Thank you to the citizens of Baldwin County for voting to extend E-SPLOST for another 5 years. 76% of voters, voted in favor of the Baldwin County School District Education SPLOST. This is the 6th renewal of E-SPLOST in Baldwin County. ESPLOST funds from the 5 year extension of the 1% sales tax for the Baldwin County School District will go towards critical improvements and special projects at all school locations. This investment has completely transformed our schools and classrooms into 21st century learning environments. For 24 years, ESPLOST has helped with new school construction, installing new roofs and HVAC units, upgrading technology infrastructure, renovating existing schools, installing new playground equipment as well as the purchase of new buses, instructional technology, and computing devices for the classrooms. In addition, E-SPLOST dollars have funded secure vestibule entry-points and camera monitoring systems at all school locations, helping to keep our students and staff as safe. It has also allowed us to fund construction improvements for our athletics programs including the new Baldwin High School Athletic Complex, new track surfacing and new bleachers at Braves Stadium. From the most recent E-SPLOST, the school district was able to begin an $11.5 million renovation project at Oak Hill Middle School. This includes a new roof, HVAC systems, and brand new interior renovations. Once again, thank you to the voters of Baldwin County for supporting ESPLOST and our school district's mission to educate our students who will graduate college and career ready and become contributing members of our local and global communities.
Baldwin High School Holds its First Virtual Graduation Ceremony
Concerns regarding the coronavirus outbreak cancelled many end of year activities for the Class of 2020, but the Baldwin County School District found innovative ways to celebrate their seniors. On Saturday, May 22 at 9 a.m., the original date scheduled for the traditional commencement ceremony, graduates were honored with a spectacular virtual graduation. The program was featured on the school district's YouTube Channel.
First Class of REACH Scholars Graduate
The first class of REACH Scholars graduated this year from Baldwin High School. REACH Scholars are selected in middle school and sign a contract to maintain a certain grade point average, remain crime free, drug free, and no disciplinary infractions, and meet with a volunteer mentor until they graduate from high school. Students who complete the program requirements receive a $10,000 scholarship to be used at any HOPE eligible institution and if they attend a REACH partner institution they will receive a $20,000 scholarship. Kye Larkin, Dondre McKnight, Katelynn Corbin, MaKayla Milner, and Savannah Sanford were honored during the Baldwin High School Virtual Graduation Ceremony for being the first cohort of REACH Scholars to graduate. Congratulations! We are so very proud of these five young scholars and can't wait to hear about all their future accomplishments.
Kya Larkin
Kya will be attending Valdosta State University to major in Health Science with a Minor in Dance.
Dondre McKnight
Dondre will be attending Georgia College & State University to major in Biology. His aspirations are to become a veterinarian.
Katelynn Corbin
Katelynn will be attending Central Georgia Technical College and majoring in Nursing.
Savannah Sanford
Savannah will be attending Kennesaw State University to major in Biology. Her plans are to become an anesthesiologist.
MeKayla Milner
MaKayla will be attending Kennesaw State University and majoring in Nursing.
Baldwin County School District Celebrates its 2020 Retirees
In lieu of the traditional in-person celebration to honor this year's retirees, the Baldwin County School District turned to creative resources to congratulate all retirees for a well deserved retirement and to thank them for their many years of dedication and hard work. A celebratory video featuring each retiree was created and aired on the Baldwin County School District YouTube Channel. In addition to the video, school district personnel, school administrators, and Baldwin County School Superintendent Dr. Noris Price visited the homes of retirees to surprise them with a personalized yard sign highlighting their years of service with the school district. To view the full gallery of photos from the yard sign distribution visit the Baldwin County School District Facebook page.
Early Learning Center Students onto the Next Stop
May 22nd marked the last day of school for the 2019-2020 school year. As parents drove up to collect end of the year items, faculty and staff of The Early Learning Center greeted each student with cheers, recognition certificates and signs, congratulating them for making it to the next stop of their journey.
Baldwin County School Nutrition Serving up a Helping Hand
The Baldwin County School Nutrition Department has served a total of 212,708 meals since the start of the school closure, March 17th, till the last day of school, May 22nd. Staff and volunteers have been committed to providing healthy, nutritious meals to area students during the school year, as well as throughout the summer months. The Seamless Summer Meal program began Monday June 1st. The program is operated Mondays and Wednesdays only, but in between the two days, area children can pick up meals that will last them the entire week.
Kids receive breakfast and lunch. Food is prepared in the kitchen and taken into the community at designated locations in Milledgeville and Baldwin County for delivery and pickup. All kids, regardless of whether they are in the Baldwin County School District or go to school elsewhere, are eligible to receive summer meals.
The Baldwin County School District commends staff and volunteers for their efforts in overcoming the challenges brought on by the coronavirus outbreak to feed the children of the Baldwin County community.
