September 2021 Newsletter
In this Issue
Neighborhood Committees
- Public Safety: Crime Decrease
- Streets: University Median Strip
- Greens: Butterfly Garden
- Social: NEIGHBORHOOD PICNIC: October 2
- Communications: Newsletter, Website, Membership
Neighborhood News
- Tuscany-Lombardy Co-op Enhances Biodiversity with Native Plantings
- Neighborhood Dumpster: October 2
- Input Requested: Baltimore Together Economic Development Plan
- Baltimore Plastic Bag Ban Begins October 1
- New Public-Private Initiative to Increase Recycling in Baltimore City
- Five Minute Histories’ presents The Little Free Libraries of Baltimore
Calvert School Information
- Calvert School Construction along Tuscany Road – It’s Begun!
- Forest Conservation Easement Map
Area Construction Updates
Information from Johns Hopkins University
Neighborhood Restaurants Summer Specials
Home & Condo Sale Prices (July and August)
Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
- TCNA Picnic: October 2
- Neighborhood Dumpster: October 2, Linkwood and Tuscany
- TCNA General Membership Meeting: November 1 7PM
- TCNA Board Meeting (Virtual): November 3
- No First Friday
Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair
Tuscany-Canterbury Crime Data
Decrease of 11 (61%) total crimes from 2020 to 2021
Tuscany-Canterbury is truly one of the safest places in Baltimore area. The crime statistics from Northern District from January 2020 through August 2021 continue to show a decrease in crime in Tuscany-Canterbury. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments.
In August there was 1 larceny. The larcenies in the neighborhood usually have been a theft from a car.
A thank you to everyone who lives here and helps keep the area safe.
Fall Safety Suggestions
- Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.
Keep outdoor lights on porches and outside on condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.
- If you see a street light that is out, call 311 as soon as possible. If it doesn't get repaired Click here to email TCNA with the confirmation number and location.
- If you see something suspicious, call 911 as soon as possible.
Report on Police Misconduct Investigations
A robust and well-functioning accountability system in which officers are held to the highest standards of integrity is critical to BPD’s relationship with the Baltimore community, and a priority of the Department. The Public Integrity Bureau (PIB), BPD’s internal affairs entity, receives and investigates all allegations of misconduct by members of the Department.
This 2020 Report on Misconduct Investigations will share key trends identified over the course of the 2020 calendar year. Additional details and data regarding misconduct complaints, investigative findings, and discipline rendered can be found in the appendices of this document which show the quarterly breakdown of BPD misconduct investigation data.
Did you know? you can track the progress of arrests that have occurred in your neighborhood via the free Community Court Watch app. On opening the app, incidents are marked on the map: clicking on an icon brings up the name of the accused, and associated information such as court dates and outcomes. The map focuses on the City’s most violent crimes including homicides, non-fatal shootings, armed robberies, carjackings and animal cruelty. This information enables community members to attend court, submit timely impact statements, and attend transfer hearings held at the Juvenile Justice Center. At any given time, the Community Court Watch map is tracking up to 1,000 cases.
The Community Court Watch app is available for Android users on Google Play, and for Apple users in the App Store. You can also access it online at The app is quite intuitive, but also provides detailed instructions on how to use it.
Map of Northern District Court Watch
Information provided by Darnyle Wharton, the Community Liaison for the Northern District from the State’s Attorney Office.
Another location in the area to get a vaccination
Thursday, September 23 • 3 to 6 p.m.
Location: Hampden Family Center, 1104 W. 36th St.
Free Pfizer vaccine available for anyone ages 12 and up. Parents/legal guardians must be present with patients 15 years old and younger.
To pre-register, by phone or for any questions, please call: 443-984-8650. Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m to 6:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Maryland COVID cases, vaccinations and other metrics
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
Social Committee
Ann Christopher, Committee Chair
Calvert School Field
WHERE: Calvert Lower School Field --- This is the field next to the original Calvert School, across the street from Castalia, the headmaster 's house
WHEN: Saturday October 2 from noon to 3 pm
WHAT: TCNA will supply hot dogs, water, wine, wipes and hand sanitizer
HOW: Calvert School will supply tables and chairs, but bring a blanket if you would like your own pod when you eat.
