November and December 2020 Newsletter
Crime and Safety Committee
  • Neighborhood Crime Stats 2019 vs 2020
  • Neighborhood Package Thief

Coronavirus Updates
  • New Websites for Vaccine Information
  • Activities in Tuscany-Canterbury
  • Free Fruits and Vegetables

Streets and Greens Committee
  • Slow Streets Update
  • Slow Streets Survey
  • 6 New Trees Planted

Calvert School Liaison Committee
  • Winter Break Begins December 18
  • Committee Meets December 15

Neighborhood News
  • Thank You, Mary Pat Clarke
  • Odette Ramos: New 14th District Council Representative

Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
  • New Student Center of JHU Campus
  • Roland Water Tower Update

Neighborhood Questions and Comments
  • JHU Survey
  • Leaves
  • Recycling
  • Dog Leash Laws

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (October and November)

Neighborhood Restaurant Updates 
Support Our Neighborhood Restaurants

Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
  • TCNA Zoom Board Meeting January 6 at 7PM
  • First Friday is Canceled for January
  • See Other Events

Fall is Beautiful in Tuscany-Canterbury

Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer. If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them to
39th Street near Canterbury
Canterbury Road
Tuscany Court and Tuscany Road
Cloverhill Road
Tuscany Road near Ridgemede

TCNA Crime and Safety Committee
Paul and Maria Gallo, co-chairs
Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore.

Again the crime statistics are extremely low for the 4000 residents who live in Tuscany-Canterbury. Thanks to everyone in the neighborhood who helps prevent crime and to Baltimore City Police Department who supports us when we call.
BEWARE Package Thief
A neighbor recently found this scene on the sidewalk. Address labels show these were from the entire street. UPS either dropped all of Cloverhill Road's boxes in one pile, or the porch pirates did their thing and gathered under the street light to see what was worth taking and left the rest.

You can help!
  1. Report any issue to the police and let TCNA know
  2. If you have a Ring door bell or security camera that caught anything unusual, let TCNA know. That is how the porch pirate was caught the last time.

Coronavirus Information
Useful Health Resources
Good Reference Sites:

Where to get COVID-19 Test:
  • This link has a list of testing sites across the City, with details as to which need a referral, and which are walk-up.
More Information about Meals for Families
Special things are happening in Tuscany-Canterbury during the pandemic.
Thanks to the Urbaneks and Renzis for sponsoring the neighborhood Sidewalk Serenade, featuring The High and Wides.
Neighborhood children had an informal and safe parade.
COVID-19 SMASH: With leftover Halloween candy, the Parsleys made a Covid-19 piñata. Neighborhood children smashed Covid-19 and reaped the rewards.
Streets and Greens Committee
Rose Weeks, Chairperson
Greens Subcommittee: Bonnie Boland, Chair

Priorities for enhancing safety, environmental friendliness, and livability 
6 New Trees Planted on Canterbury Road
Some good news: A subcontractor for the City has just planted 6 trees: 5 along the east side of Canterbury Rd. (block closest to University Parkway) and one on University Parkway, in front of One World Cafe. This was part of our effort to get more street trees planted.  We could not have had this done without the amazing help and guidance of our very own neighborhood arborist, Fred Chalfant. We had hoped to do a more community planting, but the Coronavirus made that too big an obstacle, for the time being. Our grateful thanks to Fred.  
Slow Streets Update

The Streets Committee talked with Odette Ramos about the Slow Streets program. Linkwood Road between University Parkway and Tuscany Road had been requested to be part of the Slow Streets program by TCNA. The City has finished the Phase 3 of the program which limited the inclusion in the program. Tuscany-Canterbury would be considered if another area decided that they didn't want it.

The City has decided not to add any additional streets to the Slow Streets program for now. The City plans to issue a revised application process, if the program returns in the Spring, depending on COVID.
Complete the City Slow Streets Survey
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation seeks input from Baltimore City residents on the Slow Street program. The survey takes an estimated 5 to 10 minutes. Anonymized responses will be shared with Baltimore CIty DOT and Baltimore City Council members. Summarized, aggregated, and anonymized d

ata will be shared with the public.
It's Important:
Clear Street Gutters

Please remember that homeowners, condos, and apartments are responsible for the street gutters in front of their property. Please keep these gutters clear of leaves and debris to help mitigate flooding.
Calvert School Liaison Committee
Julia Frasier, Chairperson

Calvert School is one of the few schools in Baltimore City that has remained open for in-person learning this year, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking direction from the CDC, and by following all state and local guidelines, the school has maintained a healthy environment for students, faculty, and administration. The school remained closed for a few extra days after the Thanksgiving holiday, but intends to remain fully operational again from December 7th until the winter break, which begins on December 18th, with an early 12:30 dismissal. The plan is for students to return to campus at 8am on January 4th. This schedule is always subject to change, as needed, following the guidance and advice from health professionals and local authorities.

