720 N Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025

December 11 , 2019
Got PJ's? We're Continuing Our Pajama Drive for Radys Children's Hospital @ The Escondido Chamber of Commerce!
Drop Off New Pajamas NOW Thru Friday, December 20th Here @ The Chamber of Commerce!

14th Annual 
Human Trafficking Awareness Walk
Saturday, January 11th

Click here to find out more!


Click here to find out more!

Del Lago Academy 2020 Internship Program
Starts February 2020

Click here to find out more!


Like many of you, we at the Chamber are taking this time to reflect back on our achievement's accomplished this year, and preparing for another calendar year. We're just about done with our
hosted events for the year and we're taking this time to slow down, take stock of our accomplishments, review our policies and procedures and make any mid-year adjustments necessary to assure we're
meeting our strategic goals set forth and build on the value Chamber membership provides. We operate on a July through June fiscal reporting year which allows us to take this short break to review and make any course changes necessary to finish out our fiscal year with all boxes checked off. In other words it's kind of our annual physical. I'm proud to report the Chamber is healthy with all vital signs pointing upward. We're keeping a keen eye on our cholesterol levels and watching what we eat but, we're good.

This is because of the support you've provided to the Chamber. Next week I'll share with you what KPI's we use to judge our impact.

I've just come back from our Rising Stars Scholarship breakfast and pardon me if I take a moment to reflect on this morning. This is o ne of the many programs the Chamber provides to the Community and is in the midst of its second year, The Rising Stars Program. It is a collaborative program between the Escondido Unified High School District, the Chamber and our sponsors. The program is centered on recognizing students who are succeeding while overcoming real challenges. These students are selected by their teachers/counselors. The stories are simply amazing. These are student's whose stories you will  rarely hear, the unsung heroes, students who  are not being recognized otherwise. This program is in the midst of its 2nd year, and we couldn't be more proud of this one.  

Each student and their Principal, parents/families, are invited to attend and all are asked to come up on stage to receive their award and are honored with stories from their Principals, teachers and families. And, then they are
asked to share their stories. Oh, what stories they share. Each of these students is an example of what makes Escondido great. The students share their experience, giving their stories of challenges they face whether this be bullying, homelessness, addictions both themselves and their families, or various other impediments they've overcome to be chosen as examples of success at their sch ool. Rising Stars indeed.

On that note the results of last week's poll question are in and the overwhelming response to the question of " Do you prefer Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?"  was an easy one as Merry Christmas was the runaway winner! 

Our poll question this week is:

Merry Christmas,

James Rowten (JR)
Chamber Member Spotlight:
San Pasqual Economic Developement Corporation
CEO, Hellyaachwehay (Wehay) Quisquis

Two years ago the tribe created an economic development corporation focused on diversifying and transforming the San Pasqual Mission Indian Band into a self-sustaining, tribal economy. Wehay (pronounced wa-hi') was appointed President & CEO.
The EDC has assumed the role as the non-gaming economic development arm of the San Pasqual Tribal government. As part of the San Pasqual EDC's strategic plan, the corporation is reaching out to neighboring communities, seeking and evaluating startup investments and partnerships where the unique tax advantages of their tribal corporation can be effectively employed in win-win arrangements.
As their closest neighbor, the Escondido community represents an ideal partner for San Pasqual's EDC. Wehay is reaching out and networking with local civic leaders, businesses and entrepreneurs. He plans to develop mutually beneficial relationships, and creating new employment through profitable business growth.
Please look for him, and say hello, at our upcoming Chamber networking events!
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What action, if any, do you want your members to take? Add a "Find out more" link to additional information that you may have hosted on your website
        Chris Cochran, Marketing & Development Director

        Tina Inscoe, Membership Executive

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