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Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Services for this week
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Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, 4 PM

Shabbat Morning Service

Saturday, 10 AM

Family Shabbat Services

Saturday, 10:30 AM

Community Havdalah

Saturday, 6 PM
Kavvanah of the Week
This year we are exploring kavvanot - short orientations or intentions that reflect the part of ourselves that we bring to a particular moment.
Kavvanot can be used for moments and actions of any size and significance. 

All over the world, rabbis have been writing prayers and kavvanot related to the COVID-19 vaccine. Here is one by Rabbi Karen Reiss Medwed:
With gratitude and thanksgiving
to The Healer of repairable hearts
and restorer of broken-ness,
appreciation and thanks
for inspiring the medical teams and scientists
granting them the wisdom, knowledge and expertise
to prepare this vaccine for all of us.
May it be your will
that with my vaccination
I will be granted the ability
to heal and keep safe humankind
and be granted the privilege
to fulfill the mitzvah of one who saves a life.
Blessed are You
Healer of all who are sick.
Parashat Vayigash
Torah: Genesis 45:28 - 46:27
Maftir: Genesis 46:23-27
Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-28

The Torah reading for this week is in the panel above. If you do not have a Humash at home you can find it on the link below. We are reading Triennial Year 2, but you might like to read the full portion (“Full Kriyah”).
Our Shabbat brochure with yahrzeits and simchas for this week is attached. You might wish to take special notice of those who are sick and take a moment to direct your thoughts towards them.
Thank you!
Thank you to all those listed below who performed the mitzvah of supporting our community this past week.
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

To: Leon & Debbie Pesses
In honor of their new grandchild
From: Deena Gerber

To: Anne Garrett
In memory of her husband, Richard
From: Deena Gerber

To help the fire victims
From: Deena Gerber

For the college students
From: Bruce & Miriam Waltzer
Caring Committee Fund

To: Leslie & Sanford Krilov
Our deepest condolences. In memory of your sweet mother, Gloria.
From: Ken & Sue Rae Bishop

General Fund

From: Noa David

Gilda Finkelstein Gift of Israel Fund

In memory of Bruce Heim
From: Kenneth & Barbara Pailet

Yahrzeit Fund

In memory of Jerry LaZar
From: Joyce Ellis
Contact Us

Ricardo Totah
Executive Director 
Meryl Zimmerman 
Education Director

Sarah Lustig
Office Assistant
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