November 2015
Late Breaking News
APHA Updates
Tricia Piechowski-Whitney, MPH, MSW, MA

American Public Health Association (MPHA) 2015 Meeting is fast approaching! The Community-Based Public Caucus (CBPHC) is planning wonderful scientific sessions; partnering with the National Community-Based Organization Network (NCBON) for our annual community reception; holding a community workshop highlighting youth as leaders in community-based participatory research; and more.  These meetings will be at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place (Room CC23A). 

Our annual morning business meeting will also be at McCormick Place on Tuesday, Nov. 3.  Please browse the APHA-related details and updates below, and click here for a Schedule of CBPH Caucus Sessions at APHA . Also, remember to set your clocks back one hour on November 1. Hope to see you soon! 

CBPH Morning Business at McCormick Place on Nov. 3!

The CBPHC Annual Business Meeting is back! This year's meeting format is to engage in dialogue over complimentary coffee, tea, and juice around the work of the caucus and ways to augment our work in APHA and beyond. We'll also celebrate our annual Tom Bruce, E. Hill De Loney, and Lucille Webb awards! We look forward to seeing you there. Whether you're a Caucus member or not, we hope you can join us.  The meeting will be on Tuesday, November 3 at 6:30 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place: CC23ABC. NOTE: FREE BEVERAGES will be served (not breakfast). 
NCBON Business Meeting at McCormick Place on Nov. 1 
Please join us for our National Community-Based Organization Network (NCBON)  business meeting on Sunday, November 1 at 2 p.m.,  followed by the  CBPHC workgroup meetings at 3 p.m . T hese meetings will be at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we have a full schedule of sessions highlighting community-academic partnerships in action. For a full list of sessions,  visit the APHA website .
NCBON's 11th Annual Community Reception on Nov. 1 
NCBON is holding its 11th Annual Celebration of Community and Culture on  Sunday, November 1, 2015, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Chicago State University, Library Sunroom (9501 S. King Drive, Chicago, IL 60628). This year's celebration is being planned in collaboration with and co-hosted by  Demoiselle2Femme.

This organization has a rich history of providing community-based programs for girls on the far south side of Chicago as well as the south suburbs.  Their commitment to community-based efforts is aligned with NCBON's focus on to the growth  and survival of grassroots organizations and improved community health. Learn more about this organization at

This year's celebration will also recognize and celebrate Chicago-area Unsung Heroes  of public health. NCBON and its sponsoring partners, the Community-Based Public Health (CBPH) Caucus of the American Public Health Association (APHA) and Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) , bring the unique focus
 of the community voice to APHA. We are guided by the belief that community lies at the heart of public health and that interventions work best when they are rooted in the values, knowledge, expertise, and interests of the community itself. 

As a current, past, or future member of the NCBON family and recipient of its many public health offerings over the past 11 years, we invite you to help preserve this tradition by joining us at the NCBON Reception in Chicago and/or by contributing $25 toward its success. Click here for an informational flier. 

Youth Workshops & Youth-Related Activities: Nov. 1 & 3

T his year the CBPHC is hosting a community workshop entitled  Voices of Youth: Leaders in Collaborative Research  in partnership 'in partnership with Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH), Village Leadership Academy, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) at the University of Michigan, Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS), University of North Carolina Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and the University of Illinois Cancer Center

This unique workshop--which is scheduled for  Sunday, November 1 from 9 to 11:45 a.m. at the  Village Leadership Academy (1001 West Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, IL 60608)--will highlight youth from around the country who are taking leadership roles in research in their c ommunities through collaborative partnerships.  Registration i s required YOUTH ARE FREE!Breakfast is included with registration fee. Donations and fees collected go to support youth to present at this workshop and attend APHA.   
(Sorry, CEUs are not provided.) 
Register by October 30 at 
youth roundtable

The  Youth Roundtable is scheduled for  Tuesday, November 3 at 4:30 p.m. This session is for youth-led presentati ons on CBPR work in their local communities. It's a great showcase of research and  projects highlighting "Youth leading the way to healthier communities." We welcome Chicago youth to join us even if they are not attending APHA. This year's roundtable is at Hyatt Regency McCormick Place: CC23ABC.

Following the Youth Roundtable, the CBPH Caucus Youth Council is convening together and invite you to attend a no-host dinner gathering. The Youth Council hopes to bring together all youth both presenting at the Youth Roundtable and those youth attending the Youth Roundtable to meet, engage in Youth Council and share food. Please plan on extending Roundtable stay to include another 2-3 hours for the YC dinner. (The Youth Council has no funding, so everything is volunteer and pay-your-own-way, but totally inclusive.) 

We're looking for sponsors! The CBPH Caucus is committed to mentoring community youth researchers and bringing them to APHA to showcase their work. Just a little can go a long way to support youth travel. Please help us by donating to this effort.

Registration for this youth workshop ends at midnight on Friday, Oct. 30. 
Open Positions with CBPH Caucus
Here is the list of positions open beginning December 2016. Please CLICK HERE for information about responsibilities and qualifications
  • Chair-elect
  • Co-Treasurer
  • Community Program Planner
If you are interested in any of the above, please email our Chair Tricia at

Join the CBPH Caucus
Want to help support the vision of the CBPH Caucus--and enjoy some practical benefits at the same time? If so, then please consider joining the Caucus or renewing your membership if it has expired. A regular membership is $25; a student membership is $5; and organizations can sign up three people for $66.  Caucus membership benefits are as follows: 
  • Informative group emails; 
  • Invitations to participate in the CBPH Caucus Annual Business Meeting at APHA;
  • Can serve as volunteers and as active members of committees and networks;
  • Eligible to be nominated for leadership positions; 
  • Can apply for travel scholarship funding, if available.
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website: