
People for Guatemala was born out of our strong desire to do something about the extreme poverty we saw in rural villages. Working beside dedicated people and receiving donations from compassionate friends, we began helping one family at a time.

Here's an excerpt from our archives 9 years ago:

Ken is our chief accountant and spends a great deal of time on Quick books. Sounds simple but when you consider US dollars must be converted to Quetzales and the exchange rate here fluctuates every day. Amilcar and Marlon are buying construction materials and all funds have to be managed to the penny, or should I say Quetzales! Ken never thought he would be spending his social security check living in Guatemala.

Lois is working on revisions for a website and we will be doing a fund raising campaign soon because we do not have extra funds for critical care needs, building a house for the family living in a corn field, buying hundreds of stoves to improve family health, buy white boards for a school with worn out blackboards, buy food for an elderly couple or a family of 8 with no food, buy pain medication for a 75 year old lady with arthritis, and the list continues ....

We still have that strong commitment and continue to focus on health and education initiatives that are saving lives and changing lives everyday. Our hard working, qualified and passionate employees partner with men and women in the rural villages to create healthier families, more productive schools, educated children, and stronger communities. Over 800 patients a month are treated a our health centers.

Thankfully, with the help of our generous donors and friends, we have had the opportunity to play a small role in transforming thousands of lives. As we look back and celebrate our accomplishments together, we look forward to creating brighter futures for generations living in rural Guatemala and provide you the best possible return on your investment.

Please continue on this journey with us to do what matters.

Kind regards,
Lois & Ken Werner
9TH ANNIVERSARY 2010 - 2019
51,000 patient visits at our health and dental clinics (68% are children under 12)

18,000 people in 32 villages have running water

5,600 women have new Chapina stoves

4,000 kids have access to computers in their schools

268 families have improved sanitation

75 schools have new classrooms, new roofs, kitchens, desks and books

540 students have received scholarships to attend junior high, high school and college

283 families have new or improved houses

300 students each week attend classes at our Learning and Skills Center

11,000 adults and children received physicals and health care in rural villages
in partnership with visiting medical professionals, students, and volunteers
You can provide access to health care
and education for some of the most vulnerable people on earth.

In Guatemala, 1 out of every 2 children are suffering with malnutrition.
When mom first brought her twins to our clinic, they were suffering
from malnutrition. They were starving because mom could not breast feed both children and didn't have money to buy formula. Dr. Garcia managed their care and created a plan for mom and her twins. Every month they received vitamins and fortified milk.
See them now - they are healthy and thriving.
The school year is coming to an end in Guatemala and we are making plans to celebrate high school graduation with 19 of our students. All of these students are the first in their family to graduate and the majority aspire to continue on to the university to study health, education, engineering, and legal professions.

Students in our program receive financial assistance for tuition, books, supplies, uniforms, transportation and food. In addition, the students and their families are integrated into our health programs and attend workshops to learn about personal health and hygiene, family planning education, and self esteem. Another requirement is to complete a community service project.

We are gearing up for the 2020 school year which starts in January. There is an overwhelming need for financial assistance. You can help educate bright and motivated students. Educating kids will break down the barriers of poverty, transform them into productive adults, and change the world.

A monthly contribution or an annual donation will convert a bleak outlook into hopes and dreams. Please donate to our scholarship program and keep a kid in school.
"It's not what you take with you when you leave this world, it's what you leave behind"
Lyrics in the song "Three Crosses" by Randy Travis
Mom brought Alma to our health clinic in June for an evaluation. Something was wrong with Alma's hands. Her fingers were swollen and the pain was getting worse.

Dr. Garcia examined Alma and referred her to a specialist who ordered tests. The diagnosis was confirmed. She was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Alma is 20 years old, finished only 4th grade, and is one of 6 children.

Blanca, our social worker, visited their home in the remote village of La Chuchilla. Alma's father works in the fields making $6 a day but cannot find permanent work. Mom has no means of income. The family is struggling to buy food and has no money for medical care.

Through our Patient Care fund we were able to assist with the cost of transportation to see the specialist, the cost of the consultation, diagnostic tests, and medicine.

"When we heard about the clinic we prayed they would help our daughter" said mom. "Our prayers were answered. Without help our daughter would continue to suffer."

Alma with her sister, mother and father.

Where Alma and her family live.
Their bathroom
Their toilet
A pot of beans cooks on the open fire stove. Beans and corn tortillas are the family's main food source.
Alma's mother uses this
stone to wash clothes
Marlon (on the left in the photo above) is assisting Carlos back to his house after he was released from the hospital. Carlos had hernia repair surgery in August. He is 18 years old, attends 9th grade and receives financial support through our scholarship program. Carlos is now healthy and back to school.

Patients are referred to specialists for necessary additional medical care beyond the scope of our primary care clinic. Every month we assist patients with the cost of medicine, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and transportation to and from hospitals in Chimaltenango, Guatemala City and Antigua. Without our help, children, men and women go undiagnosed and untreated.

Please contribution to our Patient Care Fund and support medical care for more kids like Alma and Carlos.
We appreciate our partner -
Nursing Heart
Here's what they are saying about us.
Nursing Heart Friends,

In the off season, we take advantage of the extra non-clinical hours and head out into the communities to meet with our partners. This last week Sara and I met with Lois and Amilcar from  Hombres y Mujeres en Accion  (HyMA) to discuss the coming season and this year's medical clinics.

During the year, we utilize the medical expertise of the visiting nurse groups, alongside local medical staff to hold general medical and women's health clinics. This involves traveling to remote communities of San Martin Jilotepeque to provide this service to those who would not usually be able to travel nor afford health care. 

This partnership allows both of our organizations to achieve more by serving a larger population working together. Through their  Obras Sociales Health Clinic  in San Martin Jilotepeque, they provide medical, dental, and psychological care. This clinic is our place of referral and followup for any patients we diagnose during the remote medical clinics. Meaning, that we can maintain adequate and sustainable medical practices and know that our patients are taken care of after we leave.

We are so very grateful to our friends at HyMA and are so lucky to be able to work with such an enthusiastic group and an excellent organization providing much needed medical care to the people of Guatemala. 
Sara, Lois, Jade and Amilcar

Jade  Parker-Manderson 
Executive Director
Healthy kids can stay in school and learn.
Healthy moms can care for their children.
Healthy dads can work.
Healthy families can thrive.
Create a clean, healthy kitchen. Donate a stove today.
The women above are collecting firewood.

You can help these women...

A Chapina stove uses 70% less wood which means less work for women. Their families no longer breathe toxic smoke and suffer from related diseases such as pneumonia, eye irritations, head aches, and burns. Children are safe and moms are healthier.

You can change a family
and save lives by donating
a Chapina stove.

The cost is only $135.
In our last newsletter we shared the story about Jose Danilo. He lost his mother in the horrific bus accident near San Martin in 2013. Since then he has struggled with her loss and keeps her close in his heart.

Jose Danilo entered our scholarship program this year and attends 7th grade.

This month he was honored for having the highest grades in his school. Jose Danilo invited Telma, our scholarship coordinator, to participate in the celebration.

Telma writes "It was a privilege to accompany Danilo and share his special day."

Danilo, his father Edgar, and Telma
at school during the celebration
People for Guatemala, Inc.

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 110221
Naples, FL 34108

Contact us:

Learn more about what we do. Visit our website.

Phone in the U.S. 941 244 8692

Phone in Guatemala 502 4909 0841

Phone in Guatemala 502 4909 0841