A Note from Darcia
Welcome to The Evolved Nest!
Happy New Year!

Turning the page to a new year, we have another whole year to revamp our ways of being and our ways of raising our children to be healthy and compassionate. 

We are appreciative of the increasing attention to ACES ( Adverse Childhood Experiences ) and their prevention, but in view of our species history, trauma prevention is not enough to raise a flourishing human being  and not enough to build thriving societies . We need the supportive structures of the Evolved Nest to grow our full capacities. Our efforts here are to present information, findings, and guidelines about provisioning the Evolved Nest to our children (and to ourselves).

Best wishes for your flourishing in the new year!  

Darcia Narvaez, PhD
Read past newsletters in the press room

New Research Publication on Evolved Nest
Beyond Resilience to Thriving: Optimizing Child Wellbeing 
Abstract: Research in child wellbeing often assesses the effects of particular disadvantages or focuses on children’s resilience in adverse circumstances. In contrast, considering developmental optimization in early childhood, and what is necessary to foster it, informs the study of child wellbeing in the socioemotional domain. In the program of research reviewed here, we consider the kinds of early experiences that promote wellbeing, defined as optimal physiological and emotional regulation that enables a flexible sociomoral orientation to others. This work suggests that practices consistent with the evolved developmental niche (EDN), or the developmental system that likely characterized human caregiving over the course of evolution, facilitate development of the physiological and psychological systems of regulation that enable optimal wellbeing in the domain of sociomoral functioning. Aspects of EDN-consistent care provide a cohesive environmental context for development, but different facets of such care correspond to different outcomes related to socioemotional development. Overall, parental positive attitudes toward and provision of EDN-consistent care are associated with an orientation toward others that is prosocial, flexible, and engaged. These findings have emerged in samples in the US, Europe, and China, and suggest that the EDN might provide a useful framework for conceptualizing developmental optimization, for consideration of the important facets of early childhood care and education, and for fostering child wellbeing. 

December Blogs
Psychology Today's Moral Landscapes Blog

I write typically about research findings related to moral functioning and living a good life. Sometimes I muse on things that I puzzle about (politics). I am very concerned about how much our society doesn't seem to know about how to raise good, healthy and happy children, so I spend a great deal of time on parenting. I also write about things that I am working on myself--the endless quest for virtue! This is an opinion blog, not a set of research articles, intended for the public not scientists. For more nuanced and highly referenced work, look at my academic work.

The major religions started as practices, focused on how one should treat others. Have some people slipped away from the central aims of their religion?

New research is showing the healing power of green light.

The bad news on global warming keeps piling up. Why isn’t everyone taking action?

A stranglehold of ideas are keeping us from climate action. Can psychology help us?

Are we too cynical and fragmented to learn from Mr. Rogers? I don't think so.

It's easy to assume that humans have always been domineering and hierarchical, but this is not supported by the evidence.

The Evolved Nest's YouTube Channel
NEW VIDEO: Educación Ética Integrativa: Fomentar Ciudadanía, Comunidad, y Virtud en el Salón de Clases

Darcia Narvaez delivered a talk in Spanish for a seminar organized by the Mexican government’s Ministry of Education and UNICEF to advise the educational reforms being undertaken. The talk was called “Educación Ética Integrativa: Fomentar Ciudadanía, Comunidad, y Virtud en el Salón de Clases” [Integrative Ethical Education: Fostering Citizenship, Community and Virtue in the Classroom]

The Evolved Nest Podcast Series is now on YouTube!

Discover The Evolved Nest Podcast Series now available on our Youtube channel! Additionally, audio downloads are available on the website here , and on our Soundcloud link as a playlist here .

Fresh Eyes on the Evolved Nest
Follow the Fresh Eyes Series to discover how the next generation perceives the Evolved Nest and relates to children, before they become parents...
It Takes A Village: Alloparenting
By Annah Agnew and Miranda Arendt

By the end of this module we hope that you will be able to:

●Discuss the sensitivity of infant brain development within the first year.
●Identify times of high stress and be able to produce a plan to decrease stress levels.
●Compose a guideline on how to approach the distribution of childcare labor.
●Now that we have shown you what you will hopefully learn today, before we continue, weneed to make one definition clear: that of alloparents.

Alloparents pretest can be found here .

Allowparents transcript can be found here .

Book Review
An Overview of Living in the Borderland: The evolution of consciousness and the challenge of healing trauma , by Jerome Bernstein
On the brink of extinction, can we transform the western ego?
I’ve been reading Jerome Bernstein’s landmark work,  Living in the Borderland: The evolution of consciousness and the challenge of healing trauma .  It has never been more relevant than today.

He makes these main points.
(1) The development of the western ego has brought us to the brink of ecological disaster because it is overly rational.

(2) Prior to the development of the western ego, the pervasive  worldview  was “indigenous,” the perception of a world filled with perceiving, intelligent persons, some of whom are human; an experiencing of overlapping being, of inseparability, of connectedness (Narvaez et al., 2019).

His experiences with the Navajo contributed to his realization of the  worldview  differences. For the Navajo, religion and healing are the same. The psychic connection with nature is the source of—and at the same time is inseparable from— spiritual  and physical health.

(3) The development of the western ego was a necessary part of human evolution (the collective  unconscious —he has a  Jungian  orientation). The sacred, as expressed in Navajo and other native cultures “was of necessity sacrificed to the development of what we have come to know as western culture.” (p. 12)

Do You Feel Grief for the Natural World?  You may be experiencing the transrational borderland, Part 2

In the Borderland of Consciousness.  Is the human collective psyche shifting in these perilous times? Part 3
Discover The Evolved Nest
Building the Nest

The Evolved Nest has been integral to 99% of human genus history and provides a baseline for optimizing normal development. Here are more details about the importance of each of these  Components of The Evolved Nest:

Check out our new Components Resources page - in progress - for organizations that support each component here . Let us know if you want us to add a resource by emailing us at evolvednestinitiative@gmail.com.
Read more about the components of The Evolved Nest here.
Evolved Nest Flyer
PDF Download
If you would like to share The Evolved Nest insights and information in a practical format, you are welcome to download and print out our flyer here.

This is a double-sided letter-sized flyer.

You can also click on the image to get to the PDF.
Support The Evolved Nest!
The Evolved Nest is an educational initiative of the award-winning nonprofit Kindred World.

Check out our reviews on Great Nonprofit's page here.

Watch the video above for "all the feels" about what is possible when we remember and take action as the connected beings we are.

Thank you for your support of The Evolved Nest on this Giving Tuesday and every day!

Thank you for your support of The Evolved Nest!
Where to Find and Share The Evolved Nest

Find and share The Evolved Nest on Facebook , Twitter , Pinterest , Instagram , YouTube , SoundCloud and LinkedIn !

Read Darcia's blogs on Psychology Today , Kindred , and LinkedIn .

And support The Evolved Nest's nonprofit work with your tax-deductible donations here .

Please contact The Evolved Nest with your questions here .

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The Evolved Nest | www.EvolvedNest.org