It was decided NOT to have neighbors bring a dish to share this year, but bring your own sides for your family. Our cooks will be wearing masks and gloves when cooking the hot dogs. Our kids will be experts how to play safely by that time.
Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair
The median strips on University Parkway from Canterbury to Charles Street in front of Hopkins fields are in “pitiful” shape. Whose responsibility?
First, in the coming weeks, the City Department of Transportation will be repaving University Parkway from 39th St to Charles Street. As part of that maintenance effort, they may make some limited repairs to the medians and curbs, and they'll be restriping the road and possibly making all the crossings compliant with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We don't expect to see any landscaping as part of the maintenance project.
Second, TCNA is joining forces with our neighbors from Wyman Park, Guilford, Charles Village, and Oakenshawe to develop a long term vision for University Parkway that will certainly include improvements to green spaces and make University Parkway safer to walk along and across. If you or any of your neighbors would be interested in participating in the development of the vision, or just being on the mailing list, let me know and I'll sign you up.
Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair
No space too small for a butterfly garden!
If you thought you couldn’t plant a butterfly garden because you only have a balcony, think again! And don’t wait for Spring - Fall is the ideal time for planting because it allows plenty of time for plants to get established. Choose Native plants for hardiness, and if planting in pots, the bigger the pot, the better. Be sure also to select varieties that survive a couple of zones colder than Baltimore’s zone 7.
For a sunny balcony that gets at least 6 hours of sun, 2 plants that attract a wide variety of butterflies are Coreopsis lanceolata and the black-eyed Susan “American Gold Rush.” Also consider mixing several plants in a pot, such as Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’, Butterly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) and Small’s beardtongue (Penstemon smallii). Add height with an ornamental grass such as prairie junegrass.
For a shady balcony, fill a pot with native larkspur (Delphinium exaltatum), Heart-leaf skullcap (Scutellaria ovata) and sedges (Carex spp.)
Have a small yard? In addition to species recommended for pots, a 4’x8’ sunny space can be filled with dwarf switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’), black-eyed Susan and blazing star (Liatris spicata). If you only have a shady spot, use a framework of blue wood sedge planted with Virginia bluebells and golden Alexanders (Zizian aurea).
For many more suggestions, including what to plant in larger spaces, visit the original article CLICK HERE
Communications Committee
E-Newsletter, Website, Membership
Linda Eberhart, Communications Coordinator
Volunteers Still Needed
Events Page Coordinator: Update the events page of the newsletter. Need to be able to use MS Word and find out what's happening in the area near Tuscany-Canterbury.
Webmaster. Need to know how to use Word Press and update the TCNA website monthly as needed.
Neighborhood News
Please let Amy Mutch know of a neighbor who should be featured or other items of interest in the Neighborhood Profile.
Tuscany-Lombardy Co-op Enhances Biodiversity with Native Plantings
Did you know the popular shrub Nandina (“heavenly bamboo”), does not support any native species, and produces berries that are toxic to birds?
It has long been common practice to plant ‘exotic’ species such as this in our gardens, but these non-native species do not provide habitat vital for the preservation of our songbirds, pollinators and wildlife. Thanks to a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust obtained by Charles Brenton, landscape architect, the Tuscany Lombardy co-op recently added a native plant garden inside their Linkwood road fence. Volunteers from the co-op and Polytechnic High School replaced turf with perennial deciduous ground covers (polemonium, foamflower (tiarella cordifolia), and woodland phlox), added understory trees (Sweetbay Magnolia, fringe tree and serviceberry), and shrubs (native hydrangea, pepperbush and winterberry).
