October 21, 2020

We recently ordered a large tent to use for outdoor worship at Christ Church and it has arrived! If you'd like to help raise the tent, you are welcome to join us on Saturday, October 24, at 9:00 am, in front of the church. Please call Glenn Queener at 912-638-8683 and let him know you're coming. Wear your mask and bring a sledgehammer, if you have one! See you there!

Rector's Ramblings

Picking back up on our Bishop's Pastoral Letter from earlier this month, I want to reflect on the second of his three points: vote. As you may remember, he called upon us all to pray, to vote, and to love as we prepare for this upcoming election. For the Christian, the three can't really be separated, and yet they have their own distinctive characteristics that are worth exploring.
Elections are voting. Any kind of election is about making choices, hopefully informed choices.  And while we take voting to be routine these days, it hasn't always been so throughout history.  In fact, it's not a question of whether we as a people take voting for granted; the historically low turnout at public elections fairly well illustrates that Americans, as a group, are rather relaxed in their voting habits. A little more than half of eligible voters turn out to the polls for presidential elections; even less for midterms. Voting turnout percentages skew older, wealthier, and higher educated, with the highest demographics topping out around 75% turnout. My guess is that a congregation like Christ Church is full of likely voters who may not need much encouragement.


Worship This Week

Please join us on Sunday, at 9:15 am, for online Holy Eucharist, which will be available on the Christ Church Facebook page here, on our YouTube page here, or the Christ Church website here. 
Outdoor In-Person Worship - A Second Service Will Be Added on November 1, 2020 

We're happy to announce that on All Saints' Sunday, November 1, we will add a second outdoor service at 11:15 am. This will be Rite I Holy Eucharist and on that day, the 8:00 am service will change to BCP 1928 Holy Eucharist and will remain that way. (This coming Sunday, October 25, there will still only be the single Rite I outdoor worship service at 8:00 am.)

All worshipers must register in order to attend outdoor services by calling the office (912-638-8683) Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, or on Fridays, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. You must speak with a staff member or volunteer in order to be registered. Registrations will start over each week on Tuesday for the following Sunday; we will not be registering anyone beyond the current, upcoming Sunday. You will need to call the church each week you intend to attend worship.
Please dress casually and comfortably for the weather. Those at high risk for severe symptoms are still encouraged to stay home and worship virtually.

All who attend worship will be screened before participating. We will make sure you don't have any COVID-19 symptoms, haven't been recently exposed, or haven't been recently tested. If you have any common COVID symptoms, we ask that you do not attend in-person worship. Such symptoms may include:

*  Fever or chills
*  Cough
*  Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
*  Fatigue
*  Muscle or body aches
*  Headache
*  New loss of taste or smell
*  Sore throat
*  Congestion or runny nose
*  Nausea or vomiting
*  Diarrhea

* All who attend will be required to wear masks.  
* All who attend are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs, however, we will have metal folding chairs on hand for those without.
* We will spray for bugs each week, but we encourage you to bring bug spray.
* We will provide hand fans to all who attend (the fans are yours to keep and reuse - we will not collect them).
* Please know that restrooms are only available for emergency use.
Celebrate Communion with Us Via Drive-Through Every Sunday Until 11:15 am 

Join us for Drive-Through Communion at Christ Church each Sunday, following the live stream of the Eucharist. There is no need to make a reservation. Cars will enter at the gate next to the mailbox on Frederica Road and drive down the path. Car windows should remain closed until directed to be lowered by the clergy. A member of the clergy will administer the Eucharist, after which parishioners will drive to the back gate, to exit onto Stevens Road.

 Communion will be served until 11:15 am each Sunday.
All Saints Sunday
All Saints Day will be celebrated on Sunday, November 1, 2020 this year. This is a time of reflection and celebration, as we remember those who have died. We will be collecting their names for the All Saints Book of Remembrance. 

If you would like to have the name of someone who has died since last year's All Saints Day services, or the name of a loved one who died prior to last year, read during the November 1 service, please email us at [email protected] with the name of the person you wish to honor. Please have the names in by Friday, October 23, 2020.
All Saints/All Souls Prayer Walk

On the evening of Sunday November 1, All Saint's Day, Christ Church is offering an All Saints/All Soul's Prayer Walk through the cemetery after sundown. There will be five stations at which reflections and prayers will be offered, including prayers for our loved ones who have died. The walk will travel one way along the cemetery road, directed by volunteers, stopping briefly at the five stations. Small groups will move together through the stations, masked and distanced. Each station will also have a musical component.  
The cemetery and church yard will be decorated with candles on graves. We invite those with loved ones to decorate the grave(s) of their loved ones that afternoon, particularly with candles. Volunteers will go through the cemetery at dusk to light the candles. Whatever is put on the graves on Sunday should be removed on Monday.  
To help keep numbers appropriately managed for pandemic related reasons, there will be a registration process to sign up for a time slot. The first time slot will be 6:00 pm, just after sunset. The final time slot will be shortly after 7:00 pm. The walk will take approximately 30 minutes with the stops. Please call the church office at 912-638-8683 to make your reservation.  
Mark your calendars now if you'd like to participate by decorating a grave or by taking the walk. There will be a rain date should the weather be inclement.
Evening Prayer

If you enjoy hearing Evening Prayer read, please look for it at 5:00 pm on the Christ Church Facebook page here. The Rite I bulletin for evening prayer can be found here. The Rite II bulletin for evening prayer can be found here.