Midway Hills Academy Virtual Art Exhibition
Midway Hills Academy's end of the year art show was virtual for the first time. It consisted of digital photos from the art show held by Allied Arts. Photos are from art prompts that the students completed during the COVID-19 school closure, personal art from students, as well as personal art from teachers and school district staff.
The art show is typically held as an in-person event. Midway Hills Academy visual arts teacher Diona Sheats said she decided to do the art show virtually this year because she did not want to deprive the students of the presentation of their amazing works. "The virtual art show fulfilled the promise to students and I received many thank yous from parents because their students so desperately missed art and were excited that their works were displayed in the virtual art show!"
Local Task Force to Determine Safe Way to Start 2020-2021 School Year
The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) and the Georgia Department of Public Health released a document entitled Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K – 12 schools. The purpose of the document is to assist schools in developing a safe return to in-person instruction in fall 2020. Based on the guidance offered by this document. Baldwin County School Superintendent Dr. Noris Price has formed a local task force to help develop guidance on how to reopen Baldwin County schools safely for students, faculty, and staff. The task force is made up of representatives from the school district, parents, businesses, community members, health care professionals, local emergency and law enforcement personnel, faith-based organizations, civic and non-profit organizations, and representatives from all three local colleges/universities. During the month of June and July, the task force will be looking at different options to identify the best approach to starting the 2020-2021 school year.
Oak Hill Middle School Hosts Virtual Honors Day
During the last week of school, Oak Hill Middle School administration hosted 3 Facebook live Virtual Honors Day programs for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Each program began with a greeting by principal Daymond Ray, followed by a powerpoint presentation of student achievements. To view all three Facebook live videos, visit the Oak Hill Middle School Facebook page.
Lakeview Academy Principal Dr. Holder sends Message of Encouragement to Students
On the last day of school, Dr. Shawne Holder, Lakeview Academy Principal, recorded a message for all students as they brought to a close an unprecedented ending to the 2019-2020 school year. She expressed how proud she was of all students for their perseverance during remote learning. She also wished the fifth grade students heading to the middle school for the upcoming year well wishes and promised to check on them often. "I want you to know the year ended strangely for all of us but during that time you have been on my mind and in my heart and I hope you all are well. I hope you have a nice break."
Suggested Summer Reading Lists
The summer is a wonderful time for children to read what they most enjoy, to learn new things, and to have fun! Summer reading is also an important way to prevent kids from losing too much ground over the summer — research shows that summer reading can make a significant difference in a student's overall academic achievement.
The following list contains suggestions for possible reading adventures for students in grades K-12. Click on each link to be taken to each school's suggested summer reading list.
GCEC Student Morgan Burke Awarded Rotary Club Scholarship
Graduate Morgan Burke, a Baldwin High student at Georgia College Early College, was awarded a $1,000 Milledgeville Rotary Club Scholarship. Morgan wants to stay involved in the Baldwin County school community and come back to become a teacher in the school system. She plans to attend Georgia College & State University and major in Middle Grades Education. She also wishes to serve as a volunteer at GCEC.
Lakeview Primary's Farewell Parade
On May 27, Lakeview Primary administration honored their Retirees and staff moving to other schools with a drive-by farewell parade. The retirees were showered with celebratory
Midway Hills Primary Gives a Sweet
Goodbye to Students
During the last week of school, parents of Midway Hills Primary students drove tup to the school car rider lane to pick up any personal belongings left in the classroom prior to remote learning and to give children a chance to say a final farewell to their teachers before the summer break. Much to their surprise, the kids got a little extra amount of love. Students were treated with ice cream and candy treats.
BCSD New Online Registration System
The Baldwin County School District is excited to announce an easy-to-use, secure online registration system that will allow parents and guardians to register their children in any of our schools. Families with students who are NEW to the Baldwin County School District or those who are MOVING BACK to Baldwin County from another district can now enroll using our fast and simple Online Registration process through Infinite Campus. Each household will submit one application and then finalize enrollment at their local school(s). This application can be completed at home on your personal device OR at your local school. Please visit the BCSD Registration & Enrollment page by clicking on the following link for more information:
. Streamlining the enrollment process will save valuable time for parents/guardians and school staff as well as improve the accuracy of information. The online registration system, including additional enrollment information such as school zone maps and registrar contact information can all be accessed in one convenient location on the school district's website.
Donate Now to Support our Schools!
The Baldwin Charter School System Foundation serves as the primary fundraising tool to fund the REACH Scholars program, providing thousands in scholarship opportunities for students who represent the first of their families to have the opportunity to attend college. The foundation also supports our employee and student recognition programs. Please support our schools, students, and teachers by making your tax- deductible contribution today.
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step by step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
District Social Media Links
Follow the links below to all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happening in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
Click the link below to access the Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Policies, Communications, and About Us. Our District Strategic Plan/School Improvement Plans are currently being revised for 2018-2023.
Georgia College Early College