Abstract Review Process: Abstracts are peer-reviewed by both community and academic reviewers. They will be considered for oral, poster or round-table presentation. Abstracts are evaluated for their quality and the degree to which their content is consistent with the principles of the Community-Based Public Health Caucus and the 2016 APHA Meeting theme.
Please note that all reviewers for the CBPH Caucus will be provided with an abstract review guide and have the opportunity to participate in a webinar about the review process. (Watch for details.)
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the program planners: Karen Yeary (academic planner; khk@uams.edu), Juanita Booker-Vaughns (community planner; toreyon64@yahoo.com), Adam Paberzs (academic co-planner;adampabe@umich.edu), and Mondi Mason (community co-planner; mondi.mason@denvergov.org.
The CBPH Caucus call for abstracts has been released for the 144th APHA Annual Meeting. If you'd like to submit an abstract, then please CLICK HERE to learn more and to start your submission.
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus, access
FREE resourcesabout
"How to Write an Abstract," and see who was named
CBPH Champions at APHA 2015. Visit