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in Music 

Anton Joseph Bruckner 9/4/1824

John Cage     9/5/1912

Bruce Springsteen    9/23/1949
Mark Your Calendars
 Rockbridge Youth Chorale guest performance at W&L Fall Choral Concert,  
8 PM, Wilson Hall,  
W&L Lenfest Center

 Holiday Concert, Rockbridge Chorus
and Rockbridge Youth Chorale, 7:30 PM,
Presbyterian Church. 
Community Caroling
begins at 7:15.


Rockbridge Chorus
extends the holiday season with Vaughan Williams Hodie and Saint-Saens Oratorio de Noel,
3 PM,
Presbyterian Church.
Rockbridge Youth Chorale, Spring Concert,
7 PM,
Presbyterian Church

Rockbridge Chorus,
Spring Pops Concert,
7 PM
Lexington Presbyterian Church
  Choruses Get New  
Concert Managers
     The Rockbridge Ch orus and the Rockbridge Youth Chorale now have concert managers.  At its August meeting the board of the Rockbridge Choral Society approved funds to hire a manager to supervise and coordinate concerts.  In years past, this function has been spearheaded by our Executive Director, Melanie Griffis-Hooper.  With Melanie's recent resignation, the board determined that the choruses needed a central person(s) to maintain this continuity.  Our volunteer systems managers who handle ticket sales, poster distribution, venue preparation, guest musician housing, music distribution, program preparation, rehearsal venues, and chorus communications will coordinate their various efforts through the concert managers who will also work with our artistic directors to make the trains run on time.
    Our new concert managers for the RYC are interns Caleb Pena and Katelyn Roll.  Caleb returns to carry on his role as a guest conductor, has experience with our young singers
Sandy Nye  
and will fit right in to his new role as concert manager with Katelyn.  The Rockbridge Chorus welcomes long time soprano section member Sandy Nye as its new concert manager.  Sandy has been singing with the chorus since 1984 and except for a few scattered seasons is still at it.  Sandy retired this year from her 15 year stent as an elementary school teacher here in Rockbridge County.  Sandy has a lot of experience herding 3rd graders, so we know she will be a super concert manager.  Sandy not only sings with the chorus, she is a long time church choir member at Lexington Presbyterian Church and was a member of the original Stonewall Country chorus at Lime Kiln.  She is a member of Christine Schadeberg's voice studio to "keep her pipes from getting too rusty".  In retirement, Sandy will divide her spare time between her two daughters, Kelly and Casey.  You may have seen Kelly moving about during rehearsals and concerts camera in hand.  She is often our concert photographer.  Casey now resides in Maine with her new husband.  Please, welcome Sandy to her new post as RC concert manager and support her in this new role.  We look forward to a smooth concert season with Sandy aboard!

One Virtuoso Voice
Linda Ronstadt
    If you have been alive since the 1970's, you know the voice of Linda Ronstadt, often described as virtuosic, but to most of the world, just the voice that could sing anything.  And she did.  American folk, art song, rock and roll, opera, Mexican folk song, the American song book - you name it, she could sing it.  Fiercely independent, she never lived in a musical box.  She stretched even when they all told her, "If you do that, you'll never sell another record."  If you can find it, treat yourself to a new documentary about the singer's life and career out on 9/6/2019 - Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice.  Whether you know that voice or you are hearing it for the first time, there is no denying this singular talent. Arguably a rock star on par with the likes of Mick Jaggar, Ms. Ronstadt not only had a rocket stellar career, she also has a fascinating life story.  Sadly, her singing days came to an end in 2004 when she was diagnosed with Parkinson's.  Ironically, the disease that has taken that clarion voice also took her grandmother and bankrupted her grandfather in his search for a cure.  We are lucky that an extensive recorded catalog and this film will let that virtuoso voice live on.    
The Rockbridge Choral Society
P.O. Box 965
Lexington, VA 24450