Prayers for an Election
Forward Movement and The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations are calling Episcopalians and all others to join in A Season of Prayer: For an Election.
Join us October 27-November 4. Sign up for email updates here.
We come together, asking God for courage and wisdom, thanking God for love and joy. As we move toward the election of leaders for the United States, may we all join in a season of prayer, committing to offer to God our fears and frustrations, our hopes and dreams.
A novena is an ancient tradition of nine days of devotional prayers, often with a specific intention. In this case, we pray for discernment in voting and for the well-being of our nation.
Starting October 27 and continuing through the day after the election, we invite you to pray for the election of leaders in the United States. Materials are available here for use at home or to share with you congregation. These prayers, drawn from The Book of Common Prayer, can be printed out and tucked in a Bible or prayer journal.
The prayers will also be posted daily on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter, #seasonofprayer. 

Hear a message about the importance of prayer during this election season from The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church here.
Join Our Online Contemplative Group
Parishioners from Christ Church Frederica have been meeting regularly online with a group of parishioners from Trinity Episcopal Church, in Asheville, North Carolina for an hour of prayer, reflection, and contemplation on Wednesday mornings, from 11:00 am through 12:00 pm. 

The group is going strong and would be happy to welcome any new participants. Email Randy Siegel at [email protected] if you'd like to join us! 
If you are a regular reader of the Forward Day by Day devotionals that are typically available in the Christ Church office and would like to continue to have access to them, please contact Glenn Queener at [email protected]. Glenn would like to have your name and street address, so he can send you copies of the booklets. You can also find the devotionals online here.
Wednesday Men's Study Group Meeting Remotely 
The Men's Study Group meets via Zoom on Wednesdays, at 10:30 am. They are currently exploring the book Heaven and Hell: a History of the AfterLife by Bart D. Ehrman to uncover the processes by which, and how, the New Testament came to be. If you'd like to join the group for this Bible study or upcoming studies, please contact Te Turner at [email protected] or Fr. David Somerville at [email protected]  for the Zoom access information.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
A short weekly Bible Study is being conducted on Wednesdays, at 5:30 pm, in the Christ Church Parish House. The class, "I want to be like Jesus - help me God" will take place until November 11. Because of COVID-19 health and safety restrictions, the class size is extremely limited, masks must be worn at all times and social distancing will be maintained. If you would like to participate in the class, you must call Godfrey Draviam at 912-617-2936 by noon, on the Monday preceding the Wednesday class, to see if there is space available. For more information, please contact Godfrey at [email protected] 
Women's Book Study
The Women's Book Study is meeting via ZOOM at 1:00 pm on Thursdays. They are reading White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin DiAngelo. Please contact Mother Ashton at [email protected] if you'd like more information about this book.

Adult Sunday Class Continues Break
The Adult Sunday Class, led by the Rev. Bob Brown continues to be on hiatus. Plans for the fall are evolving. For questions about the class and future studies, please contact Bob at [email protected].
 Children and Youth

Virtual Sunday School for Children 

Zoom Sunday school will be back in session for our children from PreK through Grade 5 this week!

Worship: Hear the Bible story for the week in the Kidurgy service! - available by 8:00 am on Sunday Morning.

Share: At 10:20 am, sign on to our Zoom Sunday School class and listen with Mr. and Mrs. Turner for the PreK-2nd Grade, or Mr. Lenon and Mother Katie for the 3rd-5th grade class! These sessions will be about 15-20 minutes sessions maximum, so you can get to drive-thru communion if you need! Use the Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84574938145
Learn: Take advantage of further learning with the lesson leaflet (that will be passed out at the drive-thru or delivered to your door!) and an On Demand lesson to accompany that weeks lesson, available by Monday morning to do at your leisure that week!
Participate in all or one offering to help form your child in the Christian Faith! 
If you'd like more details about the upcoming Sunday school classes please contact Mtr. Katie at [email protected].
Kidurgy is now using an Anglican Rosary for the Prayers of the People. If you do not have a rosary to use to follow along with at home, please let Mother Katie know and she will deliver! (They are also available at the drive-through communion line!)  Kidurgy will be emailed at 8:00 am on Sunday morning as well as posted on Facebook at 7:00 am.

You can watch last Sunday's Kidurgy message here.

If you'd like a tutorial on how you can make your own Anglican Rosary, (aka Prayer Beads), go to the link here, for step-by-step details.

Please contact Mtr. Katie at [email protected] for more information.
Christ Church Families on Facebook
Families! Please join the Christ Church Families Facebook group to keep up with all the latest events and activities. Find us on Facebook here!


Mission and OutreachMissionandOutreach

Help Needed for the Humane Society
As part of her English 1102 course at the Coastal College of Georgia, Christ Church parishioner, Waverly Brown, is doing a service project for the local community. She has chosen to do her project with the Humane Society of South Coastal Georgia. Waverly will be collecting dry and canned pet foods, treats and toys in donation boxes that she has placed in four locations, including the front porch of the Christ Church Parish House. Please help her out by donating to this outreach project for the Humane Society!
Thanksgiving Baskets

The annual collection of food for Thanksgiving food baskets for twenty-three needy families in our community begins Sunday, November 8 and will continue through Sunday, November 22. The final date for food collection is November 23, by 9:00 am. Chair Jeannie Wade asks that you bring non-perishable food items to the Christ Church Parish House and leave them on the front porch, in the boxes marked "Thanksgiving Baskets". 

Monetary donations are welcome, too, as they will help to purchase a turkey for each basket. Make your check to Christ Church, Frederica and note that it is for Thanksgiving baskets. Checks may be placed in the collection plates at our outdoor worship services and at Drive-through Communion, or mailed to Christ Church, at 6329 Frederica Road, St. Simons Island, GA 31522. Monetary funds may also be left in the church office during regular business hours. 

You are also invited to sign up to help assemble the food baskets in the Parish Hall, on Monday, November 23, at 9:00 am. Contact Jeannie Wade at [email protected] to get more information or to volunteer to help collect, assemble or deliver the food baskets. 
Backpack Buddies 

The Backpack Buddies team continues to seek out ways to get nutritious food to the children who need it most in Glynn County. This week, we begin our deliveries to FACES*/ Leaps and Bounds preschool and we're very excited about that. They are located right next door to Burroughs Molette, where we are already delivering weekend food bags 

* Family and Children's Educational Services

Buddy Adoption Special

If you've thought about adopting a young buddy, or have had one in the past, this is a great time to begin a new sponsorship for 2020-2021. Because the school year has already started, you can "adopt" a child for the rest of the year for only $75, instead of the usual $100, which will supply the youngster with weekend food bags for the entire school year. You  are welcome to donate by check (just mail it to Christ Church, at 6329 Frederica Road St. Simons Island, GA 31522 - check memo, Backpack Buddies) 
 or give online HERE (choose Backpack Program).

We are always grateful for your help with the Backpack Buddies mission! If you have any items you'd like to donate this week, they may be dropped off on the front porch at the Christ Church Parish House. If you have any questions about the Backpack Buddies program, please contact Susan Shipman at [email protected].
Stay Informed

Honey Creek Is Open!

Honey Creek has been closed since the pandemic, but has now opened its doors for individual and small group retreats. "Our lodge and cabins are perfect for individuals and families to come spend a few days away. Brunswick is right down the road, and folks can pick up the food of their choice. And with Jekyll Island and St. Simons Island so close, they can spread out their time between Honey Creek and the Islands," say Executive Director Dade Brantley. 

The Lodge rooms and cottages are the perfect getaway in more ways than one, and meet the guidelines to remain socially distant. Each lodge room has a private bathroom, and the cottages include working kitchens. For more information and to book your stay at Honey Creek, contact the office at (912)265-9218 or email Georganne Younger at [email protected].
Giving Made Easy

You may use the CCF website to make pledges, donations and payments for some activities. Just select "Giving" at the top of the CCF homepage. This brings you to the pay portal. The process is fast and easy and allows you to pay by credit or debit card or by electronic bank transfer. You may change or add new payment methods at any time. Contact: Stan Kyker, CCF financial administrator at 912-638-8683.

Pastoral Care and Prayer List

Pastoral Care 

Your pastoral care team is here for you! If you have a pastoral concern, a blessing you'd like to share, want to arrange a hospital or home visit, and/or receive Holy Communion, please contact Mother Ashton Williston at 912-638-8683 or [email protected].

Prayer List

To amend our prayer list or to update the church on the condition of your loved one, please email Mtr. Ashton Williston at [email protected] or call the church office at 912-638-8683.
Nancy Acree
Sam Barrick
Bill Bartlett
Beryl Blatchford
David Blatchford
Tory Braden
Judy Bradford
Rowland Bradford
Anne Brown
Bob Dart Brown
June Brown
Beverly Burns
Jackie Byrne
Colleen Cassidy
Zoann Covington
Jim Curran
Sarah Dance
Jackie Davis
Linda Davidson
Mary Lou Detwiler
Natalie Dixon
Dave Geiszler
Ann Graham
Julie Hancock
Kim Harrison
Burgess Hartsell
Larry Hartsell
Andrew Hobbs
Carol Hoffine
Lise Hofmann
Angela Holland
Jessica Hope
Bob Huggins
Gordon Jackson
Holly Lamb
Mary Landen
Bill Littleton
Dorothy Lowery
Dott Marler
Tom Martin
Kathy Marvel
Claire McCarty
Frank Owenby
Andy Padgett
Pep Peppiatt
Dale Pierson
Heath Power
Johnny Riddle
Julia Riddle
Terry Hall Robbins
Clyde Smith
Willou Smith
David Somerville
Sam Spak
Nancy Stamper
Mike Swindling
Edith Tayloe
Christina Taylor
Sam Ward
Sarah Whitman
Jennifer Willingham