Thriving Together: Lifelong Learning
Photo by Stacy Wegley Photography
"We must move from an old-fashioned, school-housebound model of child development and education to a system of robust, flexible learning opportunities coupled with basic supports available from birth through adulthood."

Thriving Together: Lifelong Learning
Vital conditions shape the exposures, choices, opportunities, and adversities that we each encounter throughout our lives. This issue of the WIN Digest highlights the next vital condition in our Thriving Together series: Lifelong Learning.

A good education ensures that young people are set up for success and can reach their full potential. Education starts at birth and continues into meaningful careers, with ongoing opportunities to learn and grow.

Supportive learning environments maximize student learning and positively shape social and behavioral development. Education is also an engine of social mobility. Higher levels of education are linked with more income, better health, and increased opportunities.

  • Cradle to Career
  • Higher Education

Connect and share ideas at Thriving.US.
"Education" by Robert Longley
Changing Course summaries are brief chapters with working definitions of the vital conditions, recent facts, key issues, and a short list of pivotal moves that stand out as high priorities for quick action.
Cradle to Career

Cradle to Career: Read more about how we can engage youth and families as critical partners in child development, from cradle to career.
Higher Education

Higher Education: Read more about policies and practices that will reimagine higher education with a commitment to equity and meeting basic needs for all students.
Explore the vital condition of lifelong learning with curated resources from Thriving Together contributors and the Community Commons team.
How Districts Are Trading Traditional Test Scores for Real-Time Data That Can Truly Help Students Improve

Educators need short-cycle, real-time data that provide insights for teachers to continuously improve learning opportunities for each and every child. Read more about schools across the country for using continuous improvement cycles to support their students.
Campus Well Being Guide
by Community Commons

This guide helps campus leaders develop a shared understanding of campus well-being through dialogue, lifts up actionable resources and inspirational stories, provides a flexible decision support tool, and amplifies the work of committed partners in the field of student and campus well-being.
Kaiser Permanente COVID-19 Social Health Playbook

The Kaiser Permanente COVID-19 Social Health Playbook provides clinical care teams with guidance and tools for screening patients for social needs, connecting them to help, and following up to ensure their needs are met. The initial release of the playbook has a strong focus on addressing COVID-19 patients’ social needs to improve their health outcomes and to prevent further transmission of the virus. It is publicly available as a free resource for care providers across the industry.
'I'm hungry all the time': How hunger has reached crisis level on college campuses
by Soledad O'Brien

Soledad O'Brien and her team followed four college students facing the hard choice of paying for college or paying for food and housing in the recently released documentary: Hungry to Learn.
The Statisticks Lottery

The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading and the 150+ communities working with the Campaign are dedicated to narrowing the gap between children from low-income families and their more affluent peers. This video shows why that gap occurs and how we can close it.
Classrooms Without Walls, and Hopefully Without COVID

Seeking ways to teach safely during the pandemic, schools across the United States have embraced the idea of classes in the open air, as Americans did during disease outbreaks a century ago.

Here is a look at four American schools where students are learning in the open air, and where at least some parents and teachers hope that the temporary measures might become permanent, for as long as the weather cooperates.
Photo by Tristan Spinski for The New York Times
Thriving Together: Targeted Supports for Learning
“As we look at creating an equitable economy, we have to make sure we those who want to be future business owners have the opportunities to get the education they need.”

Rayon Brown, Fox Valley Technical College
Together for Change Podcast

Together for Change is brought to you by StriveTogether, a national movement with a clear purpose – helping every child succeed in school and in life, cradle to career, regardless of race, ethnicity, zip code or circumstance.
Nigerian End SARS Protests - If You Don’t Know, Now You Know | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Trevor Noah covers the Nigerian End SARS Protest, largely organized by the youth against nationwide police brutality. Nigerians take to the streets to call for an end to the country’s SARS police unit, which has been linked to widespread profiling and harassment.
October is #EngagementMonth

Follow us on Twitter to stay updated!
The WE WIN Racial Justice Community provides space for individuals, communities, organizations, and coalitions to learn from one another as part of our racial justice journey.

We have two learning groups, Groundbreakers and Pacesetters, with the option to join both!

Together, we reflect and gather insight for addressing racism in workplaces and throughout life.

