Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation  about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 62 - FEBRUARY 2020

Published by

Events We Recommend

Feb. 2 - ONLINE 
with medium Thomas John


with  Dr. Karen Wyatt 
and  Dr.Terri Daniel


Feb. 20 - Niskayuna, NY
Northeast Dream School
with Robert Moss

March 14 - Chicago, IL.
NDEs: Now that we Know, What Should We Do?
with Terri Daniel and 
Chicago IANDS 


March 15 - Chicago IL. 
Grief as a Mystical Journey
with Terri Daniel
and psychic medium
Suzane Northrop
  A Busy Start to 2020 

Podcasts, podcasts, podcasts... and a new image for the Afterlife Conference!

February is a great month for staying home and staying warm while reading, watching videos or listening to podcasts. We hope you'll make some time for the interesting content we've put together for you this month.

And if you'd like to help support our ongoing work, you can now donate to The Afterlife Conference via our PATREON PAGE. You can become one of our patrons for as little as $5 per month and receive a bunch of great perks (including discounts and VIP passes to the conference). Details here:  
Many thanks for your continued support!

Rev. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP
Founder, The Original Afterlife Conference
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy,
Bereavement and Trauma Support

The Healing Effects of After-Death Communication
by  Marilyn A. Mendoza Ph.D
From Psychology Today 

"The experiences of  grief  can be so unsettling that many who mourn express concern that they are losing their minds. The bereaved are bombarded with unusual thought, experiences and emotions. Typically, all these experiences are in the realm of normalcy however, some individuals feel that they are a sign of psychopathology" READ MORE...

Teaching Doctors to Talk About Death 
From PBS.org

"Faced with the uncomfortable task of discussing death, doctors often avoid the topic. Only 17 percent of Medicare patients surveyed in a 2015 Kaiser Family Foundation  study  said they had discussed end-of-life care - though most wanted to do so. Since that study, Medicare has begun reimbursing providers for having these conversations. Yet still,  just a fraction  of Medicare recipients at the end of life have those talks with their doctors." READ MORE...

Speaking of Doctors and Death...
Here's Our New Podcast!

Hospice physician Dr. Karen Wyatt and end-of-life educator Dr. Terri Daniel answer your questions about death, dying and bereavement in this bold new podcast where no subject is too sensitive or too taboo!

Our premiere episode will be recorded LIVE on Sunday February 16, and we invite you to join us. Register HERE to be part of the live event.

If you have a particular question you'd like us to address, send it to [email protected], and we'll discuss it on the show!

Bad Bereavement Advice:
When Trying to Help Doesn't Help
by Terri Daniel
As I travel around the country teaching workshops on loss, trauma and resilience, I meet hundreds of people - mostly bereaved parents - who have been suffering deeply for years and even decades, and are not moving forward in the healing process. For my doctoral research on complicated grief, I accumulated a lot of data on this troubling phenomenon. A common thread among the parents was a belief that many of them echoed... "The depth of your pain equals the depth of the love you have for your child."   READ MORE

Just added!
Christopher Kerr MD
Death Is But A Dream

Ketamine Assisted DeathWork 
John Pavlovitz
Speaking, Writing and Marketing
Your Spiritual Truth
Robert Moss 
Communicating with the Departed Through Dreams

Chris Batts
Near-Death Experience
After Suicide

Jerrigrace Lyons
End-of-Life Doula Training
Full-Day Workshop
Buddhist Rituals for the Transfer
of Consciousness at Death

Analeise Parchen, LCSW
Introduction to Induced
After-Death Communication
Terri Daniel, DMin, CT, CCTP
Bereavement and Bad Theology
The Shaman's Tools

Edy Nathan, MA, LCSW
The Lives of Psychic Children
Brian Smith
Creating Community  After Child Loss

Sonya Lott, PhD
When Healthy Grief
Becomes Complicated

Yvonne Kason MD
Near-Death and Spiritually-Transformative Experiences

Meet-and-Greet receptions
on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday nights

Lunch and dinner included
on Friday and Saturday 
with general admissio

Our Featured Mediums

Thomas John

Thomas  is a global psychic sensation who has wowed audiences across the world with his impressively accurate messages from the other side.

He'll be providing gallery-style audience readings on Sunday morning, a small group spirit circle on Sunday afternoon (by reservation only), and private readings by appointment.
Suzane Northrop

As our official " medium-in-residence," Suzane is offering a pre-conference workshop on Mastering Mediumship, with interactive exercises and small group processes to help you fine-tune your intuitive abilities. She's is also offering  private readings and a small group spirt circle  (by appointment).

Austyn Wells

Austyn is a spiritual medium who is also certified in grief counseling and trained in Shamanic healing practices. She will be offering private sessions and a small group spirit circle (by appointment), and also facilitating a workshop on  The Shaman's Tools.  

And many more!