It is hoped that this project may offer an example of sustainable landscaping for other homeowners and gardeners in the area. For more information contact Charles Brenton ( or Lauren Goodsmith (
p.s. consider replacing your Nandina with native shrubs such as highbush blueberry or winterberry.
Questions, Comments, Messages
If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.
Dumpster Available
Saturday, October 2
Linkwood and Tuscany
Dumpster will be delivered on Saturday between 9 and 12 and will stay for 4 hours. The City can't give a more specific time.
The dumpster was on Linkwood on Labor Day weekend and because the dumpster is hard to park on Canterbury, this second coming of the dumpster will again be on Linkwood. A dumpster has been secured from Baltimore City for anyone in the neighborhood to use. Anything can be placed in the dumpster EXCEPT for hazardous materials. This will be last neighborhood dumpster date for 2021.
Council Member Odette Ramos sends TCNA her weekly newsletter. Some of the information is included in the TCNA newsletter. If you would like to receive her newsletter please let her know.
Baltimore Together Economic Development Plan
Open for Comment
Due September 30
Baltimore Development Corporation led an effort over the past two years to come up with a plan for what they call Inclusive Economic Development. Here is the Baltimore Together plan and the comments on this draft are due on September 30th.
Plastic Bag Ban Coming October 1st!
Cloth reusable bags are being collected at the Waverly Market to donate to families that need reusable bags. Find the City's compost table to make your donations of reusable bags!
Baltimore City Services Update (8/24/2021)
The city of Baltimore is gradually reopening services. Many programs are available online only. Examples of in-person services recently reinstated include:
City Schools reopen in-person Aug 30th 2021: masks required
- Recreation center programs restored
- Convention center open for in-person events
- Department of Finance and DPW open to pay bills
- Parking and residential permit parking enforcement
- Pratt Library locations open at 50% capacity
Still Suspended
- Bulk trash will begin on October 2 To schedule call 311.
- Bromo-Seltzer Tower and Visitor Center closed until further notice
New Public-Private Initiative to Increase Recycling in Baltimore City
Baltimore is the eighth-largest city in the United States without universal access to recycling carts: currently residents must provide their own containers. In a new public-private initiative to increase recycling, the city will deliver free, lidded recycling carts to 190,000 Baltimore City households, together with educational materials describing what can and cannot be recycled. It is estimated that this will generate an additional 40,000 lb of recyclables per year and also increase recycling of plastics such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that would otherwise go to landfill. Contributors to this $9 million initiative include the Recycling Partnership, Dow Packing and Specialty Plastics, the MD/DE/DC Beverage Association, Rehrig Pacific, Closed Loop Partners, the Baltimore Civic Fund and the City of Baltimore.
Providing residents with a free recycling cart is one of the key recommendations in the city’s Less Waste, Better Baltimore Plan, said Keefe Harrison, CEO of The Recycling Partnership. Learn more about how the Recycling Partnership works with companies to make their packaging part of the recycling process at,
‘Five Minute Histories’ presents The Little Free Libraries of Baltimore
Johns Hopkins, Executive Director of Baltimore Heritage, inc.
Take a book, leave a book—that’s the motto of the 65+ Little Free Libraries that dot our city streets (and streets all over the world). This short video gives some surprising facts about the worldwide nature of these little free libraries and highlights some of the creative architecture employed. Well worth the 9 minutes or so to take a look! And while you’re there, check out the videos on nearby landmarks such as the Rotunda, the Ambassador Theater, Waverly town hall and duckpin bowling!
There are two Little Free Libraries in Tuscany-Canterbury. One is on Canterbury Road near the One World Cafe and the other one is on Stony Run Lane near the Tuscany Lombardy co-op. There is also one at the Linkwood playground north of Overhill Raod.
Calvert School Information
Tuscany Woods Project Update
Anne Perkins,
Tuscany Woods Project Committee
Calvert School Construction along Tuscany Road –
It’s Begun!