Register today for you or your organization to join this community in transforming from within and together.
  • 2:30pm-4:30pm ET | Measurement Learning Symposium
  • 11:00pm-12:00pm ET | WIN Policy and Investment and Stories and Dialogue Joint Cooperative Meeting
  • 3:00pm - 5:00pm ET | Advancing Racial Justice through Civic Capacity: Beyond the Ballot
  • 1:00pm - 5:00pm ET | WIN Network Meeting
  • 12:00pm - 3:30pm ET | WIN with Business and Surgeon General Meeting

Join us for WIN Week!

November 16th - November 20th

Our November WIN Week is focused on advancing Resilience, Renewal and Racial Justice.

We do not believe it is possible to achieve intergenerational well-being without achieving racial justice.

The awakening at the confluence of Stewardship, Leading Causes of Life and Positive Deviance
by Gary Gunderson with Arvind Singhal, Jim Cochrane, Teresa Cutts, Bobby Milstein and Somava Saha

This hopeful essay crafted by the Leading Causes of Life Initiative draws similarities between stewards and fibroblasts in their work as networks for change, particularly within turbulent times.
An awakening is more than its political agenda, especially the list of things it is against. And it is more than the institutions to which it gives birth. An awakening is a movement of energy and consciousness that makes possible entirely new ideas, networks, structures and social scale choices.

The Springboard document is only one such emergence; but the fact it was able to find coherent form amid the most confusing early 3 months of COVID suggests that something had been percolating already.
StriveTogether: Case Study Library

StriveTogether case studies explain how communities work together to transform systems — and how that leads to better and more equitable outcomes across the country.
Strong Early Youth Voter Turnout in 2020 Election

CNN's Dana Bash speaks with students on both sides of the aisle at the University of Virginia about why they are voting, and the general youth voter turnout for the 2020 election.
Early Voting by Youth

As part of our efforts to broaden youth voting and ensure that more and more diverse young people engage in the electoral process, CIRCLE conducts substantial research on how youth participate in elections. In 2020, we're tracking youth voter registration rates, their views on the candidates, and their involvement in the political process.

National Civic League’s All-America City Award Winner: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Alexandro Simental, City of El Paso's All-America 2020 Delegation Captain, joined Commons Good podcast host Stacy Wegley for a conversation about stewardship, belonging, and connection.
Bouncing Beyond to Next Economies

Bounce Beyond brings together leading examples of “next economies” and transformational prowess in response to an unprecedented combination of crises. The economic system is seen as critical to address all these crises; as well, Bounce Beyond sees the growing economic failure and importance of responding to people’s need for livelihood support, as providing energy to push forward economic transformation.
Rebuilding for a New Normal: A Study of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Trauma-Responsive Schools and Key Recommendations for Communities

With support from the Harvard Education Redesign Lab, the ​​Partnership for Resilience studied the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on its trauma responsive schools The report may be of particular interest to schools or districts contemplating the introduction of trauma-responsive or whole child practices during the pandemic.
#RealCollege 2020: Five Years of Evidence on Basic Needs Insecurity

Five years after it began, the #RealCollege survey has now reached more than 330,000 students at more than 400 colleges and universities! A previously invisible crisis of basic needs insecurity is now evident, and we all have a part in addressing it.

10/29 at 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PST

ChangeLab Solutions is hosting Advancing Healthy & Affordable Housing and Promoting Equity in the COVID-19 Era, a response to the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic recession, both of which have adversely affected housing stability and access to healthy, affordable housing.
You Can Vote

10/29 at 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET

Want to hear what we are up to, and how you can stay engaged with us to help voters get prepared to make their voices heard in the 2020 election? Volunteers and Captains are invited to join You Can Vote for a webinar led by our Executive Director, Kate Fellman, to learn the latest on the 2020 election and the impact of COVID-19 on voter education, registration and turnout in this critical election year.
The Hunt Institute

11/12 at 7:00 PM ET

In this special post-election event, The Hunt Institute will host a discussion with Former U.S. Secretaries of Education Margaret Spellings and Arne Duncan, New York City Department of Education Chancellor Richard Carranza, and Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho delving into how state leaders can support district superintendents and promote student learning.
Policy and Tools Corner

  1. U.S. News & World Report - Education Policy Resources
  2. Ballotpedia - School reopenings in the 2020-2021 academic year after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
  3. Education Design Lab - We put together partners, funders and institutions to tackle the path from problem definition through solution finding to adoption and evaluation.
  4. StriveTogether - Theory of Action Guiding Framework
  5. The Hope Center - Research and Resources
WIN Cooperatives