Noble Mother Tara:
Bestower of Longevity Blessings
White Tara Transmission & Teachings
Saturday and Sunday, January 18-19, 2020
9:30am-12pm and 2:30pm-5pm
Sangye Khandro will be giving the White Tara reading transmission and teachings in Ensenada, Mexico on Jan. 18-19, 2020. We have the good fortune to be able to video broadcast this event live from Mexico, viewable at Orgyen Dorje Den. (Please note: if you'd like to participate, viewing the video will only be available to those who come to ODD) .
His Holiness Dudjom Sangye Pema Zhepa Rinpoche will bestow the White Tara empowerment in July 2020, during his scheduled visit to ODD. Further details will be forthcoming when available.
Learn how and why to practice the Longevity White Tara, the terma revelation of Vidyadhara Dudul Dorje, the predecessor of Dudjom Lingpa and Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, with supplementation by Dudjom Rinpoche.
Sangye Khandro will give the reading transmission for the practice, and explain the special features of Noble Mother White Tara, as well as how to accomplish all the benefits.
This beautiful and potent practice is translated into English and carries with it all the blessings for increasing life expectancy, dispelling illness, warding off demonic force possession, and granting the blessings and potency of immortality. It is advised to be present for the reading transmission in order to receive the teachings.
Practice text  available from Vimala Treasures Sadhana for the Wish-fulfilling Chakra, Noble Mother Tara, entitled: An Excellent Vase of Immortal Nectar. A limited number of texts will be available at ODD's bookstore.
If you'd like to download a free copy of Sangye Khandro chanting the White Tara Sadhana practice, please click here (courtesy of Light of Berotsana).
Where: Orgyen Dorje Den When: Sat/Sun., Jan. 18-19, 2020
2244 Santa Clara Ave. 9:30-12:00 and 2:30-5:00
Alameda, CA 94501
Suggested Donation: $20/day. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Parking at O.D.D. is  Reserved Only  for Lamas, Residents, and Essential Staff. Please do not park in the O.D.D. parking lot! Parking is  available  one block away (between Santa Clara Ave and Central Ave):
Civic Center Parking Lot , 1416 Oak St, Alameda, CA 94501.
$0.75 per hour Mon-Sat 9:00am - 5:00pm  Free  outside these hours. Open 24/7

Orgyen Dorje Den 2244 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda, CA 94501
Orgyen Dorje Den is a 501c3 non-profit organization.