each day, daily bandage changes (when required), food, exercise, physical therapy (when required), and flight training (when appropriate). Almost 100% of this work was done by volunteers who give their time out of love for the birds.
We couldn’t have done any of these things without you, and there are no words for how thankful we are for your generosity.
But “with ownership comes responsibility,” and bills for things like utilities and supplies, and we need your continued financial support to maintain operations. Like most wildlife rehabbers, we receive no federal, state, or local funds. Our ability to rescue and save these beautiful birds depends entirely on your continued support.
In this beautiful season of giving, please help us raise $2500 to offset some of the costs of caring for these amazing birds that are so vital to our world!  Above is one of the many saved by Soarin' Hawk this year, thanks to the generosity of people like you. We hope you will find it in your heart again to donate, so we can continue saving these magnificent birds. There's no need to wait until tomorrow! Click the button below to donate now, so you don't forget!
How you can help:
  • Donate stocks
  • We also are a 'qualified charitable donation' for IRA distributions
  Your donation is tax-deductible.
Houdini and Ruby are home!

Ruby is doing very well, is eating on her own, and is back to being her old self.

Houdini is doing pretty well. His eye looks great so far, but he is not eating really well yet, so he is staying with one of our volunteers, in hopes that a quieter environment will stimulate him to eat better.
Meet Shelbie Phillips-Dell

Ed. Note: Shelbie is the vet student who took good care of Houdini and Ruby after their surgeries.

I am a former rehabilitator from Texas, currently living in Indiana to attend veterinary school at Purdue University. I originally started volunteering for Soarin' Hawk because I dearly missed working with wildlife and wanted to work with an organization that emphasized high-quality care and well-being. After attending a lecture that Pat and Kat gave at the veterinary school, I knew that this was a team I wanted to work with.
During my time with Soarin' Hawk I was able to see so many interesting cases and work with some amazing people. The 2.5 hour drive was more than worth it when I walked into ICU and saw all of the raptors in need of care. I even had the opportunity to stabilize a Sandhill Crane that had been found in critical condition. While the bird unfortunately did not survive, it was a very neat case to work with and it had me reliving my shorebird rescue days. I was very grateful that the organization was willing to help this bird when no other rehabilitator's were available.

My two all-time favorite moments with SH had to be caring for Ruby and Houdini after their cataract surgeries and travelling with Kat to St. Louis to attend the National Wildlife Rehabilitator's Association Symposium. I've really enjoyed having the opportunity to work with the veterinary team and the dedication of the volunteer team is truly inspirational.


The bird habitats are nearly finished. The interior of the main building still has a ways to go, but we can see moving day on the horizon!
"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul
and sings the tune without the words
and never stops - at all . "
- Emily Dickinson

On September 25, 2019, Lisa R. called the Soarin' Hawk rescue line about what appeared to be a peregrine falcon sitting in her back yard in Topeka, Indiana. The bird had been there all day, and Lisa was concerned. We dispatched Bill O. to capture the bird, and when he arrived, the bird was sitting on some wood on the side of their shed. When approached, the falcon began running around their yard. The bird fell into the lake a couple of times, then Bill retrieved a large sheet, utilized the folks present as a wall, then waited until the bird tried to climb back on the logs on the other side of a shed, and finally secured him.

Initial evaluation of this very strong and feisty bird was a broken left radius and ulna. After a complete examination by Dr. Funnell, it was discovered that the falcon had been shot. Because falcons are very high-strung, they don't do well in an environment with other birds, so he was moved to an experienced volunteer's home for one-on-one treatment. After his wing healed, Barb H. exercised his wing daily to work out any stiffness, then he was ready to give the wing some exercise. 

Finally, on November 16, he was ready to return to his home. He was released where he was found, and the whole neighborhood was there to welcome him home and watch him take flight.


Recently, Soarin' Hawk was invited to visit Ms. Holmes' 5th grade class at Irwin Elementary School in Fort Wayne. The kids loved the birds, and enjoyed learning about the birds and the important role raptors play in our world, as well as the positive and negative ways that humans affect the lives of raptors.

A flock of European Starlings with a Peregrine Falcon in hot pursuit. These dances between predator and prey will last for mere seconds and cover a mile or two of ground, making them difficult to document.  Photo: Nick Dunlop


you can check on the status of a rescued bird on our web site? First, y ou need to know the type of bird (e.g., "screech owl") and the date the bird was rescued. Then

Click on "The Raptors" at the top of the page
Click on "Rehab Birds"
Scroll down to find the type of bird and the date it was rescued.

(If you don't see your bird under "Rehab Birds," check under "Released Birds" or "Placed Birds.")
by Susan Hansen & Bill Oberg
After a morning of being in Topeka, IN releasing the Peregrine Falcon successfully, we arrived home to a message about an injured Turkey Vulture in Marion. Since no one had responded, we said sure, lets go.

We arrived at the Marion police station and were told to meet the animal care and control folks across from the station. We met animal care and moved the juvinelle from its cage to our box. It certainly was a feisty one. According to the animal control person, 3 police officers chased down the Turkey Vulture with nets. Would have loved to see that!

We took it to ICU and left it in the capable hands of Cassidy. As always we pray for the birds well being and quick recovery.

Sadly, the great horned owl that was hit by a car in Peru, IN died from his injuries two days after he was admitted to our ICU.
The peregrine falcon was released where he was found in November 16 (see release story above).
The bald eagle has moved to our rehabilitation facility, and is getting lots of practice flying, so he can get his flight strength back. He is one feisty bird!
Thanks to October donors!

Amazon Smile

Thanks also to the donors who give each and every month!
L. Dearing, Fort Wayne Subaru, S. McInnis

Cut Out the Chemicals

Are you still using harsh chemicals to clean your house? There's an alternative that's just as effective and environmentally friendly too!

Do Owls Have Personalities?
You might be surprised at the answer.

We were able to rescue this beautiful peregrine falcon, rehab him, and return him to the wild, thanks to donations from caring folks like you. Won't you make a donation now so we can help others like this this beautiful falcon? No contribution is too small!

Your donation is tax deductible.