Summer 2021 Newsletter
In this Issue
Message from Julia Frazier, TCNA President

Latest Coronavirus Information
  • Where to Get a Vaccine
  • New Resource: VaxChat
  • Updated Data and Covid and Vaccinations
  • ALERT: If your driver's license expired during the past year it must be renewed by August 15, 2021

Neighborhood Committees
  • Public Safety
  • Streets
  • Greens: Still need help with mulching
  • Social
  • Communications: Newsletter, Website, Membership

Neighborhood News
  • ALERT: Residential Permit Parking
  • New Composting Locations
  • US Mail Issues
  • Deer Sightings
  • MTA Launches Study of New North-South Transit Corridor Connecting Downtown Baltimore to Towson

Calvert School Information
  • Tuscany Project Committee Report: Forest Conservation Easement
  • Easement Map

Area Construction Updates
  • Roland Park Tower
  • JHU Student Center 33rd and Charles
  • JHU Agora Center - Wyman Park and St. Martin Drive

Information from Johns Hopkins University

Neighborhood Restaurants Summer Specials

Home & Condo Sale Prices (June)

Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
  • TCNA Board Meeting (Virtual): September 1
  • Neighborhood Dumpster: September 4, Linkwood and Tuscany
  • See total list at end of E-newsletter
Greetings, neighbors of Tuscany Canterbury!
by Julia Frazier, President TCNA

Summer is upon us, and we are all settling into a new pace, as our world, country, state, city and neighborhood emerge from a long hard year of pandemic stress. I hope you are staying well, and enjoying a bit of togetherness and mobility. It's not readily apparent how to return to "life as we know it" - and a part of me thinks it will never be quite the same again! While our lives are still a mix of virtual and in-person activity, I am thankful that for now, we seem to be in a safer place. I continue to send wishes of health and safety to you and yours. 

I feel thankful to be your new president, as we look forward to hopefully being able to spend more time together in the coming months. I know my family and I have missed the ease of alley get-togethers, deck dinners, and gatherings in general. Stay tuned for things to come! It's still a bit early to tell what the state of affairs will be, but I've heard many say they are ready for some reuniting. I look forward to it as well, as we watch safety guidelines and protocols. 

There will be buzz and activity in the neighborhood this summer, as Calvert School begins work on new campus projects. I am excited to see some of the new plantings and flowering trees they are planning for landscaping along Tuscany Road, and around the neighborhood. Stay tuned for details in this and upcoming newsletters. I am continuing my role as neighborhood liaison to the school, and feel that our communication remains strong. Our next meeting will be in August before the school year begins.

Please feel free to contact me with your questions or ideas. I look forward to my term as President, and getting to know you better. I believe that we live in the best neighborhood in Baltimore City - and I'm pleased to have the chance to keep Tuscany-Canterbury vibrant, active, and fun. Here we go!

A Special Thank You
Lu and Andy Parsley

For the past two years, Andy and Lu continued to make Tuscany-Canterbury the wonderful treasure of a neighborhood that we all enjoy. Being co-presidents of a neighborhood is never easy and through a pandemic was a challenge to keep in touch with everyone. You did an awesome job.

Another Special Thank You, Jillian Storms

Jillian was TCNA keynote speaker at the June 2021 Annual Meeting. She shared her research and knowledge on the historical development of Tuscany-Canterbury as part of the Olmsted Brothers' larger vision to connect residential neighborhoods, parks, and institutions to the city and each other. Thank you for this great presentation.

If you did not see the presentation, Gard Jones, a TCNA board member taped the presentation and is willing to share it. If you are interested, contact Gard. CLICK HERE for Jillian's presentation.

Coronavirus Information
 Introducing Vira, the Vax Chatbot

This is a new resource from the Johns Hopkins International Vaccine Access Center and has been used by Baltimore City’s VALUE ambassadors (see this Morning Edition story) It’s helpful for those who would like to encourage friends, family, and neighbors to get a vaccine.

COVID-19 vaccination is lagging in young adults nationally. Vira, the Vax Chatbot is designed to support and meet young people where they are with simple answers to common COVID-19 vaccine questions. Vira is adaptive and it learns, learning by listening to your questions and feedback and uses them to help scientists respond to emerging questions.
Vira was developed by the International Vaccine Access Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with experts from the Bloomberg School's Department of International Health and Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering. Vira’s knowledge base from Johns Hopkins vaccine scientists was developed with support from the COVID-19 Training Initiative, with funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies. VaxChat, powered by IBM, was inspired by previous research that showed automated chatbots using AI can effectively communicate credible information and support health behavior changes. 
Vira can help health workers or anyone who seeks help fielding questions from family and friends about the COVID-19 vaccines. Check out Vira, a vax chatbot that’s here to help you and your loved ones make an informed decision.