Calvert began its preconstruction sediment control work about ten days ago. This has involved taking down trees (many of them diseased or dead) and laying materials and fencing to control storm run off during construction. The tarp and black fencing for sediment control extend into the forest buffer zone but all will be restored to the agreed upon boundaries (at least 70 feet from Tuscany Road) once construction is complete. The sediment control work will be completed on or about September 22. After the City approves the sediment control work, workers will begin laying the pad for the new sports facility.
The school anticipates that the project will be completed in 10 (optimistic) to 14 months. There are hopes that the sports field will be ready for Spring ’22 use.
- In the hopes that construction will not be disruptive to the peace and quiet of the neighborhood, Tuscany Canterbury and Calvert agreed to construction guidelines several years ago. These guidelines can be found in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Second Amendment to our Covenants.
CLICK HERE FOR COVENANT Construction vehicles and equipment will enter the site from Charles Street and park on Calvert property.
- Work will occur on some Saturdays.
Questions and Concerns:
- If you have questions or concerns about any construction issue please do not call Calvert or members of the TCNA, TLCC, Gardens or Ridgemede Boards unless it is an emergency.
- Click below and someone from the Tuscany Project Committee will get back to you quickly.
- From time to time there may be many questions on the same issue that the Project Committee will answer in the monthly TCNA E-Newsletter.
- There will be a more detailed construction schedule in the October E-Newsletter.
Tuscany Road Forest Conservation Easement approved by Planning Commission on June 26, 2021.
The shaded area on the drawing above shows the Forest Conservation Easement area. This area is 1.4 acres of the 2.7 acres that were purchased by Calvert School in 2018. The agreed upon TCNA/Calvert buffer zone remains, plus additional land was included in the Forest Conservation Easement.
JHU Construction Projects near Tuscany-Canterbury
What is the Johns Hopkins Construction at 113 University Parkway?
JHU is renovating a former lacrosse Building on University Parkway to become an ‘Integrated Life Design Lab’ under the leadership of Dr Farouk Dey. What is a ‘Life Design Lab?’ It’s a center to help students choose careers that are a better fit. Dey says that many people find their dream job ‘by accident’ and he suggests students should make career decisions based on a thorough exploration of what inspires them, and then follow through with action steps he calls "audacious moves." He explores these and other concepts in a February 2019 TEDx talk titled "Life Purpose Reconsidered."
Project Description here.
Information from
Johns Hopkins University
New Public Safety Vice-President at Hopkins
Beginning August 30, 2021, Dr. Branville Bard Jr. will serve as Johns Hopkins’ vice president for public safety. He will oversee public safety operations for all Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medicine campuses.
Dr. Bard is a community-oriented law enforcement professional who is a passionate advocate for social justice, racial equity, and police reform, with more than 2 decades law enforcement experience. While in his current position as police commissioner for Cambridge, Massachusetts he reformed programs to address issues such as homelessness, mental health and substance abuse, and created a procedural justice section to review police-citizen interactions for racial bias and make that information public. Both these programs garnered national attention for their innovative character.
Neighborhood Restaurants Update
Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Cantebury
Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
We have exciting news at the Colonnade! Please join us in welcoming to our Sales Department our new Director of Sales, Veronica “Ronni” Lombardi and Director of Catering, Julia Schaefer. Ronni & Julia have been in the hospitality industry for 25+ years. Together their combined talents in sales and catering offer our guests’ an exceptional customer experience combined with attention to details with a genuine desire to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
If you are a fan of Hallmark you know they promote the holidays 365 days a year, right? We decided it’s not too early to prepare for the holidays as well! Maybe you are planning to host a special family event or you are the planner for your company party this year. Our NEW catering menus include options that will satisfy the most discriminating tastes. Our event space can accommodate events from 15 -250 guests! Whether you are looking to host a more intimate luncheon for your staff or a huge holiday extravaganza, our team of hospitality professionals are ready to celebrate the holidays with you! Contact our Sales Department at 410.554.7569 or email for more information on our HOLIDAY MENUS and available dates!