As in many areas of our lives, new accommodations have been made at the school, such as regular temperature checks and a brief questioning of health for every family, every morning at drop-off. These extra precautions and protocols have slowed things down a bit in the carpool line, but as everyone adjusts to the "new normal", the process seems to be getting smoother - most days, at any rate. 

Due to the lack of clubs for students at the end of the day, a higher concentration of students is being picked up right at 3pm. The school has encouraged a staggered pick-up ime, but congestion is still occasionally reported. These, and other issues can be shared with me, as I am in consistent communication with the school regarding neighborhood concerns. 

Our committee will have our second of four yearly meetings with the Head of School on December 15th. Please reach out to me, if you have specific concerns to voice at the meeting. Thank you, Julia.

Roland Water Tower Update: 
Progress continues on the renovation of the historic tower, and it is really cool to see the renovation team zipping up and down the scaffolding. They sure do get some wonderful views from the top! The tower's Steering Committee thanks those who provided valuable input at the recent planning meetings for the park space (virtually and on-site) last month! Preliminary plans from the landscape architect are currently being developed. 

Visit for more information, sign up for the latest project news (and see new photos), and even follow the project on Instagram (@rolandwatertower).
Design Concept Selected for Hopkins Student Center
(33rd and Charles Street)

The concept, submitted by the international architectural firm Bjarke Ingels Group, features an open design with a large central campus living room, a variety of social spaces, themed community lounges, art and enrichment spaces, and dining options. For more information click here.
Neighborhood News
If you have someone or something that you would like to be included, please email Amy Mutch
Thank you, Mary Pat
In the Spring of 1975, a Cloverhill Road mother loaded her youngest daughter into a stroller and began knocking on doors in the 2nd City Council District. She had just spent the previous years leading the Greater Homewood Community Corporation, an umbrella coalition of neighborhoods surrounding Johns Hopkins, working to establish Action In Maturity (AIM), strengthen our schools, and organizing the City Fair. That young mother was Mary Pat Clarke. With the help of many Tuscany Canterbury residents such as the Eberharts, Chalfonts and O’Briens, Mary Pat was successful. Forty five years ago, she was sworn into the Baltimore City Council.

It was an exciting time to be on the Council. She joined another community resident, Barbara Mikulski who would soon launch her City Council role into a run for the United States Congress. They were a dynamic duo! From shaping the debate on Harbor Place, to rent control, or passing residential permit parking and tenants right of first refusal, Mary Pat was an immediate and tremendous success.

She served in the Council from 1975-1983 and as City Council President from 1987-1995. She was the first woman ever elected citywide and was lead sponsor of the nation’s first “Living Wage” law. In 2004 Mary Pat ran an unsuccessful campaign for Mayor.

When Baltimore voters approved single-member City Council districts, Mary Pat ran again for office. In November of 2004 she was sworn into office in the newly created 14th District. Here we are sixteen years later, and Mary Pat has decided it is time for a new generation to fill her shoes on the Baltimore City Council.

We will miss her! What we will miss the most is really her greatest talent and accomplishment: Mary Pat has just shown up, answered our calls, stopped by our homes, and listened to us for the past forty plus years. She is known for her attention and caring for every constituent call or need. We have all seen her at our neighborhood meetings or just on the street with her trusted 3x5 note cards, taking every detail of our stories or complaints. Helping us, helping our neighborhood is just in her DNA.

We have enjoyed watching that young mother and her husband Joe raise four children, John, Erin, Susan, and Jenny. They now take joy in the latest stories of their ten grandchildren. And they are still our neighbors on Cloverhill Road.

