Congratulations to SFRPC Council Members leading South Florida to a brighter future!
The Honorable Steve Geller
Mayor, Broward County

Steve Geller was selected by his colleagues to serve as Broward County's Mayor in November 2020. Geller brings nearly three decades of political expertise to the Broward County Commission and has a name and reputation recognized and respected throughout the State of Florida.
The Honorable Daniella Levine Cava
Mayor, Miami-Dade County
Immediate Past Chair

Daniella Levine Cava was elected by the citizens of Miami-Dade County as the first-ever woman Mayor in November 2020. She enters the Mayor's office following a nearly 40-year career as a relentless advocate for South Florida families in public service and elected leadership.
The Honorable Michelle Coldiron
Mayor, Monroe County

Michelle Coldiron was selected by her colleagues to serve as the Mayor of Monroe County in November 2020. She is a member of the NACo Community, Economic and Workforce Development Steering Committee, the Florida Association of Counties, and an elected member of the Small County Coalition Executive Committee.
Councilmember Michael Udine
Vice Mayor, Broward County

Michael Udine was selected by his colleagues to serve as the Vice Mayor of Broward County in November 2020. He was elected as the District 3 Commissioner in November 2016. For the past 13 years, he proudly represented the City of Parkland as Mayor and City Commissioner.
Councilmember Jose "Pepe" Diaz
Chair, Miami-Dade County Commission

Commissioner Jose "Pepe" Diaz was selected by his colleagues to serve as the Chair for the Miami-Dade County Commission. He was first elected as commissioner for District 12 in September 2002 and was re-elected to a fifth term in 2018. He also served as the Vice-Chairman of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners from 2009-2010.
The Honorable Ana M. Ziade
Mayor, North Lauderdale

The Broward County League of Cities has appointed Mayor Ana M. Ziade to the SFRPC. Mayor Ziade is the City’s first woman to be elected into office. The daughter of Cuban immigrants exiled by the Castro regime in 1959, her parents instilled the importance of citizenship, civic duty, and the right to vote...Read more
Thank You for Your Service!
The Honorable Daniella Levine Cava
Immediate Past Chair, 2020
SFRPC Councilmember, 2015 - 2020

We would like to wish the very best to outgoing Chairwoman Levine Cava in her next endeavor and thank her for her continued support of our mission. It has been a pleasure to work with her since her appointment to the Council in March of 2015. We continue to anticipate great things for the years to come by enabling our region with the tools and support they need to succeed and help make South Florida a vibrant and beautiful place to work and live.
The Honorable Margaret M. Bates
SFRPC Councilmember, 2008 - 2020
SFRPC Revolving Loan Board Member, 2017 - 2020

With gratitude and sincere appreciation for your leadership, dedication, and many contributions to regional collaboration and the South Florida Regional Planning Council over the years. Margaret Bates is a true servant of the people and it has been a joy to work with her over the years. She is committed to the citizens of Lauderhill, Florida whom she has represented since 1998. She has held respected positions on local, county, and national boards and in professional associations. Councilmember Bates was appointed to the Council by the Broward County League of Cities. She retired in November from the Council due to term limits.
South Florida and Treasure Coast RPC Leaders meet to discuss Issues of Regional Importance
SFRPC and TCRPC Joint Meeting
The Councils considered testimony and discussed the Future Water Supply for Southeast Florida; Biscayne Bay’s Recovery Plan Case Study; Southeast Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area Water Quality Monitoring Program; and Florida’s Coral Reef.
Upcoming Events and News...
Final 2020 CEDS Annual Report
The 2020 Annual Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for South Florida (CEDS) Update and Report was presented on November 23, 2020 to the SFRPC Councilmembers and approved for transmittal to the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). The Council was designated in 1994 by the U.S. Department of Commerce EDA as the Economic Development District for South Florida. 
Railvolution 2020
Christina Miskis of Council staff presented at the virtual conference of Railvolution 2020. Railvolution is an annual conference and network that brings together practitioners, leaders, and advocates from transportation, land use and development to further the success of transit. The Council presentation on Transit Oriented Development in the Coastal Link Corridor is in partnership with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, which was extended an invitation by the Federal Transit Administration. 
Holiday Hours
Our office will be closed on December 24th and 25th. We will reopen on December 28th.

Our office will be closed on December 31st and January 1st. We will reopen on January 4th.