Program Spotlight: REACH2Caregivers/CALMA
Watch our REACH Program Video HERE
y en español HERE
Are you, or someone you know, caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease, dementia or memory loss?

REACH2Caregivers/CALMA program is an evidence based educational series for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias.

Online classes are offered in group settings with other caregivers and focus on helping caregivers cope with their caregiving situation, take better care of themselves, learn stress management techniques, and develop effective family communication skills.

Since 2009, over 2,600 family caregivers have received SCRC's REACH2Caregivers (or CALMA) intervention and the program has reached over 750,000 individuals through outreach activities.

Para más información en español visite:

Join this strong group of caregivers and sign up for the program today!
New Caregiver Content & Education
"Let's Talk Caregiving"
Episode 24: Long Distance Caregiving

In this episode, Roberto & Martha are joined by special guest, Jessica Romero, Community Educator II at SCRC to discuss Long Distance Caregiving.

Outside of her role at SCRC, Jessica is also a family caregiver for her grandmother who lives an hour 1/2 away from her. Click on the microphone to listen today!

All episodes of SCRC's "Let's Talk Caregiving" podcast are available on Spotify, Amazon Music and Audible!

Upcoming LIVE Caring for the Caregiver Workshops & Webinars
REACH2Caregivers/CALMA Panel Virtual
¡Clase en español!

When: Wednesday, February 24th, 1:00-2:00PM
Acompáñenos a este panel virtual en español mientras conversamos como apoyar al cuidador familiar de personas con la enfermedad de Alzheimer o demencias relacionadas. Escuche a los panelistas mientras nos cuentan cómo el programa CALMA los ha ayudado a manejar mejor su papel de cuidador mientras se enfocan en el autocuidado.
Navigating Care: Traumatic Brain Injury

When: Wednesday, March 3rd, 11:00AM on SCRC's YouTube and Facebook

Caring for a loved one with Traumatic Brain Injury? Join us in recognizing March as Brain Injury Awareness Month for a FREE virtual webinar that highlights Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) through the caregiver lens. In collaboration with the Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence, we will discuss safety, prevention, and resources to learn ways we can better care for a loved one with TBI.

Not able to watch live? No problem, you can watch this workshop at any time following the broadcast here.
Thank You to Our Community Partners & Supporters!
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Phone: (858) 268-4432 or (800) 827-1008