Written by Maggie McIntosh on behalf of everyone in Tuscany-Canterbury. THANK YOU.
Another Mary Pat Neighborhood Memory

My favorite Mary Pat story (which I hand-wrote on the newsletter but my handwriting being what it is, thought I should also type): Some years ago during a water main break, which necessitated a giant hole being dug in the middle of Tuscany Road, I walked down to it to see if the crew knew when water might be restored, and there's Mary Pat up to her neck in the hole, checking progress. "Wow," I said to her, "getting muddy!" "I do this a lot," she said.

Ann Finkbeiner
SAVE June 22 as a date to celebrate with Mary Pat.
Due to Covid19 we have not been able to have a party with Mary Pat. If you are interested in helping, have any photos to share, or stories to tell,
email Jo-Ann Orlinsky.
Odette Ramos Elected:
14th District City Council Representative
Message from Odette: We worked hard during the campaign and you will see our District 14 team work even harder, passing critical legislation, creating new initiatives, and working through your neighborhood concerns. In the next few weeks we will start to outline what this will look like. 

I am excited to work with our new Mayor, new Council President, new Comptroller, and all of my City Council colleagues to move Baltimore forward. Our City Council gets sworn in on December 10th.

You also made history! Electing Baltimore's first Hispanic elected official is a major milestone for our City! 

To contact Odette and her staff:
  • or 443-801-8137 
  • Cindy Leahy Director of Constituent Services
  • Gabe Stuart Sikowtiz Legislative Director:
  • Yaslin Machuca Communications Coordinator
  • Office: Baltimore City Hall, 100 N Holliday Street, Room 505, Office phone 410-396-4814
Odette Ramos
One of The Baltimore Sun’s 25 Women to Watch 2020: Best in advocacy, business and health

From women’s issues to community development to affordable housing, Odette Ramos has been an advocate in Baltimore for 30 years. Knocking on nearly 19,000 doors and witnessing a family lose their home to a tax sale only gave her more fuel to campaign harder. Ramos won the City Council District 14 and will become Baltimore’s first Hispanic councilwoman: “I have an additional set of folks that I want to be accountable to, but also to represent and lift their voices.”

To watch Sun video, click here
Neighborhood Questions and Comments

If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.

Andy and Lu Parsley, Co-Presidents TCNA
Survey request from JHU
Deadline for Comment on the Draft RFP is Extended to December 18th at 5 pm  

In an effort to ensure we hear from as many residents, students, staff and faculty as possible, we are extending the deadline for comment to December 18th at 5 pm.
You may access the draft JHU Innovation Fund for Community Safety RFP here:

This draft RFP sets out details on eligibility for the fund, authorized uses of funding, the availability of technical assistance and Fund’s plans for external evaluation. It also explains the requirements for an application and provides criteria for the application review.  

Please provide comments and questions to this draft RFP by December 18th at 5pm. We anticipate making changes based on these comments and releasing a final RFP in early January 2021.

Again, thank you in advance for your valuable feedback and comments. 
   Thank you,
   Dean Ellen Mackenzie, MD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
   Vice Dean Joshua Sharfstein, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health 
   Vice President Alicia Wilson, JD, Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Health System
Will leaves be collected this year with the regular trash pick-up?
YES. Leaf collection season begins Monday, October 26, 2020, and will continue through Monday, January 4, 2021. The Department of Public Works (DPW) Bureau of Solid Waste will collect bagged leaves on regularly scheduled trash collection days. Solid Waste crews will collect up to 5 bags of leaves from each address every week.

Citizens should avoid sweeping leaves into the streets, alleys, gutters or storm drains. Leaves should be bagged and set out for collection.
What is the law requiring dogs to be on a leash?

Response from Councilwoman Odette Ramos

Complaints are increasing about unleashed dogs in our green spaces, particularly Wyman Park, Wyman Park Dell, and the space in the Stadium Place development. In fact, an unleashed dog attacked the daughter of one of our residents in Ednor Gardens recently, and incidence of arguments between unleashed dog owners and those who keep their dogs on leashes have increased.

Let me be clear, and Baltimore City's law is clear: You must always have your dog on a leash. It is a $200 fine, and you could have your dog taken from you for repeated infractions. I personally will be working to enforce this law by raising awareness and passing legislation to raise the fees.

It is important to provide an alternative, and so we will be having discussions about where secured dog parks should be located in our district so you can run your dogs leash-free. If you want to be part of the discussion about this issue, please email me here.
Recycling Drop Off Update
No new updates. We will notify you when curbside recycling will begin again. The last we heard, we would hear something from the DPW around December 15.

