April 27, 2017   
Chamber Calendar of Events!

May 4- 5, 2017
MB Chambers of Commerce  AGM
Assiniboia Chamber is pleased
t o be host chamber. 
Sponsored by: 

May 18, 2017
Lunch Meeting
Centreport - Live, Work, Play, Learn
with Diane Gray
Assiniboia Downs. 
NEW Member Referral Program
You Can WIN a Winnipeg Blue Bomber Ticket Package

Know of a business that could benefit from chamber membership? Send us a note, call the office or stop by. All referrals will be entered into our prize draws.  For the following months we will draw one entry to receive 2 Bomber Game Tickets per date.

Referrals received during the months of:

April-May  game tix for June 15, July 7 & 13
June-July game tix for July 27 & Aug. 17
August game tix for Sept 9 & 22
September game tix for Oct. 6, 14 & 28

There is no better time to send us your referrals, to grow your chamber and a chance to cheer on the Blue & Gold. Contact us at 204-774-4154 or 

Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities

Online Member Directory
Enhance your business presence of the online directory with the addition of your logo. Only $25 for the year will have your logo placed with your member listing.
or call 204-774-4154

Help Wanted !
Visit the member only pages to view current job postings by our members. 
Assiniboia Chamber Members - Affinity Partner Offers   (For Members Only!)
Enhance your social media presence through the pre-designed SPARK service packages provided by The Marketing Department. Get on-line and capture new business. Contact Aaron at TMD

First Data -  
Merch a nt services  (credit card payment processing) They will beat your current program costs or provide a MasterCard gift card. A few minutes is all it takes and a review of your current monthly billing. For more info
Lunch Meeting May 18
Centreport Canada - Live, Work, Learn, Play

One of the largest developments in the Assiniboia Chamber community is our inland port. Diane Gray, President & CEO will provide an update on the status of the development and what is coming next. 
Don't miss this last event in our meeting series, sure to be informative and of interest to all. 
Thursday May 18, 2017
Assiniboia Downs
11:30am - 1:30pm

Event Sponsor

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce 86th AGM 
May 4- 5, 2017  

The Assiniboia Chamber is pleased to be the host chamber for the upcoming MB Chambers of Commerce AGM. 

Join us and chamber representatives from across Manitoba at the opening reception Thursday May 4 at the Journey to Churchill Exhibit at the Assiniboine Park Zoo, conference sesions or the gala dinner on Friday May 5. 

Chamber members are invited to attend all or part of the conference.   Manitoba Chambers of Commerce AGM & Event  Registration

Thank you to our Event Sponsor

87th Assiniboia Chamber AGM

Thank you to Mayor Bowman for attending our AGM and providing an informative address.  A great turnout by the membership as we welcome our new and returning board members.

Member Profiles
Spring is HERE!!!!
(At least the calendar says so!)

So is the yard work, if you are thinking about hiring a yard service for your lawn maintenance or someone to design a retreat area consult the following members.

Blue Hill Designs
444 Academy Road

St. James Lawn & Garden
235 Moorgate Street
(204) 797-3108
Offering Member to Member discount for Assiniboia Chamber Members.

Visit the Chamber Business directory to review the many varied members of the Assiniboia Chamber Directory
Golf with the Board.
Thursday June 01, 2017

Save the date, we have changed up our last social event of the year from a tournament style to an afternoon of golf with the board.

Glendale Golf & Country Club is the venue, 9 holes of golf followed by a social gathering in the club lounge.Great opportunity to come out and enjoy an afternoon amongst fellow chamber members. More details to follow.    
Enhance your Membership Profile 
Tip of the Week!

All Chamber members have access to the  Member Only portal of the Assiniboia Chamber website:
Sponsor an event or series of chamber events, we provide continuous promotion of your brand and include event registrations as well. Contact Richard at the chamber office  

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce | | |
1867 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, R3J 3X7