CLICK HERE to explore VaxChat

Rose Weeks, Tuscany- Canterbury neighbor and Director of Communications, Johns Hopkins International Vaccine Access Center, would appreciate your comments about VaxChat.
Maryland COVID cases, vaccinations and other metrics

Renew Driver’s Licenses, Permits & ID CardsThat Expired During the State of Emergency

The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA) is reminding Marylanders that under Governor Larry Hogan’s Executive Order issued on May 12, 2021, driver’s licenses – both non-commercial and commercial (CDLs) – learner’s permits and identification cards that expired during the COVID-19 State of Emergency must be renewed by August 15, 2021.

For more information: CLICK HERE Read Official Press Release

Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair
Neighborhood Crime Data
0 property crimes and 0 violent crimes.

Tuscany-Canterbury is truly one of the safest places in Baltimore area. The crime statistics from Northern District from June 13 to July 10, 2021 are
0 property crimes and 0 violent crimes. During the same time period in 2020 there was 1 property crime and 0 violent crime. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments. A thank you to everyone who lives here and helps keep the area safe.
Summer Safety Suggestions

  • Keep outdoor lights on your porches and outside your condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.

  • Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.

  • If you see a street light that is out, call 311 as soon as possible. If it doesn't get repaired email TCNA with the confirmation number and location. Click here.

  • If you are going away even for a few days, tell a neighbor who can keep an eye and ear out for anything unusual.

  • If you see something suspicious, call 911 as soon as possible.
From the Police Commissioner Harrison

The safety of Baltimore’s neighborhoods and the effectiveness of the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) demand an approach to policing that earns community trust and addresses community concerns. This approach to Community Policing includes engaging with community members through positive interactions that are both formal and informal, daily problem-solving, and problem oriented policing.

Social Committee
Ann Christopher, Committee Chair
How does everyone feel about having our TCNA Fall Picnic this year?  

At the last TCNA Board meeting, we all thought it would be a good idea. We've emailed Calvert School to see if we can hold it again in the Lower School's grassy field, on the same side of the street and next to the Lower School. We've given them a few dates, and we are waiting to hear back from them.

Our kids know how to be as safe as adults. And being outside means we only need to worry about rain.

One other concern is whether we should have TCNA supply hot dogs and beverages and everyone bring something to share... or everyone bring their own food and drink.

Please email with your vote on.

  1. Yes or No:  Fall Picnic
  2. Yes or No:  Calvert Lower School Field
  3. Yes or No: Have TCNA supply hotdogs and beverages and you bring something to share
  4. Yes or No:  we bring your own food and drink

Looking forward to counting up the votes.

Ann Christopher... TCNA social chair     

Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

Update on Near-term Resurfacing University Parkway
  • Baltimore City Board of Estimates approved $889,000 resurfacing project for 39th/San Martin to Charles Street. Scope of ADA improvements, bike lanes, crosswalks, other repairs unknown. Project was transferred from Maintenance Division to Traffic Engineering and Construction (TEC) Division of DOT, implying a higher degree of engineering/design.
  • An update on the scope of any improvements over and above the resurfacing has been requested.

Long-term: Shared Vision Plan of University Parkway

  • Neighborhood Design Center sent (NDC) TCNA a Memo Of Understanding for development of a Shared Vision Plan for University Parkway from 33rd Street to 40th Street. TCNA Board approved $250 expenditure for administrative fee at their last meeting. The TCNA President will sign the MOU after final edits are agreed.

  • Establish a “University Parkway Project Team” to serve as liaisons between the NDC-led effort and TCNA, and also to coordinate engagement with our neighborhood stakeholders and partners (building/condo associations and owners, businesses, institutions)

If you are interested in the University Parkway project or in working on the Streets Committee, CLICK HERE

Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair

The Greens Committee is working on the four neighborhood gardens (39th Street at Canterbury, Tuscany at Ridgemede, Ridgemede triangle, Stony Ford at Linkwood by the large bridge.) The majority of support for the gardens comes from TCNA membership dues.
Mulch news and update: Good progress was made on the mulching - all three smaller gardens were mulched, thank you volunteers!!

On Monday, July 26 we will receive another large number of mulch bags, the contents of which need to be spread in the Canterbury/39th Street Garden.  Mulch for that garden is estimated to arrive by late morning.

If you have the energy and interest, please help yourself to the mulch spreading effort.  Any of the following tools are helpful: a shovel, a rake, a
bucket, a sharp knife/cutting instrument for opening the heavy plastic bags, a water bottle, gloves, and hat/sunscreen.

If you are planning on working in the garden, and if you know an estimated time of arrival, please let Bonnie Boland know.  That way she can monitor the progress, if/where help is needed and possibly join you. It would be good to complete this effort in one day. But, if not, we will gratefully accept volunteer labor until the job is completed. Thanks in advance for helping us keep our neighborhood the BEST!!  CLICK HERE TO REACH BONNIE


A special thanks to the Tuscany-Lombard for donations of mulch for the gardens and to all the neighborhood volunteers who help throughout the year.
Communications Committee
E-Newsletter, Website, Membership
Linda Eberhart, Communications Coordinator
Volunteers Needed

  • Events Page Coordinator: Update the events page of the newsletter. Need to be able to use Word and find out what's happening in the area near Tuscany-Canterbury.

  • Webmaster. Need to know how to use Word-Press and update the TCNA website monthly as needed.

  • Writer. Take information that is sent to TCNA for the newsletter and summarize it or condense it for newsletter.

  • Membership Updater. Keep master TCNA list up-to-date. Must be proficient in Excel and can spend 2-3 hours monthly on membership work.

Neighborhood map
Neighborhood News

Please let Amy Mutch know of a neighbor who should be featured or other items of interest in the Neighborhood Profile.
Continuing Series of Neighborhood Profiles:
Fred Pincus
by Amy Mutch
Fred L. Pincus, a member of TCNA, recently published his memoir entitled: Confessions of a Radical Academic: A Memoir. As my copy is on the way, I got the information for this neighborhood profile was obtained from an absorbing, entertaining interview with Fred. Written in the first person, the book covers his 44 years as a professor of sociology at UMBC beginning when the University was in its third year. 

Fred was raised and educated in Los Angeles but moved to Baltimore at age 26 in 1968 to join the faculty. His inquisitive nature led him to activist groups protesting the Vietnam War and racism. The Catonsville Nine and Black Panther movement were informative in his early years in Baltimore. Fred was integral to UMBC's efforts to increase black student enrollment and his passions lead him to participate in protests along side those very students on campus.  Fred created courses on race relations that expanded as increasing disenfranchised groups began searching for a voice. 
Next month Fred’s third edition of Understanding Diversity: An Introduction to Class, Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Disability will be released. During the interview Fred shared anecdotal stories about the fine line he walked, at times requiring him to be mindful of being the radical at the table. A simple lunch gathering at the College Board when the SAT test was being challenged for racial bias could have been a potential powder keg but somehow Fred knew how to navigate the discussion.

The path to tenure was a challenge but Fred’s boast of a 44 year career to professor emeritus speaks volumes of his character as a “radical”. The Sun paper published his op-ed piece on June 13th entitled “Can a white man teach about racism? I did my best for 44 years.” As a professor Fred taught 6,000-7,000 students and he has been reconnecting with some of the early activists in retirement and expressed that as a great joy. Fred concluded the interview stating he is always learning and I salute Fred in his ongoing journey.  I look forward for mine to continue as I read his memoir. 

Projects in Tuscany-Canterbury
The Winthrop House is having work done on the balconies.
Work on the garage at the Highfield House continues. Here, they are pouring more concrete
Calvert School planting trees behind the lower school building
Deer Sightings this Summer in Tuscany-Canterbury
Deer inside the Tuscany woods.
Baby deer stuck on the inside of the the fence on Tuscany Road
A recent Instagram Post about Tuscany-Canterbury

Tuscany-Canterbury is one of my favorite hidden gem neighborhoods in Baltimore. My son is back in daycare near the neighborhood now, so I’ve been walking past these amazing attached half-timber houses several times a day. They were built in 1928 and designed by John A Ahlers. Ahlers designed several groups of homes on the street to fit the rolling contour of the land, inspired by his hometown, Oberhausen, Germany. He went on to design over 180 homes in Northwood, Homeland, Guilford and Tuscany-Canterbury. These four pictures show part of one group of homes in the neighborhood. Information from the Tuscany-Canterbury National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. #historichomesofbaltimore
Questions, Comments, Messages

If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.
Julia Frazier, Presidents TCNA

Good bye cicadas.
See you in 17 years.
Mail delivery in Baltimore tanked during pandemic and remains ‘especially challenged,’ postal official says
CLICK HERE for the article
Meeting with USPS regarding mail service

USPS Officials said by the end of July all mail will be back to normal delivery. Their strategy is to hire 600 more staff including delivery people, clerks, and back-room staff.

Council member Odette Ramos and U.S Senator Chris Van Hollen had a meeting with US Postal representatives on with 80 residents in the district on July 14. Overall, the US Postal Service officials were apologetic and eager to look into our concerns. 

Odette will be following up through Senator Van Hollen’s office to ensure the postal service can become the well-run, reputable entity that it has always been.

To read Odette's reflection on the meeting CLICK HERE
permit parking sign
Residential Parking Permits (RPP)

  • Existing Residential Parking Permits in Tuscany-Canterbury are good until June 2022. You do not have to do anything until next May when you can renewal your permit. You cannot renew permits early.

  • If you do not have a permit (decal) and live on a block with a Residential Parking Permit Sign, you should contact the Parking Authority if you want to get a permit. Contact the City 443 573 2800 or CLICK HERE to get a valid permit.

  • A NEW 2021 PERMIT

Expiration Date in Tuscany-Canterbury is June.
New Composting Program

DPW Launches Pilot to Reduce Food Waste in Baltimore
The Baltimore City Department of Public Works residents can take their food waste to the residential drop off center at Sisson Street. Accepted materials include: fruits, vegetables, breads, grains, egg shells, coffee grounds and tea bags. 

Many people already drop off their food waste to the Waverly Farmer's Market or Baltimore Farmer's Market. Saving your compost in a container with a lid, then dropping it off, is a great way to help our environment. 

About 25% of the waste in our landfill and incinerator is food waste! Composting allows for this waste to be turned into valuable soil and helps us get to our goal of Zero Waste. Baltimore's compost will go to an organic composting plant in Prince George's County, MD.

To learn more about how you can compost, click here.

Maryland Transit Administration Launches Study of New North-South Transit Corridor Connecting Downtown Baltimore to Towson

Building on the recently-completed Regional Transit Plan (RTP), the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) has launched a study of an “early action” north-south transit corridor connecting Downtown Baltimore and Towson. (A second “early action” corridor is the East-West Transit Corridor that would study alternatives to improve east-west connectivity in the wake of the cancelled Red Line light rail project.)
More information is available at:
The study proposes three potential routes for the North-South corridor. A “west” option could connect University of Maryland Medical Center, Penn Station, JHU-Homewood Campus, Loyola, Notre Dame, Friends School, GMBC/Shepard Pratt/St. Joseph’s Medical Center and Towson University on the way to downtown Towson. This “west” route may involve a frequent bus or up to a high-capacity bus rapid transit service with dedicated lanes, signal priority, and high-visibility stations. (Surface light rail or subway are highly unlikely in the Charles Street corridor due to cost per projected rider and adjacent property impacts.) A significant stretch of this route, between Cold Spring Lane and the GBMC campus, is not conducive to transit ridership and has very limited potential for new transit-oriented development.
A “central” route for the service could follow York Road/Greenmount Avenue from Downtown Baltimore to Towson. This route currently is served by the city’s highest-volume bus route and was the route of one of the city’s last streetcars prior to the termination of all streetcar services. (Streetcar tracks on Greenmount/York Road were in the travel lanes, not in dedicated right of way.)

NOTE: 30% of the residents in Tuscany-Canterbury do not have a car. Alternative transportation is important.
7 yea
Calvert School Information
Tuscany Woods Project Update
Anne Perkins,
Tuscany Woods Project Committee

As our E-Newsletter goes to press everything is ready to put the first spade in the ground for Calvert School’s construction project that will include a new Middle School sports building and the extension of the Middle School sports field into the wooded property in the 200 block of Tuscany Road. 

The only hurdle remaining is final approval by the City.

There have been several changes to Calvert’s development plans since the last E-Newsletter. Because of recent changes to the State Forest Conservation laws, Calvert will be required to keep more of their property forested than was previously designated. The school worked with the City Planning Department and enlarged the forest buffer zone along the Tuscany Road and Tuscany Court alley sides of the plat that the neighborhood and school had agreed to several years ago. The drawings and maps reflecting these changes are pictured below. Interestingly, the forest preservation requirements will run with the land – meaning forever! Because the 2017 agreement between the Calvert and the neighborhood only lasts for 20 years, this is a positive happening for the future of the neighborhood. 

The Tuscany Project Committee met with neighbors living near the Tuscany Road site and staff of the City Planning Department. The Committee also provided written and oral testimony to the City Planning Commission on June 24. In addition to supporting Calvert’s plans, the neighborhood’s testimony pointed out that because of the stress that school traffic puts on the neighborhood, it will continue to be important to limit traffic ingress and egress from the site to Tuscany Road to just emergency, handicap and maintenance uses. 

The Planning Commission was comfortable with the school’s tree replacement, storm run-off and landscaping plans and approved Calvert’s development plans.

CLICK HERE for information filed with City Planning Department

CLICK HERE for Calvert School and Tuscany Canterbury Agreement about the woods

CLICK HERE for information about Baltimore CityForest Conservation Easements
Forest Conservation Easement approved by Planning Commission on June 26, 2021.
The shaded area on the drawing above shows the Forest Conservation Easement area. This area is 1.4 acres of the 2.7 acres that were purchased by Calvert School in 2018. The agreed upon TCNA/Calvert buffer zone remains, plus additional land was included in the Forest Conservation Easement.
Calvert School Calendar for 2021-2022

  • August 31 Fifth & Sixth Age Drop-In Fifth: Grade Orientation
  • September 1 Classes begin at 8:00 A.M.

Roland Park Tower Project
The scaffolding has come down, and now it's on to the excitement of finalizing the plan for the park below the tower! To that end, preferred park plans are up for your review and comments on the tower website. Take a walk and check out the beautiful tower renovation!

The goals of the community foundation’s project are:
Historic Preservation: Fully restore and preserve the tower.

JHU Construction Projects near Tuscany-Canterbury

Johns Hopkins University Begins Construction of New Student Center, with Potential Impacts to Charles Street

JHU has begun construction of a new student center to replace the Mattin Center, the red brick complex on Charles Street across from 33rd Street.
  • Demolition of Mattin Center and Whitehead Hall: Summer 2021-Fall 2021
  • Fencing starting to go up now
  • Demolition mobilization begins end of July, beginning of August
  • Demolition beginning of August

Traffic and Pedestrian Closures, Detours.
  • N. Charles Street will be closed to southbound traffic between 33rd and 32nd Streets.
  • Northbound traffic and pedestrian and bicycle traffic will remain. The loop servicing the Beach is not effected and will remain accessible from the southbound traffic lane.
Other Hopkins Construction in Area

South side of the Homewood Campus: SNF Agora Institute

  • Design Complete – October 2021
  • Mobilization Jun 7 (fencing)
  • Site Work: Fall 2021
  • Construction Begins: Winter 2021
  • Building Opens: Summer 2023
  • Demo/construction activity to begin on or around 7/28
  • Traffic and Pedestrian Closures, Detours.
  • Pedestrian traffic will be routed around the site (Early Learning Center side) and campus side

Wyman Park Building Renovation (3100 Wyman Park Drive)

Scope of renovation to include:
  • Addition to the south/east wing of the building (31st Street side)
  • Add new rooftop mechanical equipment
  • Interior renovations
  • Exterior renovations to include masonry cleaning and repointing, select window replacement and roof replacement.
  • Overall schedule August 2021 – October 2023
  • Mobilization August 2021
  • Install Site fencing 9/1
  • Remove ground floor modular addition 9/21 – 10/ 21/2021
  • Begin core addition ground work 9/28/2021
  • Core addition topping out 8/26/2022
  • Remove roof AHU’s 4/2022
  • Existing loading dock repairs 4/2023
  • Project completion 8/2023

Information from
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins awards nearly $6M to Baltimore violence reduction projects. Grants fund grassroots ideas to improve safety and reduce crime.

JHU introduced the $6 million JHU Innovation Fund for Community Safety to galvanize all those who care deeply about the well-being of our city and its residents to imagine together new solutions for reducing the persistent and devastating threat of violence in our communities. At its core, this effort has been guided by our community, and with each step, they have been key to building this new Hopkins partnership. 
Nine Innovation Fund grantees have been selected.
CLICK HERE to read more information about the grantees
Neighborhood Restaurants Update

Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Cantebury

Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
"Hot town, Summer in the City 2021”

“Despite the heat it’ll be alright/ In the summer, in the city” so says The Lovin’ Spoonful. Our restaurants have updated information so please read carefully for the latest news. 

