New England Arab American Organization

Serving Arab Americans, New Mainers and communities across

Cumberland, York & Kennebec Counties 207-347-0249 info@neaaoorg

Why Arabic School?

Children who are bilingual show an incredible ability to understand the connection between words and meaning. This is because their minds are flexible and attuned to nuance. This is especially true for young people learning English and Arabic. They must learn an entirely new alphabet, and develop skills in reading in two different directions! Many studies prove that children who learn two languages grow into confident adults, secure in their identities and well prepared to take on new challenges and opportunities.

NEAAO operates the only Children's Arabic School in Maine, with classes held each Saturday for four hours, throughout the regular school year. Currently, 86 students in grades K-11 attend one of eight classes taught by nine teachers, including NEAAO's founder and director Zoe Sahloul. Not all of the students are Arab Americans or come from Arabic-speaking homes. Some parents see this as a great opportunity for their children to gain a wider perspective while learning a second language.

"We teach reading, writing and speaking, but we also expose children to the rich Arab culture through music, art, calligraphy and food. They learn about the history and importance of Arabic, which is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world," says Ms. Sahloul.

One young student puts it this way: "My grandma doesn't speak English and I want to be able to tell her I love her." Perhaps that's the best reason of all!

What's ahead in 2022?

NEAAO is always ready to discover new needs in the New Mainer community. For the past two years, we have heard many men speak about how much they miss the cafes of their home countries. With this in mind, NEAAO created Beit Jedi--house of my grandfather. Two times a month, NEAAO will transform Westbrook Community Center into a Middle Eastern cafe, where men can listen to music, enjoy Arabic-style coffee, tea and pastries, and talk over a game of backgammon or chess. Guest speakers will be invited to address topics like men's health, stress reduction and local resources. Check our website in the days ahead for more information.

Working toward a Covid-free future

NEAAO continues to work with Maine DHHS, CDC and community organizations to ensure access to testing and vaccine for our community. In January, we performed 187 rapid antigen tests and participated in three vaccination clinics. We offer free testing at:

Westbrook Community Center, M-F, 10:30 - 12:30 / Bridgton Library, Tuesdays, 3:00 - 6:00

and by appointment--call 207-347-0249

Free Covid-19 testing kits mailed to your household.

You can order a free Covid-19 testing kit with four tests here.

Through a partnership between Maine DHHS and The Rockefeller Foundation, you can get an additional kit with five tests mailed to your home by clicking here.

Need help ordering? Call us at 207-347-0249.

Westbrook Winterfest

Look for NEAAO's Together Home is Here RV at Westbrook Winterfest on March 5 at Riverside Park between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. Participate in a public art project and try your hand at Arabic calligraphy.

Winterfest schedule and activities

Spring coming.jpg

Continue the Valentine's Love just a little longer!

NEAAO loves your support! Please consider helping us further our mission to bridge the culture gap and create healthy, resilient communities by making a gift today.