Opportunities for Good:
For many people in our community, the pandemic is not over, and rising gas, food, and rental costs have made things worse. Many people are food insecure. 
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, one of the largest food banks in the nation, serves 500,000 people each month, twice as many as pre-pandemic. Coastside Hope, our local core service agency, is one of the over 300 partners distributing healthy food donated by Second Harvest. To contribute to the Second Harvest of Silicon Valley’s food program, click on this link. To donate locally, Coastside Hope remains a good option.
The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee continues to assist Ukrainian refugees displaced by the Russian war on Ukraine. This displacement of Ukrainian citizens further exacerbates the global refugee crisis, which has displaced over 80 million people from their homes. This Easter you can help provide relief to all these refugees by contributing to the UUSC Emergency Response Fund.
Food for Our Souls:
UUCC "Sharing the Pulpit" Sunday, April 17th, 11am
The Touchstones Theme for April is Theological Reflection. We are happy to welcome back Diana Luykx to the UUCC pulpit on April 17th, with a sermon entitled “Spiritual Envy: An Atheist's Reflection.” Diana shares what it's like to be an atheist who also belongs to a Unitarian Universalist congregation. She describes the inspiration she finds in the faith of fellow travelers who hold different beliefs, and the kinship she feels with the late Christopher Reeves, who became a UU later in life.  

Diana Luykx is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist from Miami, Florida and has lived on the Coast since 2013. She is in her element as a medical social worker at a non-profit in San Francisco. Diana is a proud and recent graduate of the UUA's "Share the Pulpit" class. She enjoys reading, tennis, and playing the oboe. Diana's mother, Nancy Palmer, is a founding member of UUCC. 

For the Order of Service, click here.
Please join us at 11:00 am Pacific, 2pm Eastern.
Gathering for service and music begin at 10:50 am.

Meeting ID: 661 775 5196 Password: UUseesea
UUCC Questionnaire for In-Person
Hybrid Gatherings, First Sundays Only
As you know, UUCC is dipping our toe into the water with in-person gatherings, choosing only to meet in-person the first Sunday of the month at Odd Fellows Hall. Third Sundays will continue over Zoom through the Summer, unless our community chooses differently. Even if you live outside the Bay Area, our first Sunday services will still remain accessible to you online, but over our UUCC YouTube channel with live streaming.

We are asking everyone to fill out a survey and let us know how many people to expect in-person on May 1st and whether you're interested in keeping our 11am time or returning to the 10:30am time or earlier. We are also asking for interest in helping with volunteer roles that usually accompany in-person services. We also want to ask what other Beloved Community Building opportunities you might be interested in mid-week or on Saturdays, either in-person or over Zoom. So please fill out the survey here and let us know how we can do an even better job for our Beloved UUCC Community.
Please Send Us Your COVID Vaccination Records!
On May 1st, UUCC hosts its very first in-person, hybrid service at the Odd Fellows Hall, 526 Main Street, in Half Moon Bay. In order to comply with San Mateo County's recommendations for indoor gatherings, thos attending services must prove they have received both vaccines and a booster. Dianne Baker has volunteered to gather everyone's proof of vaccination records. Please contact her by Friday, April 29th, so that check-in will run smoother on Sunday the 1st of May. You can take a photo of your vaccination cards and text Dianne at 650-245-0556. Or scan your cards and email Dianne at dianne.j.baker@gmail.com. Or you can simply photocopy your vaccination cards and send snail mail to 630 Grove St. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-2114.

Dianne is a retired RN and she sat at the desk and checked for proof of vaccinations as UUSM began the process of meeting in-person again. Thanks so much to Dianne for taking on this very important responsibility for UUCC!
Our First In-Person Sunday Service, May 1st, 11am
The Touchstones theme for May is Courage. We are happy to welcome Rabbi Moshe Heyn to the UUCC pulpit on May 1st, with a sermon entitled “Holy Chutzpah."
The Joys of Yiddish defines chutzpah as “gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, incredible ‘guts.’” The word can be used negatively to describe the arrogance of overstepping an appropriate boundary, or it can be used positively to express admiration for someone's courage.

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a charismatic religious leader of the 20th century, coined the term “holy chutzpah” to describe the gutsiness it often takes to pursue the path of holiness, righteousness or love. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a courageous civil rights leader of the 20th century, called it “spiritual audacity.”

