Reflections with Fr. Mark
Dear Parishioners,

John the Baptist was a character and his story is one of interest.  We all hear of him as we begin our Lenten journey.  He was the precursor and introduced the coming of the Christ.  He baptized Jesus and pointed to the light coming into the world.  In the same way, we are called as disciples of Christ to point to Him, as John did, while we diminish.  

Like John, through baptism and repentance we become heralds of Christ himself through our words, actions and attitudes, making him visible for others.  Our journey in life and faith gives us the opportunity to perfect our imaging for Christ to the world.  Yes, we will fail many times, but like Christ himself, we too get up and continue the journey – even to the Cross.


Fr. Mark
St. Luke Parish Mass Schedule

Weekdays: 9:00 am

Reservations for weekday Masses are no longer needed.

Sunday Masses: 8:30 am | 10:30 am | Virtual

Reservations required. Please call the Pastoral Office before
3:00 pm on Fridays each week to make a reservation. 

Please also call the office by Noon on
Fridays if you need to cancel a reservation. 

Drive-thru Communion:
Offered on Sundays 11:45 am to 12:20 pm. Details…
Drive-thru Confessions
Offered on Saturdays at 1:00 pm.  Details...
*** No Confessions on Saturday, July 4. ***