ECOEA is the link between your local
and the Ohio Education Association

Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members

Greetings ECOEA Members,

We hope you are enjoying your first month of summer break! Check out the slate of sessions available during our Summer Leadership Workshop in July. Our featured presenter will be tech guru Jake Miller with three different PD sessions on blended learning tools. All sessions will be virtual and are FREE to any ECOEA member. Make sure to check the registration deadline for each of our sessions so you don't get shut out!

OEA issued a statement on June 1 regarding systemic racism and brutality. You can read that statement here:

ECOEA has added EMERGENCY COVID-19 Grants available to local associations to meet the challenges of this difficult time. Your President received an email with detailed information.

Thanks to the sixteen delegates from ECOEA who will be among the 8,000 delegates to the NEA Virtual Representative Assembly on July 2nd and 3rd. Originally scheduled for Atlanta this year, the state caucuses and business meetings have been moved to a virtual platform. Among the speakers will be Andrea Beeman, from Maple Heights who is the NEA ESP of the Year and Greta Thunberg, teen climate activist, who is receiving the NEA Friend of Education award. The speaker speeches and RA updates can be found at

Enjoy your summer and we hope to see you at our Summer Leadership Workshop sessions in July!

The ECOEA Officers and Staff
ECOEA SUMMER LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP -Virtual Sessions throughout the month of July. Get your virtual learning going! Pick and choose the sessions that are right for you. Professional Development certificate for your learning hours awarded at the end of July at the conclusion of our sessions. No charge to participate and open to all ECOEA members.
Sessions are built around three strands:
  • Member Professional Development-Three tech sessions to aid teachers with tools to be successful in a blended learning environment and OTES 2.0 presented by ODE
  • Racial and Social Justice-Listening Circles and Cultural Competency
  • OEA Local Leader Trainings-Local President, Local Treasurer, and Building Rep

ECOEA is excited to bring Jake MIller to our Summer Leadership Workshop with a series of tech trainings sessions using tools to enhance blended learning. Jake Miller is an edtech and learning enthusiast who hosts the Educational Duct Tape podcast and shares #EduGIFs at @JakeMillerTech and on . He works as a Technology Integration Coach for the Orange City School District in Ohio. Before shifting his focus to supporting teachers in the integration of technology, he spent 12 years in the classroom teaching math, science & STEM at various grade levels. Jake’s favorite job, however, is his full-time position as a husband and father.
OTES 2.0- this virtual training will be conducted by ODE with the assistance of OEA and OFT. We are waiting on the registration link and will post it on our ECOEA Summer Leadership Workshop page once it becomes available. The OTES 2.0 training is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21.
Listening Circles: Using a restorative framework to build connections in a virtual environment, Thursday, July 9 from 10:00 AM-11:30 AM, Listening Circles are a way of creating community and sharing humanity through simple acts of gathering, focusing, reflecting, speaking, and listening. These simple acts can strengthen and deepen us, both individually and collectively. Participants will discuss why Listening Circles can be an effective tool to creating connections and having difficult conversations about race. During our 90 minute virtual session, facilitators will guide participants as we gather in a large group to welcome each other and focus our thoughts, move into guided discussions in small break out rooms to allow deeper conversation about how we are coping during the COVID crisis and racial protests, and then reconvene as a large group to reflect on our thoughts and experiences. Participants should be prepared to be fully present to have conversations with other educators. Join us to consider how to create a virtual space that facilitates engagement, creates connections, and empowers participants through relationship building. This virtual session will be led by OEA consultants Makia Burns and Daria DeNoia.
Deadline to register is Tuesday, July 7.
Cultural Competency and Equity Literacy Training, Friday, July 10 from 9:00 AM-11:30 AM, Research has established the importance of cultural competency in improving students’ academic and behavioral outcomes. As a result, educators are increasingly focused on identifying effective methods for growing culturally responsive practices in K‐12 education.  The issues of cultural competency, equity and bias are important to union members. These issues can become key points of member engagement and organizing. During our interactive 2 1/2 hour training on July 10, we will engage with each other to cultivate the skills and consciousness needed to recognize, respond to, and begin to redress institutional inequities within educational settings. Training will take place in large group and small group settings using the Zoom platform. This virtual session will be led by OEA consultants Makia Burns and Daria DeNoia. 
Deadline to register is Tuesday, July 7.
OEA Local Treasurers' Training led by OEA Secretary-Treasurer Mark Hill will be offered on Wednesday, July 15, at two levels-
  • 9:00 AM-10:30 AM Novice for treasurers with 1-5 years experience
  • 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Experienced for treasurers with 6+ years
Treasurers are welcome to attend one or both of the sessions.
Deadline to register is Friday, July 10.
OEA Local Presidents are invited to participate in this virtual session that will cover the Presidents' Handbook. This session will be held on Wednesday, July 22 from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM.
Deadline to register is Friday, July 17.
The Building Rep Training , Thursday, July 23 from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM, is appropriate for those members taking on the association role of Building Rep or any member who is interested in learning more about member rights or leadership roles in the association.This virtual session will be led by OEA Labor Relations Consultants Sarah Drinkard and Alison Hoffa.
Deadline to register is Friday, July 17.
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.
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