Wednesday June 10, 2020


Dear Monty, 

I hope everything is going well with you. I would like to ask some advice from you about a 7-year-old mare. She is an Oldenburger sport horse. She was been started in a traditional way, and the owner told me she was totally fine with the first rider. She was been started by a young girl who is the daughter of the owner. 

After a couple of rides, she just stopped in the corner of the riding arena and started to kick towards the center, but slowly she became normal again. 
Her jumping carrier started fine, she jumped every fence without any problems. Then at the first competition she refused to jump any fence and started to spin with the rider until the rider fell off. Then the owner asked a professional jumper to ride her and she was jumping at the competitions as well. This has been the situation for more than four years. 

After that, the owner decided that he wants his daughter to ride this horse again, but the old problem came back. She is 100% fine during the training, she is 100% fine when there are more horses in the arena, and she is also 100% fine at the warming up area. But she is only jumps one or two obstacles during the actual competition before she starts to spin around and refuses to go forward again, she rears up and bucks the rider off. 

She is very easy to handle, transport etc. The owner said that this problem only starts at competitions and only when a female rider is on her. When a male rider is going in the arena with her, she is quite nervous at the first jump, but when the rider is confident and rides firmly enough she jumps without any problems. She has been competing at 120 to 130 cm jump height. 

My idea is, that this attitude comes from a lack of confidence and I think she learned this behavior. Do you think it would be a good idea to try to go in the arena at a competition, but much lower height, 80 to 90 cm, jump one or two fences and just finish it, before she decides to refuse to go forward again?
She was checked by the vet, teeth and everything, but because she is fine during the training I do not think that this is a physical problem. 

Please let me know what do you think. 
Thank you Monty! 


After the hundreds of questions that have come through for my online Q&A, one would have to believe that there is simply no longer a new one. Obviously that is not true. To read the rest of my answer, go to:


Great halter!
I've had a few of these Dually halters over the years. They are always very effective for a wide range of training needs. This is a wonderful tool to help me communicate with my horse.

How Do I Watch?
Ticket holders will be sent a private, secure link to log on. A moderator will take your questions for the presenters during their sessions. You only need a device with internet (including mobile, tablet, or desktop) to be LIVE at the best vantage point there is.

What makes these 3 days unique is that you can ask a question ahead via email or LIVE direct to the moderator via a text message. The log in and number to text will be provided when we send you your log on information. During the demonstrations and discussions, Monty, Temple and the other speakers will interact with each other and with the viewers too. It’s like you are there, but no bravery required to speak up in front of a crowd, just drop us a note with your question.

Three simple steps is all you need for the full, interactive, front row experience of The Movement 2020: 
1. Choose any device with internet (including mobile, tablet, or desktop)
2. Use your private, secure link that we will email you to log on. 
3. We will also email you a request for questions ahead and a number to text questions to our moderator who will take your questions for the presenters LIVE during their sessions. 

Keep your experience going after the event too, by logging on to your free 1 month subscription to Monty’s Online University.

Also, the LIVE streaming is being filmed so that all ticket holders will also have access On Demand to the videos of the sessions after the event. This allows for different time zones and any interruptions – you’re guaranteed not to miss a thing!

The LIVE Streaming will be provided in partnership with Horse and Country TV. For subscribers of H&C TV, for a non-interactive experience, log on from June 21 and watch The Movement 2020 as you would all the great programming on H&C TV. 

June 21 to 23, 2020:  The Movement 2020  at Flag Is Up Farms in California
September 11 to 13 , 2020:  CHA Equine Facility Manager Certification  at Flag Is Up Farms
July 6 to July 17, 2020: Introductory Course of Horsemanship
July 11, 2020: Kids' Course
July 18, 2020: Horsemanship 101
July 24 to 26, 2020: Horse Sense and Healing
August 3 to 7, 2020: Monty’s Special Training (English)
August 8 to 10, 2020: Introductory Course Module 01: First Steps to Monty’s Methods
August 11 to 13, 2020: Introductory Course Module 02: Join-Up
August 14 to 16, 2020: Introductory Course Module 03: Long Lining
August 17 to 28, 2020: Gentling Wild Horses

Horse Sense & Healing 20A with a wonderful group of military and first responders and our Certified Instructor  Jamie Massey Jennings,

Read more about Monty's life changing workshops here:

"The horses bring us back to the present moment, to the here and now. Nothing compares to the moment you Join-Up with a horse, silently, and the rest of the world just disappears and an instant connection is made.”  #leadupguatemala #lead_up_international #leadupinternational


Test yourself each week as I challenge you to answer the question below. I mean this. Sit down and write an answer. Don't wait for my answer next week. If you have been reading my Weekly Questions and Answers for the last six months, you should be in a position to do this. Send your answer to my team at:  
Why should you bother? Because it will help you focus. There is probably a comparable question in your life that needs answering... or will be. If you can gain insight into how to go about answering a practical question that is loosely related to your problem, this exercise will help you answer your nagging question. Then read my answer. I want all of my students to learn to be better trainers than me.That's good for you and good for horses! 
~ Monty 

I have a horse who is a retired lesson horse who I adopted from my trainer. He turns 26 this month, I started the Dually Halter with him and my question is, will I be able to change some behaviors he has done like biting me when I mount him since he has been allowed to do this his whole life?

Find a Monty Roberts Certified Instructor  near you. All courses offered by certified instructors give students effective tools to communicate using the horse's own natural language, forming a partnership based on trust and communication rather than dominance. Visit the certified instructor web page here: