Fun Fact #15
Since 2014,  235 parents in 60 schools
throughout the state have participated in SPAN's
Parents as Champions for Healthy Schools
parent leadership program.

Through this program, p articipants gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to partner with their schools to promote a healthy school environment. The resulting group of dedicated and knowledgeable parent advocates make a difference in the lives of our children by helping schools make the connection between health and academic success.
Check out the Parents as Champions program page at 
for a list of resources to help parents partner with their schools to improve school health.
SPAN is proud to be a leader in training parent leaders how to partner with schools in this important endeavor to connect academic performance with health. Your donation helps us continue to create these valuable partnerships between parents and schools so all their children flourish .

In advocay,
Diana Autin & Debra Jennings
Co-Executive Directors
SPAN is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that relies on funds from a variety of grants and also from people like you--our partners and parents, our families and friends. Help SPAN reach even more families in the next 30 years and beyond! 
Please share this message so we can increase our fundraising reach.