Nearest locations: 
Mergenthaler (“Mervo”) High School’s parking lot, 3500 block of Tivoly.
  • Mon, Wed, Fri, 8AM - 6PM
  • Tues, Thurs, 7AM - 6PM
2840 Sisson Street
  • Monday – Saturday, 9AM - 7PM.

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
October & November 2020
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Address and Sale Price
  • 4000 N Charles Street 1D #102 $136,256
  • 230 Stony Run Lane #1D. $241,000
  • 3908 N Charles Street #1300. $3,400,000
Note:  This data represents real estate activity from October 1 to November 30, 2020 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Neighborhood Restaurants Update

Support Our Neighborhood Restaurants
Call or check website for latest information
Thanks to Ann Bond who updates restaurant information monthly.
443 449 6200
Enjoy a meal in our newly renovated open concept American bistro. 

Menu features classic American Collections; breakfast and dinner

Pick up and Delivery

Visit website or call for more information.
Authentic Indian restaurant menu, including Rice Specialties, Tandoori Entrees, Seafood Entrees, Chicken & Vegetable Specialties and much more

Visit website or call for more information ordering, pick up and delivery, event catering.


Authentic Greek Food with Mediterranean Flare

Open for Carry out and Pick up

Visit website or call for information
Visit website or call for more information on hours, specials, ordering, etc.
410 366-6603

10% Off In-Store Purchases for TCNA Members (Except for Tobacco Products)

Liquor Sold on Sundays
Prepared Foods, Grocery and Household Items, Packaged Wine, Beer, Liquor 

On-Line Ordering for Pick up
FREE Delivery

Events Happening In and Around

Queens Unseen: Royals Without Crowns, A Musical Exploration of Women's Voting Rights in Our Democracy

December 11, 2020 at 7PM
SNF Parkway Virtual Theatre
Free and open to the public
Queens Unseen: Royals Without Crowns, A Musical Exploration of Women's Voting Rights in Our Democracy
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment that gave U.S. women the right to vote, Johns Hopkins University has partnered with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s OrchKids Program to explore and raise awareness about this momentous occasion.

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s OrchKids Program embarked on a fact-finding and inspiration-seeking journey guided through the writings of Martha Jones and Elaine Weiss to discover the intricate and contentious element of racism throughout the suffrage movement.

OrchKids students created a composition centered around three distinct themes of the suffrage movement: representation, voting, and the future of democracy. While OrchKids composed, a group of film students from Johns Hopkins University gathered imagery to set to the composition creating a special audio/visual presentation that will inform and at times challenge our understanding of the history of the 19th Amendment and its effect on female empowerment today.
Holiday Market during Waverly 32nd Street Market
December 12th
December 19th

It is so exciting to have four holiday markets this year during the Waverly Market! This effort is in conjunction with the Bmore Local Buy More Local initiative in District 14.

Rather than just one Saturday on Small Business Saturday, vendors from across the district will sell their products during the final Saturdays of December.

The Waverly Market is Baltimore's only year-round outdoor market. It is deemed essential and takes extreme precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Masks and social distancing are required. For more information click here.

December 17 12:00 – 12:45

Moderated by The Honorable Cory McCray, District 45
Presenter Stephen Ruckman, Deputy Director, SNF Agora Institute.  

SNF Agora is a multi-disciplinary academic and public forum dedicated to strengthening global democracy by improving and expanding civic engagement and inclusive dialogue, and by supporting inquiry that leads to real-world change. In partnerships with scholars, practitioners, students, and the public, the Institute uses research to identify and sharpen strategic choices that members of the public and civic and political stakeholders around Maryland and the world can make to realize the promise of democracy.

Zoom Webinar:
Meeting ID: 971 8659 2993

See flyer below for more information.
BMA is closed but Art-to-Go is GREAT
Free Family Sundays and Art-To-Go
The popular Free Family Sundays at Home weekly drop-in event is now a do-at-home craft project that is emailed every Friday. More than 100 downloadable Art-To-Go activities for kids are among the educator resources on the BMA’s website. 
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association      
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Officers and Board Members for July 2020 to June 2021

Co-Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Hannah Mazo (Ridgemede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)