Dear Holy St. Patrick Families!

I pray that you have been enjoying your Christmas Holiday! Here comes 2020!!!

Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Holy Family! I am always inspired by the Holy Family. Can you imagine what the every day life of Mary, Joseph and Jesus was like?
Did Mary ever have to "remind" Jesus to do his chores, finish his homework, eat his vegetables?

I love Pope Francis' quote above, "holiness does not mean performing extraordinary things but carrying out daily things in extraordinary way - that is with love, joy and faith" I am sure Mary did live with love, joy and faith!

How Holy Can My Family Be?
Here is an excerpt from an article about " The Holy Family and Holiness", December 30, 2018 by  Deacon Frederick Bartels that I found interesting about actually living as the Holy family lived.

"The Christian family is destined to be “a communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit” (CCC 2205). That is indeed a high and holy calling.
The Holy Family reminds us all of what it’s like to live within the context of God’s loving plan. It’s not always easy; it’s not a life for cowards. It has its costs and always includes personal sacrifice. But such a way of life, the way of holiness in free and loving obedience to God, is for everyone who desires the love of God. Everyone is called by God to holiness in his Son, Jesus Christ—a call that leaves out no one.
Is it possible? To live the life of holiness? God makes it possible for anyone who sincerely desires his love and the fullness of life he offers. To begin the journey, give yourself over in self-entrustment to Christ. Then live as he lived. Live as the Holy Family lived.
The life of holiness: it’s the key to happiness .

God will not ask us to do what cannot be done! Pope Francis gives us lots of ideas, too! In fact, The theme for the next World Meeting of Families, which will take place in Rome from June 23 to 27, 2021 is: “Family love: vocation and path to holiness”
Rome 2021 will focus on family love as a vocation and a way to holiness. Family relationships in daily life can have a redeeming value: the proposal is to reread  Amoris Laetitia  "The Joy of Love" in the light of the call to holiness of  Gaudete et Exsultate “the call to holiness in the contemporary world.” If you have some extra time, read these...they are very inspiring!!!
But, if time is short, here is a simple pamphlet with many practical ideas: Be Families of Holiness - by Pope Francis

How do you start? Here is a suggestion for tonight, New Years Eve!!! or tomorrow, New Years Day: Take some time as a family reading the Pope's pamphlet and creating a family mission statement (see below) for the year (in lieu of New Years Resolutions). Keep it Simple! Write your mission statement (one or two sentences/points max), put them on your fridge. Pray for courage and strength to live them out this year! You are a Holy Family, even with struggles and challenges! Remember, The life of holiness: it’s the key to happiness .
My continued prayer for you and your families is to imagine together - a life filled with more peace, love, joy and holiness!!!  Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”


Nancy Longo
Director of Religious Education
562-822-8779 (cell)
512-759-3712 (office)

Here is a video on some ideas about being that Holy Family! It's only 5.41 minutes.
Special Feast Days and Mass days in January!!!

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Holy Day of Obligation
Vigil Mass 12/31/19 at 7pm and Mass on 1/1/20 at 10am.

The feast is a celebration of Mary’s motherhood of Jesus. The title “Mother of God” is a western derivation from the Greek Theotokos, which means “God-bearer”. On this day, we are reminded of the role that the Blessed Virgin played in the plan of our salvation. Through the Holy Spirit, God the Father prepared Mary to be the dwelling place where His Son and His Spirit could dwell among men. Christ’s birth was made possible by Mary’s fiat, or sanctioning of God’s plan with her words, “Be it done to me according to thy word”. Calling Mary “Mother of God” is the highest honor we can give to her. Just as Christmas honors Jesus as the “Prince of Peace”, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God honors Mary as the “Queen of Peace”. New Year’s Day is also designated as the “World Day of Peace”, further acknowledging the role of Mary in our hearts and in our world.
Written by Bill Chapman
Here are some ways to help your family understand the readings at mass:
Important Dates for
Elementary Religious Education

  • January 8 - FAMILY FAITH NIGHT - Fr. Brian will be Walking through Mass with us. Have you ever been bored in mass? Confused? not understand why the priest does things? Come to this with your family and go behind the scenes! (This is NOT mass, but a walk through mass to help us better fully participate in future masses). Everyone is welcome. 4:30-5:30 or 6:30-7:30pm. There is NO RCIC classes for children or adults at 5:30pm. Come and enjoy Family night at 4:30 or 6:30pm.
  • January 15 - Classes at 4:30 or 6:30. Also RCIC for parents and children at 5:30pm
  • January 22 -Classes at 4:30 or 6:30. Also RCIC for parents and children at 5:30pm
  • January 29 - Classes at 4:30 or 6:30. Also RCIC for parents and children at 5:30pm
Middle School Ministry!
CIA - Catholics in Action
Sundays, before 5pm mass from 3-4:30pm
Check out the news on our CIA Website
CIA Agents (volunteers) are needed!

Middle School RCIC teen classes: Saturdays, Jan 11, Feb 1, Mar 7, Apr 4, May 2 from 9am-10:30am.
Youth Ministry - SPY
Sundays after 5pm mass - 6:15-8:30pm
Check out the news on our SPY Website
Volunteers are needed!
Confirmation Classes for Teens

Confirmation Retreat - Begins Friday, Jan 3rd from 3:00pm - 9:00pm and return on Saturday, Jan 4th from 9am-7pm.
Confirmation Classes are every other Monday from 7-8:30pm. Visit our website for more information.
It's never too late to register!!!
GOOD Catholic RESOURCES for your Spiritual Growth on the Internet!
and Parents -
  • If there are other things you would like links to - let me know! I will try to keep this updated!
Even though you are busy - check out this app while you are waiting for your child at soccer practice, band, school, etc. .anywhere (except driving, of course!!!)

Laudate also has Daily Mass Readings, Liturgy of the Hours, Order of the Mass, Calendar with daily readings, Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy, How to go to Confession, Stations of the Cross, Basic Catholic Prayers, Latin Prayers, Catechism, Catholic Media, EWTN & Vatican Documents. Everything you wanted to know about being Catholic but were afraid to ASK! You are now smarter than a 5th Graders!

  • Catholic Answers & Apologetics
  • Catholic Confession Guide
  • Our Daily Bread - Meditations

myParish Catholic Life - has all the information you need for St. Patrick - Mass/Confession times/Special Group connections!

USA Catholic Church - USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops...everything you wanted to know about being Catholic!

St. Patrick Religious Education Ministry is here to empower and support families in their ministry to form and teach their children about God and the Catholic faith. This is a life-long process that includes us as adults and those families with special needs!

If you have any questions or needs that we can help you with, please feel free to email us or call us! We are here to serve you! I am usually here from 9am - 4:30pm - Mon-Fri. During school year, I will be here during the RE programs, but probably not available by email or office phone. 
You can text me at (562-822-8779)

May God bless you with His abundant Love, Peace and Joy as we grow more like Him every day during our journey of faith!

Nancy Longo
Director of Religious Education
St Patrick Catholic Church
 2500 Limmer Loop
 Hutto, TX 78634
 512-759-3712 ext 104
If you would like text reminders, we will use REMIND:
Dial 81010 - and add yourself to your desired group:
  • Catechists—@ah8gk
  • RCIA adapted for C/T—@d6kbak
  • 4:30 Session—@4c8464
  • 6:30 Session—@b8de64