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Daily Mindful EARTHisms from Planet Blessed

April 20, 2022

Dear {First Name},

Today's EARTHism is for the Transformation of Human Consciousness.


What does it mean to ascend and awaken? What is the New Earth Consciousness? How can you shift your thinking and help make the world a happier, healthier place?

One thing you can do, right now, is to take a few minutes out of your day, to love, honor and cherish the Earth, and to bless the Earth. That is essentially why we created EARTHisms.

While the concept of transformation and a transformation of consciousness seems like an overwhelming task, it’s not. It’s a mindset. It’s a commitment that you can make every day. It’s about living from the heart and honoring the Planet we all love so much. Working with EARTHisms is something small you can do, to make a big impact, which is why we were inspired to create them! Click Here if you would like to see a beautiful 2 minute video on the Transformation of Human Consciousness.

"Nature embodies love naturally."

-- Harold W. Becker, The Love Foundation

Please scroll down for our invitation to participate in an Earth Day program with John B. Cobb, author of 50 books who coined the word Earthism. Click Here for our article on LinkedIn about 3 exciting opportunities you can learn from Dr. Cobb in the next few days.

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Earthism for Transformation of Human Consciousness


I bless humankind’s ability to transform and transcend. I bless our ability to take a quantum evolutionary leap of consciousness for all of humanity. I bless our ability to peacefully co-exist and to love, honor and cherish the Earth and all living things. I recognize that the planet is undergoing a vast transformation and shift. I bless our ability to ascend to a more expansive dimensional experience and level of awareness. I bless our ability to work together as humans in a positive loving way to facilitate both personal and planetary sustainability. I bless this New Earth Consciousness and our ability as humans, to move to a more sustainable existence. I honor and am dedicated to loving, blessing, and protecting Spaceship Earth. I commit to taking the time to love, bless, and honor Mother Earth with positive intentions to help raise the individual and collective consciousness on Spaceship Earth! May we all love, honor and cherish Mother Earth and awaken from the illusion of separation and realize the unity with all that exists within our shared experience and common home.

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Earth Day Introduction to EARTHisms with John B. Cobb, Jr. Author of 50+ Books, Originator of the word Earthism and the Inspiration for the Living Earth Movement

Dr. Cobb who has written over 50 books including IS IT TOO LATE? 50 years ago, will be joining us for our special Earth Day program inviting you to become an EARTHist.

Earth Day Celebration of EARTHisms for StewardHeirShip

We invite you to join us in a Zoom gathering on Earth Day at 2:22 CDT to explore 4 Mindful EARTHisms with Leslie Riopel and Charles Betterton and special guest John B. Cobb, Jr. We will have an open conversation about Earthism for Loving Mother Earth; Earthism for Ecological Civilization; and Earthism for YOU Taking Responsibility.

Participants will receive a PDF of all 30 EARTHisms. To receive the Zoom link send an email to ceo@universityforsuccessfulliving.org.

4.24 minute video on EARTHisms
Help us Celebrate Earth Day all during the month of April. Each day we will introduce a new EARTHism dedicated to Loving, Blessing, Honoring, and Protecting Spaceship Earth.

John Cobb joins Ervin Laszlo, John Perkins, Deborah Rozman and other esteemed guests for the HUMANS 2.0 panel discussion starting at 8am on Earth Day Weekend (April 22nd and 23rd). Panelists discuss the future of humanity and how we can survive into the future. Part of the Earth Gratitude Festival 2022https://earthgratitude.org
Planet Blessed promotes personal and planetary sustainability to help individuals and communities Sur-Thrive in challenging times. We also seek to help raise individual and collective consciousness through mindfulness, mindful successful living, positive psychology, BLESSisms and EARTHisms.

Visit MindfullyBlessed.com or Earthism.space to discover how you might benefit from the positive uplifting resources we provide. Please Subscribe to our newsletter and share this email with anyone who may be interested.
Planet Blessed Cofounders Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology & Charles Betterton, MSCED

Leslie and her loving mom who inspired the creation of BLESSisms enjoying a day in the sun

Charles in his favorite "office" a swinging chair designed by friends who worked with Bucky Fuller

Featured Resource Providers for April
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Inspiring worldwide cooperation and dramatic action to address the ecological crisis the Living Earth Movement (LEM) was inspired by the legacy works of John B. Cobb, Jr. who celebrated his 97th birthday launching the Living Earth Movement
Mailing Address: Planet Blessed
36 Oakwood Dr. * Kankakee, IL 60901
Phone: 928-554-5940
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