Hello Families!
I am so pleased to share this new newsletter with you. My plan is to send it out each month to share updates, photos, highlights, and information on events and resources in the community. We've had this in the works for a bit, but accelerated its release in response to the many thoughtful requests we received from parents for better communication. I look forward to using this newsletter to keep you better informed about what's happening in Westervelt Hall and on campus. Please be sure to follow RSD on social media as well!
Students in grades 3-8 finished NYS English Language Arts testing earlier this month and will take the Math tests on April 26 and 27. Please support your child(ren) to get good sleep, have a healthy breakfast, and encourage them to do their best. These tests measure how much students have mastered the NYS standards and help teachers to understand how to best support their students.
Our RSD families are very important to us! Please be in touch at any time if you have any concerns or questions about your child's education. We are paying attention and doing our very best to advocate for your children and provide an excellent academic and social-emotional experience. Please feel free to reach out to our main office secretary, Karen, if something needs my attention. You can reach her at 585-286-2808, or via email at ksegala@rsdeaf.org.
It has been an incredible month in terms of student achievements and accolades. We are so very proud of our talented Wildcats! Let's take a look at what they've been up to...
I wish you all the best for Spring Break!!
Susan Ogden, Interim Principal