Your quarterly news from NCAI. For more information visit
   Upcoming Events
This seminar goes beyond methodology to explore how to measure a property rights adjustment, the theory underlying the use of a leasehold yield rate (YLH) to value the leasehold, as well as the application of a property rights adjustment in all three approaches to value. Reg Rates Increase on Jan 7.
The course begins with a thorough review of existing manufactured housing products then delves into CHOICEHomeSM, a new accessible, affordable addition to America’s housing stock.
This course is an important course that provides information about standards and ethics requirements for valuers in general and, more specifically, for valuers who belong to the Appraisal Institute.
   Chapter News
This past Thursday, members and guests virtually attended the 2020 Q4 Chapter Business Meeting and Installation Ceremony. We celebrated our newly designated members (Chesney S. Baker, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS; Brian T. Bryant, MAI, AI-GRS; Nirzarni A. Coston, MAI; and William S. Overton, MAI), heard committee updates on how we ended the year, Chris Johnson, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, ASA gave his final address as the 2020 President, and the 2021 officers were installed, including 2021 President, Mike Moody, MAI. (Pictured: 2020 NCAI President, Chris Johnson, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, ASA and 2020 NCAI Vice President, Vanessa Hall, MAI)
The NCAI Scholarship Application for the first quarter offering is now available. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2021.
On October 28, Terry Campbell of the Live Oak Bank Self-Storage Lending Division and John C. Lindsey of the Lindsey Self Storage Group joined the Chapter to give members an exclusive update on the Self-Storage sector. Both shared their market insight and provided relevant data appraisers can apply in their report analyses. Terry discussed the Self-Storage sector from the lender’s perspective and how the pandemic has affected investor decisions and motivations. More NCAI Connect Webinars can be found here.
Giving a big congratulations to these 16 NCAI members who have received designations in 2020.
We’d like to welcome to our newest members who joined in Q4. Welcome Charles Andrew Alvarez, Jr.; Zackery Todd Barbee; Mark R Boone; Michael Oktavec; William S. Overton, MAI; and Philip Graham Pruette!
Check out our committee webpage for more information about what committees are available and the interest form. In particular, the Chapter is seeking a volunteer to be the 2021 PAC Treasurer. Another way to get involved to is participate in our Sponsorship Program to gain year-round visibility while championing the industry in North Carolina.
Check out the two new job postings or submit one of your own!
Send us updates on your company, job, new projects, personal life, etc. Send to
Legislators adjourned the 2020 short session on September 3, “sine die”, which means they are not scheduled to return to Raleigh until the 2021 session. Legislators spent the entire spring and summer dealing with coronavirus relief.
The Federal Housing Administration on Dec. 2 announced that for 2021 its loan limit for high-cost areas and for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages for reverse mortgages will increase from $765,600 to $822,375, and the floor from $331,760 to $356,362.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told the House Financial Services Committee Dec. 2 that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac need “significant capital” to get out of conservatorship, but noted that no definitive plans have been made for the government-sponsored enterprises, HousingWire reported. The Federal Housing Finance Agency plans to stay its course even with the incoming Biden presidency.
   Industry/National News
AI Answers, with Jeff Sherman, Steve Roach, Leslie Sellers, and Bill Garber, spotlights the newly released “The Appraisal of Real Estate,” 15th edition, a peer-reviewed Appraisal Institute text and an authoritative source of recognized methods and techniques for valuation practitioners. 
When the coronavirus pandemic first reached U.S. shores earlier this year, worries abounded about how it would affect the country’s housing market.
The Appraisal Institute Board of Directors adopted one 45-Day Notice item on its agenda during its Nov.12-13 meeting, which was conducted via videoconference due to the coronavirus pandemic.
AI will continue to compile vital information about this ever-changing environment. On our Coronavirus Updates page, you’ll continue to find news and updates from government-sponsored enterprises and agencies.
NC Chapter of the Appraisal Institute
1300 Baxter St., Ste. 360
Charlotte, NC 28204
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