In the midst of the many crises our world is facing now, one could rightfully ask: has religion been a positive or negative influence? Has it helped us to become kinder and more compassionate people? Has it inspired us to be more courageous in advocating for justice, equality and inclusion? It is up to us to answer those questions, not by our words but by our actions. It's time for some holy chutzpah.

Moshe Tom Heyn is a rabbi, musician, chaplain, spiritual activist, and surfer who practices and teaches a synthesis of humanism and mysticism. In addition to his work as a Hospice Chaplain for VITAS Healthcare, he proudly serves as the Spiritual Leader of Coastside Jewish Community.
UUCC Auction Proceeds to Benefit CoastPride
This year, the UU San Mateo All Together Now auction runs from May 1 to May 15 in an online format similar to last year.

What we’re really excited about is that UUCC’s revenue share will be donated to CoastPride to help off-set costs for their after-school programming for Coastside LGBTQ youthWe’d like to invite you to both donate and bid on auction items. Donation forms are due April 17th and you can find them here. For donation ideas, you can find last year’s auction catalog here. There were several popular Coastside events that may be back this year offering opportunities to bring people together in new and creative ways. Email alltogethernow@uusanmateo.org with any questions.
Volunteer Jobs Needed for In-Person Services
Now that we will be meeting in person on First Sundays soon, starting May 1st, we'll be needing some help in different ways. Can you commit to helping out in the following ways?

  • Join the Grand Opening Planning Subcommittee for June 5th Service
  • Staff the Check-in Table to verify vaccination status
  • Greet People as They Come In
  • Set-Up Chairs Before the Service
  • Help unload and load filming equipment for hybrid service
  • Assist with setting up film equipment for hybrid service
  • Bring Flowers
  • Bring Snacks and Drinks
  • Pass Out the Order of Service
  • Assist with hand-held cameras for hybrid service
  • Put Away Chairs After the Service
  • Clean up of the Hall and Kitchen Before Closing

Please fill out the survey or else contact us at uucoastside@gmail.com to let us know how you can help our Beloved Community coming together in person again. And thanks to all of you who have or continue to volunteer!
Compassionate Caring Committee:
The UUCC Compassionate Caring Committee volunteers are often able to support our members during life events such as post-operative, illness, or can’t go out. Do you need food delivery or an errand run? Are you feeling loneliness, loss, or grief that a call might help?
Please contacuucoastside@gmail.com if you’d like support or if you want to volunteer.  
We Appreciate Your Support:
For supporting UUCC financially, we have two options:
(1) Donate Online
Online donation is easy. At Weekly Offerings, look for the words
UU Coastside Community. Enter your dollar amount, and at Frequency choose either Monthly or One Time. At the bottom of the page, click Continue. Fill in your name, address, phone number, and payment method. Click the box I am not a robot, then click Process. To try it now, click this link, to 
(2) Donate by Check
If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to UU San Mateo, and write UUCC on the memo line. Please mail your check to:

Nancy Palmer
506 Willow Avenue
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1648
UUCC Planning Committee Meeting Highlights
Below are some key decisions from UUCC's Planning Committee Meetings for March 2022:
  • Insurance rider secured, thanks to UUSM, to rent Odd Fellows Hall. Lease and rental agreement are in process of being signed.
  • Voted to donate UUCC's 10% share for participating in UUSM's ATN Auction 2022 to CoastPride this year, to help off-set costs for their after-school programming for Coastside LGBTQ youth.
  • Dave Rokosky heads a subcommittee to plan our Grand Opening on June 5th, along with Tricia Dell and LindaGrace. Others are invited to join.
  • Bruce Rafnel, UUCC's Technical Director, created and shared an instructional video on how to set up an inexpensive hybrid live stream for UU services using OBS; which was shared locally with UUSM, UUFRC, and UUFSCC, along with four other Pacific Northwest UU Congregations.
  • Reports given on UUCC attending various local community groups, such as CoastPride Interfaith Alliance, Coastside Faith in Action, and the Coastside Collaborative.
Food for Our Souls:
Unitarian Universalist Coastside Community
Half Moon Bay, California
Bill Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Dave Rokosky, UUCC Planning Committee
Noreen Cooper Heavlin, UUCC Planning Committee
Tom Devine, UUCC Music Director
Bruce Rafnel, UUCC Technical Director