Easter at St. Michael's
Sunday, April 17, 2022

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist In-person & Online
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Sunday Bulletin:
9:30 AM Egg Hunt (Meet in St. Andrews)
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist In-person

Overflow seating will be available in the Gathering Space and St. Mary's. Children & children at heart are invited to bring a bell from home for the Sunday Easter Services to ring each time we proclaim the word, "Alleluia!"
CLICK HERE to be directed to our Lent & Holy Week webpage or click on the button above. *Indicates services that will be live-streamed online.
For the first time in several years, The Holy Triduum will be offered in-person and online at St. Michael's. The Triduum is observed over the three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday which culminates with the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening.
Maundy Thursday 6:00 PM Garden Watch 7:00 PM
April 14 - April 15

Join us for the traditional Foot Washing, Eucharist, & Stripping of the Altar at 6:00 PM (in-person or online). You may also participate in the Garden Watch following the Maundy Thursday service by volunteering to "sit and stay awake with Jesus" for a one hour time slot. This holy, solemn, and sacred time can be a meaningful addition to your Holy Week. CLICK HERE to sign up.
Good Friday Liturgy &
Stations of the Cross
April 15, Noon & 1:00 PM

Join us at Noon for the Good Friday Liturgy and reading of The Passion (in-person or online). At 1:00 PM we will gather in front of the church for outside in-person Stations of the Cross around our campus. We will traverse over uneven ground for several of the stations. All ages welcome!
Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 16, 7:00 PM

Join us at 7:00 PM for the Easter Vigil service as we kick off our Easter Celebration. We will light a new fire, bless a new Paschal Candle Stand, and share a festive Easter Eucharist together (in-person or online). A portion of the service will be outside (weather permitting).
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 17, 9:30 AM

All children in grades 5 and under are invited to join us for an egg'cclent time! Bring your basket and meet in St. Andrew's at 9:30 AM. No RSVP needed. We will have a short story and then the best 2022 Egg Hunt! (A special thank you to all who donated candy.) Middle & High Schoolers are needed to help hide eggs. Email to help hide eggs Sunday morning.
40 Days of Giving
Donation Drive
Due this Sunday

Each Lent St. Michael’s receives a list from our Outreach Partners of critical items they need to help those in our community. You are invited to donate 1 item, 5, 10, or all 40 items. Every donation makes a difference. Drop off in the Gathering Space on Sundays, or during Holy Week (Monday - Thursday) 9:00 - 3:00 PM or on Easter Sunday, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. To download the list CLICK HERE.
Pilgrimage to Peace
April 20, 6 - 7:30 PM

Join Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon and Tala AlRaheb of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) and Rev. Matt Holcombe as they host a conversation about peace building and advocacy related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We will explore the importance of advocating for human rights and understanding the geopolitics, social considerations, and other aspects of the conflict demand we look beyond the headlines into the daily realities of people living on the ground. Churches for Middle East Peace is pro-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, pro-peace, and pro-justice. All are welcome in-person or online. No RSVP required.  
Organ Update!

After months of repairs and a new control system, our beautiful organ will fill our sanctuary and your heart with triumphant sounds this Easter Sunday! It is not too late to make a designated gift for the work we've just completed. Checks can be made to St. Michael's, Memo: Organ Upgrade. CLICK HERE to give online through our secure giving portal.
Newcomer Class
Sunday, April 24
9:15 AM in Chapel
"Episcopal 101"

New to St. Michael's or want to learn more about The Episcopal Church? All are welcome to join Rev. Angela for an in-depth dive into who we are as Episcopalians. Questions are encouraged and no RSVP required.
Confirmation & Inquirers Class
Resumes April 24, 9:15 - 10:10 AM

The clergy invite you to learn more about the Episcopal Church and our theology during our 7-week Confirmation & Inquirers Class. New to the Episcopal Church and want to be Confirmed, Received, or want to learn more? This is a great opportunity to grow your faith on Sundays. Open to all adults and youth over 15. CLICK HERE to learn more and register today!
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (for Adults)
April 30, 8:30 - 4:30 PM
Trainer: David Galvan

Parents/adults/mentors are invited to participate in our second Youth Mental Health First Aid Training. This training teaches adults how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This training provides adults the skills needed to reach out and provide initial support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate resources. CLICK HERE to register. Questions? Contact
Newcomer Lunch
Sunday, May 1
11:45 AM

New to St. Michael's in the past 9 months? Join other newcomers, clergy, and staff to get to know one another and learn more about our spiritual home. Please RSVP to Linda Kean at or if you have questions.
Can you help?

  • Altar Guild Volunteers to help prepare for worship services. Contact: 
  • Nursery Volunteers to help during the 10:30 Service with our increasing number of infants and toddlers. Contact
  • Bakers to join the Cookie Ministry and make cookies for various events at church. Contact or sign up online:
  • Small Project Helpers to help with projects around the church. If you are handy, contact Jim Marquart, Junior Warden 
Sunday Volunteers Needed for April

Each Sunday we need roughly 25 volunteers to be ushers, greeters, chalice bearers, acolytes, lay readers, coffee hour hosts, Children's Chapel volunteers, and to help with audio/video. Can you help us at the 8:00 or 10:30 AM service in April? Click the link above to help out.
Children, Youth, & Family eNews

Did you miss this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews? Not to worry, CLICK HERE to read this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews. Check out all the wonderful work and activities our families and young parishioners are involved in!
This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Thursday, April 14 - Maundy Thursday
6:00 PM - Maundy Thursday Service (in-person & online)
Bulletin is available on
6:00 - 7:00 PM - Cub Scouts - St. Andrew's
7:00 PM - 7:00 AM - Garden Watch
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, April 15 - Good Friday
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group
12:00 PM - Good Friday Liturgy (in-person & online)
Bulletin is available on
1:00 PM - Stations of the Cross Outside (weather permitting)

Saturday, April 16 - Easter Vigil
9:00 AM - Virtual St. Clair's Guild
7:00 PM - Easter Vigil (in-person & online)
Bulletin is available on

Sunday, April 17 - Easter Sunday
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Nursery Open
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person & Online
Bulletin is available on
9:30 AM - Egg Hunt (meet in St. Andrew's Hall)
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person with Children's Chapel

Monday, April 18 - Church Offices Closed
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Laundry Love - Offsite
10:30 AM - Lectio Divina in Prayer Room

Tuesday, April 19
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Christian Essentials - Chapel
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Boy Scouts - St. Andrew's
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, April 20
12:00 PM - Healing Service & Eucharist in Chapel
12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel
5:30 - 6:45 PM - Middle School Youth Group
6:00 PM - Churches for Middle East Peace "Peace Pilgrimage"
7:00 - 8:15 PM - High School Youth Group

Thursday, April 21
6:00 PM - Adult Choir Practice in Choir Room
6:00 - 7:00 PM - Cub Scouts - St. Andrew's
6:30 PM - Vestry Meeting in St. Mary's
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, April 22
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group
11:30 AM - SMASH Lunch at Marigolds (Offsite)

Saturday, April 23
8:00 AM - Men's Group in St. Andrew's
2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group in Chapel
Birthdays This Week:

April 17 - Martha Parker
April 17 - MaryDee Weigel
April 18 - Lesley Priest
April 18 - Olivia Pachter
April 20 - Eric Sorge
April 22 - Jon Richardson
April 22 - Jeannie Calhoun
April 23 - Mary Lou Perry
April 23 - Lee Swanson

Anniversaries This Week:

April 17 - Pam & John Priest
April 20 - Linda & Bob Kean
April 23 - Laurel & Roger Burritt
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM