Join us for our Member Showcase the morning of Friday, November 1 at Maria College. Learn from your colleagues and to become inspired!
Please Note: CDLC will be closed Thursday and Friday, September 26 and 27, for a statewide Empire State Library Network (ESLN) staff retreat.
From the Director.....
Dear CDLC Members and Supporters, 

Sue Rahn, CDLC's Catalog Librarian for 31 years, is moving on to a new position as the Librarian at the NYS Dept. of Transportation. Her in-depth cataloging knowledge and institutional history will be missed! Sue cataloged thousands of titles for members and has been a true asset to the organization and to our membership. Sue also served as our Regional Automation Advisory Committee (RAAC) liaison and has especially valued the friendships she developed with members. Her last day is October 11. We wish Sue all the best as she embarks on this new adventure!
Save the Date: The CDLC Annual Membership Meeting and Luncheon is Thursday, May 7, 2020 at The Shaker Ridge Country Club. 
Local Connections
CDLC Board News: Board member Jen Cannell, former School Library System and Arts Coordinator at Capital Region BOCES School Library System, is now the Director of the Library Media Specialist Program at St. John Fisher College and has resigned from the CDLC Board. We thank Jen for her contributions to our region and to CDLC! 

Thank you to Kim Mitchell from Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Chair of our Committee on Resource Sharing; Colleen Smith from Town of Ballston Community Library and Chair of our Regional Automation Advisory Committee, and Mary Van Ullen from University at Albany and Chair of our Collection Development Committee, for chairing our committees for second terms.  Committee work is underway!

Your Input is Needed: Our Committee on Resource Sharing is distributing a survey in October to gather information about members' resource sharing operations and related topics. We encourage and request your participation. Results will be reviewed by the committee and shared with members. 
A VALUABLE RESOURCE: The U.S. Census Bureau recently launched a new version of The new website adds features, resources, and materials to help inform the public about the 2020 Census. The site includes dozens of new Statistics in Schools materials, a new web page to share facts about the 2020 Census, information on applying for jobs, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Shared Collections
Two committee-sponsored October programs to help you manage your collections and make them more accessible:

Making a Collection Count is presented by "Awful Library Books" at East Greenbush Community Library next Wednesday, October 2 from 10 am-noon.

MarcEdit with Terry Reese, creator and developer of MarcEdit, presents at Clifton Park Halfmoon Public Library on Tuesday October 22. The first half of the day will be an overview of MarcEdit and a discussion of using the software in your workflows. The afternoon will include a discussion of real-world problems and specific issues involving MarcEdit. This workshop is for both people who want to learn more about MarcEdit and those who are currently using it. All are welcome!

I recently toured the New York State Library and learned more about the Talking Book and Braille Library, a free library service for eligible residents who are unable to use standard print materials due to a visual or physical disability. Materials are mailed to and from library patrons at their homes at no charge. The TBBL collection includes fiction and nonfiction audio and braille books, with over 70 magazine subscriptions available as well.
JUST FOR FUN (with some beautiful photos!):  "How libraries became tourism hotspots"
On Friday October 11, The University at Albany presents Digital Scholarship: Opportunities and Challenges, and on Thursday, October 17, they are presenting Safety Culture for Cultural Organizations. Both events are open to all members. 

On Monday, October 21 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm: The Libraries at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute present the 4th Carl A. Westerdahl Forum, Every Appearance of Permanence: Data Preservation Issues in the Digital Age, featuring the following panelists:  Jonas S. Almeida, Ph.D., Chief Data Scientist, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, National Institutes of Health; David Howell, Head of Heritage Science, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford; George Blood, Founder/CEO of George Blood, LP, a leading provider of archival audio and moving image services; and Bryan Alexander, Ph.D., Department of Learning and Design, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Georgetown University. CDLC is a co-sponsor and members are welcome. 

Registration is open for Bridging the Gap: Preparing High School Special Needs Students for Success in College for Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at Hudson Valley Community College. 

Member News
Kristi Beedon is the new HFM  (Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery) School Library System (SLS) Director and Coordinator of the Instructional Resource Center (IRC).  

Kathryn Kosto joins the Albany County Historical Association as their new Executive Director.

Marietta Carr is the new librarian at the Schenectady County Historical Society.
We hope to see you soon!
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. 

Kind Regards,