Idaho State Professor Advocates for Local Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, and Students
Dr. Geoff Thomas and a new group called RISE are focused on fostering a strong public education system centered on celebrating teachers and letting them know that their profession is valued and a priority in Idaho.
Staff Council elections are open now through Friday, April 8. Please log into your BengalWeb to cast your vote. On the BengalWeb home page, you will also find links to view candidate information.
Idaho State Todayis a twice-weekly employee newsletter that shares University successes, campus updates, and recognizes faculty and staff accomplishments. All past editions of the newsletter are archived online.
To submit a campus update or story for Idaho State Today, fill out the online formby Friday at noon for Monday's edition, and Wednesday at noon for Thursday's edition. A separate newsletter called ROAR Weekly is sent to students on Wednesdays.