Relief for military family posted during the pandemic
Mrs. Jones knew something was making learning more difficult for her two children. But with the stress of moving to a new posting during a pandemic, expensive educational assessments seemed far out of reach … until she learned about Support Our Troops.
Husband and wife pledge $1.5M to support military community
Kyle MacDonald and John Franklin understand the sacrifices made by military members, as both are children of Veterans. As a result, they’ve chosen to focus their philanthropic efforts on showing appreciation for our women and men in uniform.
Canadian Armed Forces members improve children’s orphanage in the DRC
In February 2020, Boomer’s Legacy received an inspiring testimonial from deployed troops in the Democratic Republic of the Congo requesting funds to continue supporting a local orphanage by improving basic sanitary conditions. The orphanage’s mission to keep kids off the streets, offer them an education and prevent them from becoming child soldiers. The response to Canadian support was overwhelming.
Virtual Canada Army Run 2021: Early Bird Registration
Seizing the momentum from last year’s virtual event, the Canada Army Run team promises to deliver new ways to train, race, and engage! Register now for early bird pricing and run, walk, or roll from wherever you are.
Team Canada member credits Soldier On with new growth in recovery
“Get curious about something other than yourself!” advises retired Corporal Hans Poirier, who has found his way out of a dark, destructive spiral. This is his story.