Dear friend in Christ,

"Joy to the world! The Lord is come" says the traditional carol by Isaac Watts. Many people think that Christmas is over once we say "goodbye" to December 25. In fact, we are now right in the middle of celebrating the 12 days of Christmas and the Christmas season officially lasts until the Baptism of Christ, which will be observed on January 12, 2020.

The birth of Christ, when God became flesh, is a key point in the history of our salvation. As you read this letter, which is sent out on December 31, our sisters will be keeping silence throughout the day, reflecting on what the story of salvation and God's action in the world mean. During the remaining days of the Christmas season, I invite you to join us and reflect on what the coming of Christ signifies for your life today and how God is acting in and through you.

May 2020 be a year when you feel God at work in you and in the world. Happy New Year!