WI Election Overview
November 4, 2020
Dear WH&LA Members,

With election day behind us, we are still waiting on the results of many races that could have a real impact on the issues that face the lodging industry and the nation as a whole. While we wait for the final results, we are excited to share with you this November General Election Results Recap. This was prepared by the great contract lobbyist advocating on our behalf, Kathi Kilgore from Standby/Kilgore & Associates. While at the state level it is apparent that Republicans will retain control of both chambers, we still have a lot of work to do in meeting with the newly elected officials to educate them on the issues facing Wisconsin’s lodging industry. 

In addition to reading Kathi’s report, we invite you to join Kathi, Chip Rogers from AH&LA and me at WH&LA’s next Virtual Town Hall, “Election Impact on Wisconsin's Lodging Industry” on November 18, 2020 at 9:30am. Hopefully by then the dust will be settled at the state and national levels so we know who our elected leaders will be moving forward!

We thank you for your interest in serving Wisconsin’s lodging community and for your support of WH&LA.

King Regards,

Bill Elliott, CAE
WH&LA President & CEO