TRUSD school board met for a regular board meeting at the District Office in McClellan Park.
Read highlights from the meeting.
News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District
Nov. 19, 2019
Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.
Students & Staff Members Representing the Anne Frank Exhibition
1. Recognition - Teachers & Students for Their Support of the Anne Frank Exhibition
The Board of Trustees recognized teachers and students who supported the "Holding Hands with Anne Exhibition: Honoring Anne's 90th Birthday." The exhibition was held in Twin Rivers schools at Woodlake, Creative Connections Arts Academy, Harmon Johnson and Grant Union High School. Students were trained to curate the exhibition and serve as docents during field trips and tours at each school site. The exhibition also showcased the TRUSD Bandage Project, honoring the 1.5 million children killed during the Holocaust.
Crisis Response Team Members (left to right): Maryam Sabet, Desire Hanson and Tanya Salazar
w/ Trustee Fowler & Carol Young, Director of Counseling and College & Career Readiness
2. Recognition - Twin Rivers Crisis Response Teams
The Board of Trustees recognized the members of the Twin Rivers Crisis Response Teams.
Twin Rivers has three distinct Crisis Response Teams. Each team consists of counselors, psychologists and nurses. The teams have volunteered to receive two full days of training on crisis response and prevention strategies. The Crisis Response Teams have been deployed several times this year ensuring mental health supports for all students and staff affected by the crisis.
3. Present & Approve - English Learner Master Plan Updates
The English Learner Master Plan (ELMP) is a comprehensive plan that outlines supports for English Learners (ELs) in Twin Rivers. EL students make up 25% of Twin Rivers' population, and the current plan sunsets December 2019. The Superintendent recommends approval of the three-year ELMP as submitted.