And lastly, if you have visited the Colonnade anytime over the last year, you many have noticed that we are doing a “few” renovations. This renovation includes the guest rooms, all event space, the hotel lobby and our bar and restaurant. In the months ahead, look for a re-branding of our restaurant, Alizee’ American Bistro. We are in the early stages but we hope to have your support when we are ready to make the big announcement! It is our pleasure to serve the TCNA community and look forward to meeting each and every one of you in the very near future. We appreciate your support and are happy to be a part of such an amazing community.
Thank you again!!
Warmest regards,
Veronica “Ronni” Lombardi
Director of Sales & Marketing
Direct 410.554.7569 | Hotel 410.235.5400 | Fax 410.366.6734
Updated Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday: 11 - 3 & 5 - 9
Monday: Open for Party Only
443 449 6200
Open Daily
7am-11am serving breakfast
5pm-9pm serving dinner
A casual but upscale authentic neighborhood restaurant. Make reservations for patio dining
410 366-6603
10% discount is extended to residents on food and 15% discount on cases of wine
100 W University Parkway
Extended hours Wednesday through Saturday from 10am-8pm.
Sunday remains 10-4 pm and they are closed Monday and Tuesday.
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
July & August 2021
Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.
Note: this data represents real estate activity from July 1 to August 31, 2021 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood. The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Events Happening In and Around
City Household Hazardous Waste Drop
Last dates until Spring
October 1 & 2
2840 Sisson Street
Community Concerts at Second’s 35th season of “Music for All, Free to All” begins on Sunday, September 19th!
In planning our return to presenting live events, the health and safety of our audience has been our top concern. As a result, Community Concerts at Second will require all audience members to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks at our concerts until further notice. We ask that you arrive early to present proof of vaccination to our volunteers.
In addition, we plan to livestream our five fall concerts for those who are not yet comfortable attending live events.
September 19, 2021 at 3:30pm
October 3, 2021 at 7:30pm
Honoring Margaret Budd
Sept 19 - Boston Trio
- Oct 3 - Candlelight Concert
- Oct 24 - Candlelight Concert
- Nov 7 - Janice Chandler-Eteme, soprano
- Nov 21 - Candlelight Concert
- Jan 9, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- Jan 30, 2022 - Berta Rojas, guitar
- Feb 27, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- March 20, 2022 - Nathalie Joachim & Spektral Quartet
- April 3, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- April 24, 2022 - Icarus Quartet
- May 1, 2022 - Ivalas Quartet
- May 15, 2022 - Wonderlic Piano Concert
- May 22, 2022 - Joel Fan, piano
- June 5, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
Baltimore Museum of Art
Sculpture Garden is free and open to the public year-round every Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. No reservations are required.
Take a stroll through the BMA’s gardens where you’ll find 33 sculptures positioned across nearly three lush acres.
Neighborhood Dumpster Date
October 2 at Tuscany & Linkwood.
The dumpster will be delivered in the morning and will be in place for 4 hours. No specific delivery time can be confirmed by the City.
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer for his great pictures of Tuscany-Canterbury and Julie Watson who just volunteered to help with the writing for the newsletter.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Don't know when to pay your dues? Reminder renewal notices for 2021-2022 are sent the month that your dues need to be renewed. Not a member yet, join anytime!
Officers and Board Members for July 2021 to June 2022
Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op Stony Run Lane)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street)
- Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
- Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)
- Anne Perkins (Tuscany Road)
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
Members of the Calvert Project Committee
- *Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford)
- *Mike Traviso (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
- Charles Brenton (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
- Lucinda Davis (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo)
- Fred Lazarus. TCNA (Ridgemede Road
- Andy Parsley (TCNA Tuscany Road)
- Julia Frazier (TCNA President, Canterbury Road)
- Anne Perkins (Tuscany Road)
- Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford)
*Co-Chairs and points of contact with questions.
Let us know what you would like to see in the newsletter and what TCNA should consider doing.