November 1, 2020
Featured Articles
The Joke My Accounting Professor Told the Class
By Chad Hoffman, CGBP

Day one of Accounting 101 at UW Milwaukee (a very long time ago) the professor told the following joke: Three accountants are interviewing for an entry level position at a Wisconsin company. The CFO asks the first candidate, “What’s one plus one?” The candidate responds, “Two.” The CFO shows them the door and says, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” Candidate number two is asked the identical question which results in the same response and outcome.

Finally, candidate three is asked, “What’s one plus one?” Leaning forward in her chair, speaking in a low voice she responds, "...

The US Dollar and the 2020 Election
By Marc Chandler, Bannockburn Global Forex

An estimated $6.6 trillion a day changes hands in the foreign exchange market. The turnover in a week covers world trade for a year and is around a third larger than the dollar value of this year’s US GDP.  As you would expect, large impersonal forces drive the dollar’s exchange rate.  The contest to determine the occupant of the White House understandably draws much interest, but the drivers the foreign exchange market are larger and broader. Regardless of the outcome of the US election, we expect the dollar...

Navigating the Section 232 Exclusion Process
By Susie Schroeder

Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act allows the President to impose tariffs on imports into the United States if the US Secretary of Commerce feels that import volumes of the item impact the national security – excessive imports of an item with little domestic production would make it difficult for the country to be self-sufficient if the item was needed to fight conflicts or for warfare.  

The premise of the law is that it attempts to regenerate domestic production of certain items or...

Trade Resources for Non-Exporters… No Really
By Chad Hoffman, CGBP

Surprisingly, many “trade” resources and programs don’t require that a company be an exporter at all. A federal program available to any US company (including non-exporters) is Trade Adjustment Assistance which I’ll discuss later on. An indirect exporter, whose products end up in an OEM’s finished good that is later exported, can take advantage of Duty Drawbacks, Foreign Trade Zones and IC-DISC to name a few...

Meet Our Writers!
Each month we will feature one of our expert writers in this section. Have a recent export experience you'd like to share? Please contact us to submit your export success story!

Export Pro Webinar Series
The Export Pro Series of Webinars are produced quarterly and feature the many state and federal trade resources. Register for future webinars on the Go Global Website or view past webinars at no cost from our Webinar Library.
New Trade Passport Website Launch & Giveaway
The National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE) in collaboration with the Wisconsin SBDC Network and trade organizations based in 29 additional US states has launched the new Trade Passport website providing Export Assistance On-Demand.

The website includes an impressive webinar library which is updated regularly by NASBITE covering the following trade topics...

Ready to take the next step?
The Go Global Initiative is available to any and all Wisconsin companies who are looking to grow into new or existing international markets. Take advantage of our Free Export Assessment Tool by contacting us today!
About us
The Wisconsin SBDC Network is part of the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship. We help entrepreneurs, businesses and economic development professionals to achieve their goals by offering technical assistance and leveraging data. Learn more about us and how we can help you!