Cypriana has indoor dining including the bar and outdoor patio seating (weather permitting). Added this summer is GREEK TIME dining for enjoying the evening cool down temperatures on Friday and Saturday nights from 9-11pm. Be sure to call for reservations and let Vass and Maria know you want the Greek experience! Curbside pickup service continues from 5pm to close with orders made online starting at 3pm. You can select the time for pickup when placing your order.  Please see the website for menu selections and any updates.

Hopkins Deli reminds TCNA that a 10% discount is extended to residents on food and 15% discount on cases of wine. Considering the increase in wholesale food prices that is a generous offer. Recently I was pleased to see Hopkins Deli had orzo so I’m mentioning some Italian items that one may need in a pinch with which the shelves were stocked. Anchovy paste, pasta in many shapes including organic, capers, plenty of tomato sauces including organic and CHILLED Prosecco were found!  Take the time to peruse the shelves on your next visit you’ll make a few new discoveries!

One World Café is pleased to offer extended hours Wednesday through Saturday from 10am-8pm. Sunday remains 10-4pm and they are closed Monday and Tuesday. Specials are presented every Thursday and offered through the weekend. You can call or look online for menu selections. The farmers' market remains a work in progress and stop by on your walk to see what the trade winds are offering. 

The Ambassador Dining Room is now offering a Sunday brunch buffet from 11-3pm that will include alcohol. The Friday and Saturday buffet will continue its usual offering as well as evening service from 5-10pm. They are closed on Mondays. 

Alizee is open for inside dining for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and Terrance is back serving drinks at the bar! Join the fun Friday nights for SALSA dancing from 8pm-1:30am! Classes are offered for both beginners and advanced dancers.  The admission fee is $10.00 and no reservation is required. Free style dancing is from 10pm-1:30am. 

“Come on, come on and dance all night/despite the heat it’ll be alright”
443 449 6200
410 366-6603

100 W University Parkway
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
June 2021
Address and Sale Price

  • 4000 N Charles St #403. $115,000 
  • 4000 N Charles St #905. $135,000 
  • 4000 N Charles St #701. $215,000 
  • 3908 N Charles St #302. $400,000 
  • 3801 Canterbury Rd #514. $520,000 
  • 3908 N Charles St #1003. $785,000 

Thanks to TCNA board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Note:  this data represents real estate activity from June 1 to June 30, 2021 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Events Happening In and Around

City Household Hazardous Waste Drop

2840 Sisson Street
Waverly Commons Music Series

The Waverly Commons Music Series takes place at Waverly Commons on Brentwood and 32nd Street - the lot next to the Waverly Market. 
Baltimore Museum of Art

Sculpture Garden are free and open to the public year-round every Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. No reservations are required.

Take a stroll through the BMA’s gardens where you’ll find 33 sculptures positioned across nearly three lush acres.

CLICK HERE for more information
The 7th Annual UMD Environmental Justice and Health Disparities Symposium
August 19, 2021 – August 21, 2021

Free registration for the 7th UMD Environmental Justice and Health Disparities Symposium is open! The conference will be centered around uplifting and strengthening community voices. Please join us in our conversations and actions on environmental justice and health disparities issues.

Don't forget to register for the 7th Annual UMD Environmental Justice and Health Disparities Symposium! Senior Director for Environmental Justice, Dr. Cecilia Martinez will be delivering the keynote address and Senator Mary Washington will be a panelist in this discussion. 

Neighborhood Dumpster Date

September 4 at Tuscany & Linkwood.

The dumpster will be delivered in the morning and will be in place for 4 hours. No specific delivery time can be confirmed by the City.
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer for his great pictures of Tuscany-Canterbury.
Frog in neighborhood pond
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association      
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Don't know when to pay your dues? Reminder renewal notices for 2021-2022 are sent the month that your dues need to be renewed. Not a member yet, join anytime!
Officers and Board Members for July 2021 to June 2022

President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)

Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op Stony Run Lane)
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street)
  • Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)
  • Anne Perkins (Tuscany Road)
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
Members of the Calvert Project Committee
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford)
  • Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford)
  • Mike Traviso (Tuscany/Lombardy)
  • Charles Brenton (Tuscany/Lombardy)
  • Lucinda Davis (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo)
  • Brian Weeks TCNA (Cloverhill Road)
  • Fred Lazarus. TCNA (Ridegmede Road)
  • Anne Perkins (Past Co-President TCNA)
  • Andy Parsley (Co-President TCNA)

Let us know what you would like to see in the newsletter and what TCNA should consider doing.