ACEC OKLAHOMA members we hope you've had a prosperous and busy month. Despite a few snow days, our legislative session has moved at a record pace. Additionally, we have substantial updates regarding PPP and Federal activities related to ACEC.
As mentioned previously, ACEC National has been circulating a bipartisan bill providing a PPP credit fix. We would like to thank Congresswoman Stephanie Bice for signing on in support of the bi-partisan legislation by Representatives Anthony Brown (D-MD) and John Katko (R-NY). I am working with our delegation to ask about signing up. We are hopeful we will add a few additional co-authors from the Oklahoma delegation. ACEC National also shared a series of webinars from the White House for the IIJA projects, information below:
Roads, Bridges, and Major Projects: Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 4pm-5pm ET - Register Here
Clean Energy and Power: Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 4pm-5pm ET - Register Here
Resilience: Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 4pm-5pm ET - Register Here
Environmental Remediation: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 4pm-5pm ET - Register Here
The US Department of Treasury has provided us a helpful list for tracking ARPA funding for state and local government. You can view the listing here. Scroll down about halfway for information on cities, counties and towns.
-Mike Thompson- President & CEO
Government Affairs Update
Early in the legislative session there was misinformation about QBS for construction management projects. Our board took swift action and unanimously voted to support QBS and provide important information about QBS and any clear up any misrepresentation. Our request bills, also approved unanimously by our board, HB3484 INT.PDF ( is scheduled to be heard in the House General Government Committee on Wednesday, March 2nd 3pm Commitee members with contact information and SB1463 INT.PDF ( is scheduled to be heard in Senate Business and Commerce on Thursday, March 3rd Senate committee members. We will be vigorously lobbying this week to get the bills passed respectively. If you would like to look up your legislator, please click here Oklahoma Legislature ( This Friday is the deadline for "body of origin" committee work. There will be a significant number of bills not heard and our tracking list will shrink.
TRUST will host its annual "day at the capitol" on March 9th. To register please click here Events | Restore T.R.U.S.T. ( and the Construction and Industries Coalition (CIC) is planning on hosting a dinner at the Capitol March 22nd at 5pm (tentative date and time). We are members of CIC and I will send out a sign up once OMES confirms the event if anyone would like to attend.
With the announcing of Senator Inhofe retiring in January, it has set off a firestorm of political maneuvering. Congressman Mullin has announced his candidacy which will open up his Congressional Seat and Senator Inhofe's former Chief of Staff Luke Holland has also announced. Congressman Hern is looking at the race closely as well as former House Speaker and Transportation Commissioner TW Shannon. The political dominos will be falling soon and what seemed to be a rather boring election year is now a significant change for Oklahoma's political landscape. We will be monitoring the changes very closely.
Leadership for Engineers: New Dates Secured
As we previously mentioned, our Leadership for Engineers session has been moved due to inclement weather. We will send out more details soon. Please save the following dates
Stillwater - August 18-19
Oklahoma City - September 15-16
Tulsa- October 20-21
Donations Needed for PR Program
The Branding Strategic Plan Committee, Chaired by Doug Glenn has worked through an extensive process to identify options for selecting a Public Relations firm per our Strategic-Plan.pdf ( The cost is ~$40,000 and in order to move forward we need financial resources. If this is a program you find valuable please reach out to me or and we can begin a campaign to raise money for this effort.
a. Engage the services of a public relations firm to further develop our message, talking points, and collateral material by 7/1/22. New resources to include:
i. Expanding our social media coverage
ii. Increasing television & print media coverage including stories on member firms’ contribution to the quality of life and other relevant stories
iii. Revising, publicizing, and promoting the ACEC Awards Program
We have to refill the PAC Account! Please donate!!
Save the Date(s)
Board and General Membership Meeting, April 29
ACEC Annual Convention, May 22-25 Washington DC
ACEC Midwest States Conference (Kansas, Missouri & Oklahoma) will be June 8-13 at The Buccaneer St. Croix, Virgin Islands (U.S.) More details to come soon.
Other ACEC OKLAHOMA important dates:
Mike Thompson
President & CEO
220 N.E. 28th Street, Suite 135
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Phone: (405) 525-7696
Cell: (405) 819-4790
Fax: (405) 557-1820