
I hope this finds you well. A small team recently traveled to South and Southeast Asia to visit the Promise Children, train the workers to do profile updates using our new App, and encourage all of the workers who so faithfully care for the children.

The team members thought they were going to bless the workers and children, but they were the ones that came back beyond blessed by being able to witness all that God is doing through your provision.

We hope you are able to be a part of this amazing mission trip through the photos and stories below.

Until the last one years,

Pastor Brent Kaser
The schools in South Asia funded by your sponsorship are thriving. We were so impressed by the children's sweet spirits and manners. No matter how late lunch was served, the children all waited patiently without complaining. Whenever we walked into classroom, the children stood at attention until we said it was okay to sit down!
Students and teachers
Standing at attention
Waiting for lunch
Profile Updates
Using the new profile card app, we were able to teach our directors to do updates.

Our favorite part of the process was praying for each of the children.

No matter what the child's situation, they were joyful just to be able to go to school every day and receive a good education because of your support.

We are hoping to have updates in the mail to you by early next year.
Living in the Hostels

The children living in the South Asia hostels are under our full-time care for many different reasons. Some of the kids live too far away to walk to school. Other children come from families too poor to care for them, and still others are from broken or dysfunctional families. Many of the children prefer to stay at the hostel than return home because of the love and care they receive from the staff.
Hostel bedroom
Cooking for the children
A Very Proud Moment
(and maybe a few tears)
One of the trip highlights was discovering that four of the teachers we visited in South Asia used to be Promise Children. These young adults persevered in spite of every obstacle in order to obtain their goals and become self-sufficient.

They are now giving back by teaching in their own village to ensure that the young Promise Children have the same chance to succeed as they did.
Love from the US
It is such a blessing to bring encouragement to the Promise Children through gifts and love letters from their sponsors. One woman made 25 knitted hats in less than 2 weeks to take to the girls in the PC Girl's Home!

A group of children from CC Northgrove made cards for each of the girls.

The WestGrove VBS children did fundraisers to raise enough money to buy winter clothes, shoes, bedding, and everything the girls need to stay warm this winter.
More Children to Love!
Ashish lives in the Jordi Hostel because his home is far from school. His father
works as a cook but does not earn enough to pay for his children's school fees.
Ashish likes to play football and his favorite subject in school is Math. He would like
to become a soldier in the army when he grows up. Your support will allow Ashish
to attend a good Christian school by providing him with school fees, a uniform, supplies, and daily hot meals. Please pray for Ashish and his family to grow strong in their walk with the Lord, for God's provision, and for Ashish to adjust to living away from his family.

We have exciting news, Promise Child was featured on John Ankerberg's show focusing on God's working in the Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp in Northern Uganda and our partnership with Faith Comes By Hearing!! This episode is titled: God’s Word to the World - Series 4 - Part 3. Please take a few minutes to watch this powerful video and hear some wonderful updates from the field.

Promise Child Ministries
PO Box 368
Sagle, ID 83860